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Everything posted by Lochar

  1. I do think that weapon range is a contributing factor, because the problems I always have is with the SMG or officers with pistols only. Depending on the move type order too, Assault seems like it keeps everyone moving, while attack, the riflmen will stop and shoot and keep shooting as long as someone's in range, while the officers and SMG guys will keep moving. I also try to get rifle's to my squad as it is hard to advance in an open field w/o getting cut to shreds yet if I try to fight from cover my SMG,Officers just stand there.
  2. One of the things to remember too is there are 2 types of line of sight. LOS and LOF , Your unit can maybe SEE the other unit but if its Line of Fire is blocked it might decide to switch targets. Check the bottom left of the UI when selecting your AT gun and see if any messages were to that effect.
  3. At first , after playing the demo, I thought bleh, not what I expected. But I kept going back to try to beat it and decided wth , I bought the GI combat and squad leader ones. Its actually not that bad once you get used to the controls. I enjoy the fact that unlike some of the other type games, you can raid bodies for ammo and not just run out and be SOL. I started the US campaign, and watched my troops get mowed down cross open terrain, but on 2nd time around stuck to the flanks of the shrubs and cut my casualties down a ton. There are a few things that do stick out tho. 1. Buildings of course (cant enter) 2. Need a Squad sheet so when have casualties you know offhand who bought farm (IE; LMG or Bazooka person so you know to raid his weapons). Right now I usually have to send a man to the body to check what weapon he was using. 3. Walls need to be climbable - lost 3 men just because my troops had to walk around a wall surrounding a courtyard rather than vaulting over it. 4. Portable HMG crews. One of the things I loved about CoH was their HMG units. 5. Buttoned, unbottoned status for vehicles - Surprised this was left out seeing all the animations for vehicle entrance/exits. 6. Better LOF indicator, if I cant shoot at the enemy from where I am at , let me know when trying to target for first time instead of moving my troops out of cover to get a better shot. 7. Give me some time to setup defenses, first mission of US campaign has you taking over a city, but soon as the last german drops you move to a defense mission and have no time to even setup a perimeter and wind up losing units just trying to get them in a position of defense. Overall I played worse and its not that bad of a game, but I would have loved to see some more dynamic missions rather than a static flow. I would have loved for this to be a mix of CoH's type of find cover system with ToW's level of realism but hopefully will make enough money to be able to support it and future works.
  4. while the voices aggravated me, I didnt think this was a bad game. Ai seemed dynamic and if it was scripted I didnt notice. Map was huge and liked some of the supply and travel ideas. Didnt like the squad graphics as couldnt tell difference much. Overall wasnt bad and may buy.
  5. I guess I need to google more, because ever since this left Codemasters forums all I ever had was 1c's site to get any blurps. Daimyo thanks alot for posting, and I really do hope to see BFC make some changes. Button/Unbotton Transportable HMG I am still not sure how much customization the infantry is having compared to the old FAQ where you could equip the soldiers. Or units carrying over experience, from the looks of the campaigns it seems they jump over a bit and so not sure if anything is static. Now that I gotten my account back, I will be watching this forum closely as I been waiting for this game since its announcement. While I did enjoy the CM series, I did want to see a more non turn based setup for awhile and see how it pans out.
  6. Ok thanks guys for the answers. And to Jason who sent email, am chagning my address cause for some reason with that one I am having trouble replying to you. And one quick question if someone has time, noticed can get a percentage of visibility from when LOS enemy but is there way to see what kinda defensive position your own unit is in? like visibility and such? or will docs come with the terrain modifier chart?
  7. I just finished demo (btw have already placed order for real deal, you brought a turn based retiree back into the fold) and had some questions/comments that didnt see in search(unless cant find right keyword) Anyways you have a split squad feature, is there a regroup squad one as well? And would it be possible in the future to even have a regroup squad comprised of a mix of others? Also during a demo I noticed a few things which was curious about. 1. Surrending, if your unit surrenders and you kill the enemy nearby him and he comes back as a slightly demoralized unit, is there a way to get weapon back? 2. And not sure if this was a bug or the way things are but noticed 2nd time around on demo. Some of my units would move to spot assigned (ie mainly in house so could see enemy) but then would walk back to orig spot in house, also other units in house would walk outside to shoot at enemy. Never noticed that in first demo when played Had some more stuff but will research all these msgs to see if any similiar questions, very nice game, has drawn me in from moment played demo. The only thing would like to see in future expansions is the ability to raid enemy weapons for use or at least a semi ressuply done during a battle. Didnt some tanks carry in their small storage spaces ammo some time? Sorry for all the writing but just finished nap from a long night of playin demo... Lochar
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