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Posts posted by Jumbo

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von Lucke:

    Yah, I've had this discussion with a couple of PBEM opponents. The QB's are in no way historical or fair in their recreation of forces. The Germans allways end up with a numerical superiority in rolling stock. Best way to counter it is to only play Probe or Attack QB's (with the Allies attacking), or give the Allied player an +10% - +25% Handicap.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I'm with you von Lucke! It is really deceptive to think that you'll get an evenly matched quick battle in a QB.

    The other suggestion regarding the use of the creation of a scenario has a little problem. In a QB, your opponents exact OOB is unknown -just like in a real battle. It seems that the fog-of-war won't extend that far when you create a scenario. I believe that it would require a third party like Fionn uses.

    Maybe BTS would like to start a CM scenario service? It might be easier to just make the purchasing of units more balanced.


  2. I know that this may have talked about before. It needs to be talked about again -it seems. Searches don't seem to help. The ranting is just too deep to have to wade through.

    Ok, after a fair amount of PBEM & TCP play, my friend & I have noticed a marked uneveness in the forces that face each other. This is whether the AI chooses the units or they are purchased by the player -based on the CM unit cost system. The German player always ends up with a whole lot more battlefield assets than the allied player.

    An example: In a 1500 pt. Meeting Engagement QB, I was able to purchase:


    2 Panther Gs (late)

    2 Pz IVHs

    2 Stuh42s (late)

    1 Ostwind

    1 Wirbelwind

    1 Hummel


    2 SPW 234/1 ACs

    As the Americans, all he was able to purchase:

    6 Veteran M4A3(76)W+s

    They may all add up to the same amount of points, but the two forces facing each other are no way evenly matched. In a friendly ME game, they should be evenly matched. The American force was eventually defeated, BTW.

    It seems that for a 2000 point QB, the Americans need 500 points and the British need 100 points just to even it up. We go by the CM unit cost system, thinking it is fair, but it simply isn't. I don't believe that I'm missing something here. confused.gif?

    Does anyone else use a similar system?

    Thanks for your help.


  3. Heck, I had a guy stop sending in a PBEM game BEFORE I saw the playing of the first turn. I wonder, did he meet some untimely demise, get abducted by an alien, or find a pretty sweetheart?

    Either way it isn't very nice. You gotta communicate -plain & simple. I won't mind if someone tells me that he can't play anymore. This is a game after all. Real life always takes precedence.


  4. For a simple roster, I write down the units that I purchase (or just set up) BEFORE the gameplay begins. It takes just a few minutes. You can cross off units that get eliminated -as it happens. After all, a commander should always know what he is in command of.

    Perhaps the unit purchase page can be automatically kept in memory somewhere and accessed with a hotkey. No, that really shouldn't take a whole lot of programming. The list already has to exist (somewhere) for the AI to pick & hence place the units.

    Now, to find them in a big battle is another matter entirely. That would take a lot of programming. I couldn't and wouldn't expect that to happen.

    Happy New Millenium everyone!


  5. Originally posted by Doug Beman:

    Anybody up for creating some Participant Awards? IMHO it'd be a nice ego trip to have your contribution recognized by other people. I have no suggestions for how to organize it, but I do have one award and a nomination for it:

    I vote for the moderators (they're participants too, BTW). MadMatt, Kwazydog, & Big Time Software. They take the cake IMHO.


  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sven:

    It's been quite some time now since the Beta version was released, are there eny news about when the real 1.06 patch will be released?

    I don't care about TCP/IP, but other fixes would be nice.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    That was exactly my question last week. It took a long time before someone took pity on me with some sort of answer. I'll do my best from what I've been able to tell:

    1. It should be called version 1.1 when it is final.

    2. It will be the next thing out. Most likely there'll be no more betas.

    3. Version 1.1 would be out around the end of January IF there was NO beta testing. So, as I read that, it looks like we'll see the final version BEFORE the end of January.

    Not very definitive is it. Rest assured that they are hard at work on this and yet, it is the Holiday season afterall. Speaking for the majority of members on this discussion board, one VERY BIG feeling is that they take their time and get it right.

    I'm also certain that CM2 is something that BTS is just itching go get finished. This CMBO patch/ enhancement is a stop along the way before they can devote full steam to CM2.

    God's speed to them.


  7. Pvt. Tom,

    1.) ALWAYS keep at least two tanks together. NEVER let one wander around by himself. The idea is that one will look out for the other. Kind of like a pair of fighter aircraft where one leads and the other (the wingman) looks out for the leader's rear end. Three together can be better than two.

    2.) Make use of your infantry by having them ahead (with some on your flanks) of the advancing tanks to find out what is ahead. The infantry will also keep away bazooka teams from sneaking up and taking a pop shot at your tanks.

    3.) Be aware of your tanks limitations. If your tanks have relatively thin skin, use them from a distance if possible. If your tanks have weak guns, that means you'll probably have to sneak up and get a flank or rear shot if possible.

    4.) Use your terrain wisely. Try to be where your Dad cannot see your troops. Try Moderate Trees and Modest Hills in your next QB. That way you'll have cover to sneak around and behind -out of sight to surprise him.

    5.) Don't just charge staight ahead. Be sneaky. Try coming at him from only one of his sides where you will have a superiority of numbers and firepower against one of his flanks. Lay traps. Find a way to make him fall into them if possible.

    6.) If there is a game map where there is several victory locations near each other and one off by itself, try going at the several victory locations with everything you have. He might have units off by that lone victory location that will be unable to join the fight and hence be at a disadvantage in numbers and (you guessed it) firepower.

    7.) Check the other CM discussion board called "Techniques and Tips" (or something like that). You can learn a lot that way.

    8.) Don't be afraid to make mistakes. In a game, its a great way to learn. Experiment and find out works best for you. Look at what happened when you lost and don't make that mistake again. Talk it over with your Dad. He'll point out what HE thought you did "wrong". It might not be wrong all together. You just may have not had everything happen in a coordinated manner. Next time make it all happen in a smooth coordinated manner.

    9.) Hunker down and don't let anything he says OR do shake you from your determination to win. Even if it may look hopeless, dig in even deeper like the Americans did at Bastogne, 56 years ago TODAY! Tell him "Nuts" and fight on.

    10.) Give him a big hug after every battle. After all this is only a game. Have fun!

    Good luck to you Pvt. Tom!


  8. Maximus pretty well sums it up.

    After installing the beta, an extra "CM program" called an executable file [.exe] is created in your CMBO folder. To use this new executable file (that makes use of ver. 1.05 I believe), you go into Windows Explorer and create a shortcut for this new executable file. Next you put it on your desktop. When you want ver. 1.05, you access it like normal. When you want the beta, you double-click the newly created icon. You should be able to see the "missing" scenarios by accessing the icon for the beta.

    They aren't really missing. Ver. 1.05 just doesn't see them as scenarios that it can use. Thats all.

    I will say that this wasn't apparent to me at either. It took a little research and help from Matt and other board members -for which I am grateful.

    Happy Holidays all.


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