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Posts posted by Jumbo

  1. Has anyone considered that they might not all be dead?? They could be wounded or battle fatigued.

    Anyways we need some indication that they didn't just disappear from the game due to a bug or something. With them lying there, it reminds me of the reality of war. We should always keep that in mind, lest we become calloused and think war is like it is in the Rambo movies.

    Bravo to BTS for walking the fine line and not showing us pools of blood and such. They do everything with class!

    Happy Holidays everyone.


  2. Phoenix,

    That is OK with me. Matt helped me with some advice off-board. So, I wasn't ignored and that is a good thing.

    I learned that I could download the beta patch and it would NOT overwrite anything, so I could give it it's own shortcut on my desktop. Ver. 1.05 has his own seperate shortcut also. I just hope they tell us what to do when the beta is final, so we can remove the beta.

    BTS looks to me like they be working their butts off and I'm willing to wait and let them surprise me.

    Thanks to all who replied.


  3. Horrido,

    Them 2 cents are well received!

    My situation is that I want to keep PBEMing with my BEST friend who wants to wait for the final version. I heartily accept your report on ver. 1.05.

    Isn't there an incompatability issue? Won't he get a message telling him to upgrade when we PBEM if I upgrade and he doesn't?

    I don't mind helping BTS. I simply love this game and more power to BTS.

    Maybe I'm missing something. How can I upgrade AND still PBEM with someone who only has ver. 1.05? I guess that is the $64 question. Many thanks.


  4. I was wondering when the most recent CMBO patch will move on beyond the beta stage. I am very grateful for this game as it enables my best friend and I to battle it out in the worlds best wargame and yet be on different sides of the globe.

    The trouble is that my friend wants to wait for the final release of the patch. Until then the game enhancements are beyond my reach. I'm stuck at ver. 1.05.

    I'm just hoping for some light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you.


  5. Hello everyone,

    I've been PBEMing with my best who is stationed in Germany. He feels strongly about waiting for the final version of the latest patch before he upgrades. The game enhancements are tempting, I have to say.

    Does anyone know when this patch won't be a beta patch anymore and in it's final form?

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