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Everything posted by zipgun

  1. woops sorry for the rp my bad , i guess i should search before and not during posting
  2. More of an action shooter based on q3 than a tact fps but i gotta agree that it has some of the best skins and eyecandy i've ever seen in a ww2 game. check it out http://www.zdnet.com/gamespot/stories/previews/0,10869,2674355,00.html
  3. imo i think midway was a bomb because it was not a joint japan/us production as it was with tora tora tora, as the japanese parts had that unique toyo feel to them, also midway seemed to use footage from ttt and i also think that unlike ttt which used japanese actors the use of american actors playing the japanese in midway is just plain goofy(no disrespect to them of course) it just does not jive, heck i like subtitles in a film just gives it that realistic feel you know
  4. But in one regard I hold the KH Tigers above the SPR ones - they fire their bow-MGs! I have SPR on video and have tried to find one instance where that is done, to no avail. There is one time it does, the part where mellish,upham and henderson are in the apartment and mellish tells upham to get more ammo and to tell the captain that this place is going to fold. and so upham runs down the stairs and almost gets nailed by the tiger sitting in road as he runs across to get the ammo.
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