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Posts posted by Jumbo

  1. Hitler's Ashes And The Man

    Who Scattered Them


    MOSCOW (AFP) - The man who burnt Adolf Hitler's remains and dispersed his ashes to the wind is refusing to say where he carried out his gruesome task and has pledged to take the secret with him to the grave.

    Vladimir Gumenyuk, a 64-year-old former Red Army officer, told Russian media Tuesday how he followed an order from Moscow to disinter the Fuehrer's remains, take them out to the countryside, burn them and scatter them.

    Now deputy manager of a hotel in the Urals city of Ulyanovsk, Gumenyuk is the sole survivor of the three-man squad charged by the Kremlin with resolving once and for all the problem of what to do with the corpse of the man who had set the world aflame.

    Speaking out after 30 years, Gumenyuk provided a graphic account of how he accomplished his mission, deliberately leaving out one essential detail: the name of the spot where the ashes were dispersed.

    This, he said, he would never reveal.

    "There are still too many neo-Nazis around," he told NTV television, "There would be pilgrimages. They'd even put up a monument."

    In March 1970, Gumenyuk said he learned later, KGB chief Yury Andropov wrote to Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev advising him that probable construction work near the place where Hitler was buried meant that it would be "advisable to destroy the remains by incineration."

    Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945 in a bunker under the Berlin Chancellery, along with his mistress Eva Braun whom he had married the day before, as the capital of the Third Reich collapsed around him, leaving orders that his body was to be burnt.

    From the beginning, what to do with the badly charred remains, along with the bodies of Hitler's propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels and his wife found nearby, had posed a problem for the Kremlin, which feared that Nazi sympathisers might seek to create a cult around the Fuehrer's last resting place.

    Its immediate solution was to create a special section of the Soviet Third Army permanently charged with guarding them.

    The crates in which the remains were contained travelled with the section as it moved from one garrison to another in what was then East Germany, until on the night of April 4, 1970, Gumenyuk and his companions serving in Magdeburg were given instructions to go to a certain location, taking shovels with them.

    There, Gumenyuk said, under cover of a large tent, they dug to a depth of 1.7 metres (five feet) and found the crates which they loaded onto a jeep.

    They then drove out into the countryside at dawn with their fishing rods prominently displayed as if they were going for a day's relaxation.

    They came to a halt by a river at a location they had decided on in advance and, behind a screen of trees, poured petrol over the crates and set them alight, Gumenyuk recalled.

    He then gathered the ashes into a canvas rucksack -- which he kept, and displayed on televison Tuesday -- and scattered earth over the last traces of the fire. The three men then walked to a nearby hillside.

    "I then proceeded to the final dispersion of the ashes," Gumenyuk said. "It was over in no time at all. I opened up the rucksack, the wind caught the ashes up in a little brown cloud, and in a second they were gone."

  2. Even if this has been talked about, there should be nothing wrong about talking some more.

    I had a 75mm spotter yesterday target an area for an interminably long time (6+ minutes). The turn that the artillery finally came, he "took cover" due to some incoming small arms near him. Only one artillery round fell begore it stopped completely. I tried to get him to re-target the same place and it another interminably long time. The off-map guns presumably didn't even move. The spotter didn't tell them to be moved.

    Is it modelled in CM that the spotter tells the guns to stop firing because he has to duck??? If so, then that does not make sense, IMHO. He called the artillery in for a reason. I can't see that reason changing just because he had to take cover. There must be some real artillery spotters that know.

    Maybe a cancel fire should order be inserted and that the artillery not stop unless ordered to stop or out of ammo. Its just an idea.

    With all due respect to everyone, SenorBeef is right. This really should be fixed.

  3. In my experience, when we wargamers forget to take off our game face, we can really be bears. It takes some time (sometimes) for me to un-wind because, I get so into playing this great game. I really want to do my best.

    Going directly here with your game face still on and being aggressive in your messages can give people like Hannibal a misleading impression.

    On the other hand, my face-to-face impressions of wargamers continues to be excellent. Wargamers, by far are very courteous and friendly in person. They go much further than other folks to make friends. I think that is true because (non-computer) wargaming is usually a social occaision.


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Raze:

    "The art of fighting without fighting..." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Raze nailed it on the head for me.

    You blow things up and no one gets killed or maimed. COMBAT MISSION in a MUCH more evolved incarnation should be how nations settle their disputes. (I'm certainly not suggesting that things should be like that old Star Trek show. No need for people to jump into machines to get zapped just to control populations if their side lost.) smile.gif


  5. Originally posted by Holdit:

    What I'd like to see someone do...(drifting off into the realm of pure fantasy)...would be for a Steel panthers treatment; concentrate on giving players the units, the commanders and a good, realistic, engine, combined with a map, repreat, map and scenario editor, and let the players create their own battles and OBs. I positive that there wouldn't be any shortage...

    Holdit right there! smile.gif

    That is pure genius! I guess that a game that is not 3D like CMBO can be a great game if it was focused on an exciting time period- like the Napoleonic era. Great idea Holdit.

    Man, I gotta win that Lotto! I really do.


  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tankgirl:

    Hi all,

    I tried to play the demo over the internet once but had some technical difficulties. Now I've got a new puter. So does anyone want to play? Huh?! I'll kick your ass! lol Or try to anyway...


    "Snowpants are sexy!" http://www.geocities.com/wildhippychik/whp.htm <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hey Tankgirl,

    Welcome. You're better off looking for opponents over at the CM - Opponent Finder. Good luck.


  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stevetherat:

    No politics on this thread please.



    Pointing out what that man did is not politics. History is not politics. The Holocaust was not politics. They were real world events. No one made them up.


  8. I'm not really as upset as some think that I am. When I saw it at first, I chuckled like everyone else. Then I remembered what that man stood for. Don't you? We should never forget it lest we be doomed to repeat it.

    He was absolutely the most evil person that existed in the last century. Associating him with any kind of light-hearted humor takes away from how he should be remembered. With the photo, you see the joke and not the man and what he did.


  9. Oh, I get it. We're supposed to laugh at the photo and forget the 6 million plus crimes against humanity that that jerk was guilty of.

    If anyone is interested, a truly great and yet subtle WW II movie is called "Truce". It's the true story of a guy who was liberated from Auschwitz by the Russians and it tells of his epic journey just to return to Italy and a normal life. BTW, he was a partisan fighting the fascists in Italy and not even a Jew.

    I have tremendous respect for the warrior spirit within all warriors. I even like playing both sides in CM, but it can be too easy to gloss things over and to forget what really happened. I have absolutely no respect for cowards who sytematically murder innocent men, women, and children. I never have and I never will.


  10. deanco,

    You da man! I downoaded the gunmetal mod and you're right. There is a little more space now. I like the style too. I did however do the 3002B-W.bmp switcheroo. I just couldn't read what was there when trying to save a game.

    MANY thanks to you. I find it interesting how my CMBO hardly looks like it did right after I bought it. All the mods really add to the game. Ahhhh, versatility. Nothing beats it. COMBAT MISSION is the best period!


  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Monty:


    I use mouse..arrow keys and number keys for views ( PC ) so i have no troubles with the GO button.

    U have Mac ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    I'll keep in mind what you do and give it a try for now. I just prefer doing everything with the mouse. I find that it is much faster that way-especially when scrolling around the map.


  12. I KNOW that this subject was last brought up in December. I did the search and read what people think. Jeff Heidman & David Aitken your opinions against this idea are duly noted.

    Maybe I was a little sleepy playing early this morning (my opponent was in Mannheim, Germany), but I accidentally hit the GO! button twice in a TCP game. Once it didn't matter, but the second time it did. My opponent also has done it.

    A game as intricate as CM:BO, shouldn't be at the mercy of an inadvertant mouse click. All of one's plans can be dashed if you happened to be distracted while trying change your viewpoint and hit that darn button on the 30th turn before you are ready to. ARGHH! It can tend to make one's day truly challenging indeed.

    With that said, IMO, there still needs to be something done about the accidental clicking of the GO! button. Jeff H. doesn't want to have to be asked if he wants to really go on and yet something is needed. Can't a confirmation to-continue querie be toggled off and on like anything else is toggled off & on? This way the people who don't want to be bothered won't be, if is toggled off.

    OR, maybe the soultion is to move the GO! button away from those other buttons -say an inch or so. Right now, the GO! button is what -a millemeter (or two at the most) away from the viewing buttons. That is way too close. Moving it a little is a nice solution and it too shouldn't be hard to do.



  13. TeAcH,

    Your idea is so simple and yet it is profound. I like it.

    One thing though. If the game ends early -say 10 turns early, it may be that neither side is in control of the victory locations and hence there could possibly be a high number of draws as a result. It may make people artificially race to the VLs which is also just as "gamey" as what you and others want to avoid.

    Would it be better to leave the minimum number of turns untouched with there being the possibility of only extra turns? With these extra turns, you could then take your reserve and smash these last ditch gamey "banzai" charges. Say- ten extra turns max?

    There is also the thought that if you had enough resources to smash the gamey charge in the extra turns, why didn't you use your forces in a way that simply wouldn't allow the gamey event in the first place? AND are these really last minute "banzai" charges or a charge that would happen in it's own time? Surely you would agree that a player has the freedom to consider any historical tactic he deems necessary -whenever he deems it.

    I think that we rely too much on the victory flags to determine a victor. Surely, a force that nearly looses all of it's units but controls the victory locations is not a true winner if his opponent still has the majority of his units intact and able to counter-attack. That is a VERY hollow "victory" indeed. You can just imagine that the so-called "victor" with the flags under his control wouldn't last very long after the "timer" runs out.

    Rather, I think that it is incumbent for both players to look at ALL aspects of the battlefield at the end before determining a victor.

    While I strongly encourage the playing of CMBO, the highly competative atmosphere that exists in trying-to-get-to-the-top-of-the-ladder encourages the idea that "the end justifys the means" at any cost -and that is the real root of the problem. Is CMBO a game to be played for the enjoyment of historical simulation or is it just another way to beat someone up? I admit that both can be fun -at times. There are plenty of other fantasy types of games that I can play for a fantasy kind of experience. Personally, I prefer the historical simulations aspect of CM and trying to do even better the next time I play it. Good luck in getting an answer.


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