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British Tommy

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Posts posted by British Tommy

  1. Looking forward to this so many thanks in advance JonS :)

    I have tried the editor but found the manual doesn't cover everything. For example, with the flavour objects, you have keys 1 -4 (if my memory serves me right) but the manual doesn't explain what they are for. I also find the briefings harder to do so will be following your progress with much interest. Hopefully then I can venture forth into the editor with renewed confidence. No pressure JonS ;)

  2. Oh, yeah...poor Dorosh...'you know cause he's never personally attacked anyone... I always love how some of you guys come out to defend MD, the WWII martyr, whenever he gets brought up. I was gonna keep my mouth shut but between this and User38's posts I needed to say something before I puked.

    It takes a lot of hard work to make people despise you and very little to have people like you...Dorosh has spent many years going way out of his way to insure that he is one of the biggest dicks on the internet...He's craven, self important, arrogant and petty...to name just a few of his positive traits. This site has years worth of his pathetic history buried in it for all to see, he stalked forum members, creeped out the few chicks that have ever hung out here, registered under other names to support his own arguments, sniped and provoked other members then feigned innocence when called on it and host of other weirdness...there's no white washing what he is, how he is or how he acted here, as well as other places. He's run his mouth (unprovoked) about me, he's attacked Emrys, MikeyD, Moon, and many other people here long after he left and long after we'd forgotten him. So, don't be too alarmed if some of us don't share your benign attitude towards him.

    In the real world being an authority on SS uniform buttons and ASL basically ensures his maidenhood will stay in tact...but on the WWII forums of the internet, well, he's a legend in his own mind...or just a first rate c***sucker hiding behind a keyboard


    Mord, change the record mate. It's getting boring hearing the same thing over and over.

    Also, you need to be pulled to one side by the moderator here for that outburst. About time you grew up.

  3. You know I love ya BT but you've posted a few times in this thread and no once about the reviews. Not for nuttin...I'm just saying....

    I don't have to say a word about MD's review, as Phil pointed out in his message, it's out there and any one can read it and make up their mind if they agree or not.

    You also know I have clashed with MD in the past and just recently so I gain nothing by posting in this thread. What annoys me are people here trashing a person who can't answer back. Be that MD or someone else. Phil has tried to stop it but was ignored. What's needed is a moderator to step in and say enough!

    If you want to raise any points concerning me posting more than once on a thread ( GASP!!! ) then drop me a line. I'm sure people are bored with this already.

  4. I think it's absolutely fine to criticize the content of Mr. Dorosh's review - he put it up for public consumption and clearly intended it to stand on its own.

    Agree 100% about his review but several posters here have launched into personal attacks on MD and as he can't defend himself here (and the posters know it) I think they should be ashamed of themselves.

  5. JonS,

    What part of this don't you understand?

    I quote from Phil's post:

    ' Guys, none of this please. It's not okay to attack and vilify people when they can't effectively defend themselves. That goes for review comment threads, and forums people don't visit, alike.'

    There will be more reviews of the game so don't beat yourself over the head with MD's review.

  6. Well, that was a few laughs, at the expense of the said gang that I should not comment about because they cannot defend themselves here. Shall I start calling him" He who shall not be mentioned "or whatever that line is in Harry Potter.

    This is the perfect place to have fun at his childish actions. I do not have to hear his educated rebuttal. He can say and have an opinion all he wants, he can post it anywhere he thinks it matters. I on the other hand can comment on such remarks as for what I see them to be.

    He has been offended and has decided to do what he can to fight back. Why, only he truly knows, I do not see what it will get him other than how he is making a fool of himself too many others. It is not that there are good points in what he wants to prove as short comings. But by God this is a game someone else developed and made the decisions and choices as to how to make it work. He wants perfection of a game which he could not design but which in his own mind thinks they should be able to provide and cannot accept the fact it does not exist. Many of us would like to see things differently in the game. But it is no call to try and attack the company that has done the best job out there to try and provide it. It is an immature action with an outcome that solves nothing. Thus it deserves the same type of reward as if it was a child throwing a fit.

    Thus my earlier comment, whether right or wrong , it is how I feel.

    Try reading Phil Culliton's message before posting next time.

  7. Steve should just not alow Mr MichaelDorosh and his gang to buy anymore product from Battlefront. They are on such a war path to try and demishish all the game has accomplished and want to place themselves as the judges of what it should be. That I personnally think they should not be allowed to have anymore of a product that they have chosen to try and discredit.

    Because, I can see them jerks playing it even with all the ranting they give.

    Mr Michael Dorosh and his gang?? Could you please name his gang members so we can all mark them down as trouble makers.

    Also, not every review of CMN will be all sweetness and light.

  8. You want the TacAI to take over and disobey only against *extremely* obvious threats? That's not unreasonable... though it's definitely a shift away from realism.

    Just how realistic do you want this game to be?? Battlefront can only do so much with the game engine. I think your wanting something that's way in the future when there are more powerful computers.

    Sure, I'm not expecting my AT team to be correct 100% of the time and as Blackcat correctly pointed out, it varies with the squads experience levels. But what I don't want to happen most of the time is my AT team opening fire outside the arc.

  9. I think your going beyond what this actually is, which is a game!

    I don't care about all the stuff between me giving my AT team orders (hide, set armour arc and stay hidden) and the blinking tank turning up. Is this tank outside the covered arc? then don't fire and give your position away. But if my AT team are facing North and a tank bursts through the hedge VERY close to them, say coming from the East, then I expect the game engine to take over and have my AT team open fire. Basically, just like what happens in CMx1 games.

    Also, if Battlefront corrects this in the next patch, all you have to do is not apply the patch so you can continue to play like you do at the moment.

  10. I think it's perfectly acceptable to expect your AT team to obey a simple order. Going by gunnergoz comments, you would expect the AT team to actually discuss among themselves if the tank is knocked out or not but a vote taken means they will open fire any way. This may happen in future games but I don't expect it for this one :)

    Let's get back to the simple fact that all the player wants is for that AT team to stay hidden and NOT fire until another tank passes which enters the covered arc zone.

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