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Posts posted by Stingray

  1. Joe,

    Thanks for info. I'll get those books. It would increase my enjoyment of the game and knowledge of PT Boat actions outside the PTO.

    BTW, When I googled the game, I saw screenshots of night action. Hooray !!!

  2. Love PT Boats !!! From what I have read the Pacific Theater will not be included. Tell me it isn't so.... The PTO was were the PT Boats really showed their mettle.

    In the Pacific Theater, PT Boats normally attacked at night. Will tlhere be night battles?


  3. I have tried to download the last four mods posted but have come up with error messages on all. The mods that did not download are: 1) Universal beach mod 2) Red tracers-1st upload 3) Red tracers-2nd upload and 4) Decreased ambiance and fire sounds.

    I was able to download the Syrian CAMO ATGM mod.

    Anybody else having the same problem?


  4. Hmmm, a VAST amount of the pleasure I enjoyed while playing CMx1 revolved around QB's. I highly valued the ability to pick any force I wanted. As much as I valued having my opponent do the same. Sometimes it led to totally one-sided actions. Hey, that was fun, but we usually just restarted. A techie version of rock, paper, scissors.

    Limiting choices to parent formations and subordinated attachments would remove that element of joy.

    My .02


    Amen Brother Ken !! Them are my exact sentiments.


  5. I guess I had too many Bannana juice and Rum Cocktail... OOOPS !!

    The game was set to Real Time and I did not even notice. Thanks, you guys just saved me from utter desolation.... The Blue Bar is back...The Blue Bar is Back.

    Gotta go. Need to climb the nearest bannana tree to look out for the approacihg CMBF.


    Stingray, Lord of the Apes

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