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Posts posted by desertrat1943

  1. I got my copy of CMBB. I played a couple of QB (plus, of course, playing the demo over and over during the long wait). Now, my question to you all gentlemen is: are we sure this is going to be more fun? CMBO was a perfectly balanced game that hooked me for more than two years through the PBEM option (no way I can play with any AI for that long). Is the miracle going to happen again (my wife ardently hopes not)? The risk is, in my opinion, that grognards took over enthusiastic players and that this will eventually alienate the loyal community of players who love stragetgy games but play also stuff like half-life, jedi knights etc., and which has kept the CMBO gig floating. :confused:

  2. Hi all,

    Sometime ago I had a dumb idea. Frustrated by the sheer number of mods available and the fact that there was no easy way to know which I wanted to install, even just for a battle, I decided to turn all mods I collected (80% of those existing and known out there) to "CM Mod Manager compliant".

    I created jpg files where there were none, taken off the primitive batch files and replaced with neat CM Manager options etc.

    Of course, I'll never be done as the net keeps on churning mods by the dozen, but I am pretty happy of the work so far.

    Any idea on how I can put all this work to the service of the community?


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