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Capt. Vance Astrovich

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Posts posted by Capt. Vance Astrovich

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by NCrawler:

    Thank you. I did a lot of the sounds for SP:WAW. I am emailing you a copy of the sound map for CM now...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Thanks NCrawler. Very nice work. Who knew I'd get the requested info right from the horses mouth! So does this mean you have the sound map for Steel Panthers: WaW? I know, asking for a lot right?

    Capt. Vance Astrovich

  2. The sounds in CM are quite amazing, but I have considered the possibility of switching some of the sounds in CM for those in Steel Panthers: WaW. Some of those sounds are even cooler. I was wondering therefore if there is a resource guide somewheres which lists the .wav file #s of the sounds and what each sound is.

    And while on that topic, could someone refresh my memory as to where the .bmp list is. I remember seeing such a list telling what each .bmp file in the game was. Thanks.

    Capt. Vance Astrovich

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Canuck:

    Can't they make it so that the forum takes up the whole screen rather than having the entire top and left side chopped off? This is the only forum that I'm on that does this and it's very annoying. It's hard to see screenshots. I know I can just open the frame in a new window but that's a real pain in the bum. Please change it!.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Just right click in the part of the window that holds the forum area in and a menu pops up. Chose the item "Open Frame In New Window". Viola! The Frame takes up the whole screen. Then Bookmark this address, and there you have it. Everytime you click on this bookmark, you get the Forum filling the whole screen. At least Netscape lets me do this. IE should too.

    Capt. Vance Astrovich

  4. Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

    After all, they have their set of standard units too just like the powergamer, but for different reasons--there's being historical accuracy.

    Well put. The Wargamer has a set of biases just different from the powergamers. I fall to the historical side of things, but I don't feel any problems with doing some things other purists call gamey. Like the Jeep Recon, or that fellow making the 2 in Mortar charge out to draw fire. Man, you do what you have to with your units to win the battle. War is like that. Now I think buying a ton of Assault Boats to draw fire is a lame and really Gamey thing, and I wouldn't play that game, but if it isn't outright cheating the system like that, then I am for it.

    Hey, I think you can get quite a nice human wave attack with a huge number- of crews form abandoned or destroyed vehicles. Would that be a gamey tactic? I am about to try it.

    Capt. Vance Astrovich

  5. WinAMP does the job too (and is handy since many use it). Right click the top bar of the Winamp window, select options, then preferences. From the left hand box select Plugins - Outputs, then in the top right box you'll see a list. Chose Nullsoft Discwriter Plugin. Configure to tell it where to write tthe wavs. Now OK out of there, and play a MP3. You'll hear no sound and it will play very fast. When done, voila, a nice wave in the selected directory with the same name as the mp3 you started with.

    Once done the conversion, don't forget to go back to the output Plugins menu and select Nullsoft waveOut plugin to return Winamp to putting out audio.

    Capt. Vance Astrovich

  6. Sorry, but although this would be frustrating for an opponent who really belives this tactic to be gamey, I think it is a very legit tactic. Jeeps are fast and we (Combat Mission Commanders) should be able to use the jeeps unique ability to it's best effect; as a little recon speedster with the best chance of eluding enemy fire. The need to know where your enemy is is worth endangering units. The casualties you may suffer here are small compared with what you may suffer with lousy recon.

    Capt. Vance Astrovich

  7. The consensus is forming. I have been using it for 2 or 3 months now. It "seems" a little bit more stable, but sure does take up HD space. Worth the upgrade? Hmmm. I don't know. If I knew then what I know now, I probably would not have done it. But I deleted all the uninstall info, so now I can't just go back to 98SE. That recovery file was like 300+MB.

    What I want to know is if I should go for Win2K. Is it faster? It is certainly smaller HD wise I am sure? But what are the problems it faces running games? Are the problems solvable (with proper drivers, etc.) or will the platform just not allow certain games to run?

  8. Trash, trash, trash! It truly is an embarrassment to the proud name of Squad Leader. Avalon Hill was bought out by the giant Hasbro, then they turned around, made a silly game (sort of a sequel to Soldiers at War) and put the proud title "Avalon Hill' Squad Leader" on it! This ain't Squad Leader!

    Revered men such as Lt. Stahler, Col. Berki and Sgt. May are rolling over in there graves. It even disgraces Col.

    Rosenberger, for pete's sake!!!

    CM is as close to Squad Leader on the Computer as I have ever played. It is actually better in that it takes away so much that was tedious about Squad Leader. And as exciting as the game was played over the cardboard chits and lovely maps, it is still so darn fine to be able to follow that squad in his dash across the open ground toward that enemy machine gun. The sights and sounds are just Squad Leader+! That's why I love it so much. And TCP/IP has added even further to that feel.

    Here is a few more reaading for your list.






    Just to show there are some who view it in a better light (and are not wargamers) here's a kinder review.


    But please. Hasbro deserves not a cent for this crap.


    Capt. Vance Astrovich

  9. Well, I just got to ad my 2 cents worth. And to date myself, the first game I played that was a true obsession was on the Atari 2600:

    Breakout, and the sequel,

    Super Breakout

    Then came the Atari computer:

    Silent Service

    Castle Wolfenstien

    Then came the best game platform of the time, the Commodore 64:

    Pool Of Radiance

    Airborne Ranger

    Leader Board Golf


    Doom and Doom II

    X-Com 1

    Civ 1

    Panzer General

    Indy Car Racing 2

    Warcraft II

    Sim City 2000/3000


    Command & Conquer: Red Alert

    Steel Panthers


    Nascar 3

    Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord

    And yes, time will tell how high CM will climb on this list, but I doubt any game will beat the #1 of all time. I agree with Mord, and so many others. No game has been a greater obsession than Doom and Doom II. God, even if there was only the 1 episode shareware game ever produced, it would have been the greatest game! It was the finest game experience I have ever had, those 6 or 8 months of total immersion in a terrifying and alien world. I still can hear that mancubus bubbling growl break the silence.


    Capt. Vance Astrovich

    [This message has been edited by Capt. Vance Astrovich (edited 12-01-2000).]

  10. So here is another option to finding a TCP/IP opponent whenever you want to. Started a day and a half ago and already over 40 people on the list. So you want to play? Sign up. Then anytime your ready see who is active on the list, send a message and get an opponent. Maybe not as fun as the chat room, but a nice option to have.


    Capt. Vance Astrovich

  11. Well, RCMP, way to go. I have been on here 3 or 4 times already today, waiting for the good word on this patch. It is (as of last comment by BTS guys) scheduled for release today or tomorrow. So I have been watching herre with bated breath, dreading another delay. I am sure many have. But you bringing this thread to the top...well, my heart stopped let me tell you! Very unkind of you.

    Yes, this thread should die, as within 36 hours we should be playing over the interent, right? ...Right?

    RCMP, want to try a game over the internet. I am Canadian too. (Suspecting you are).

    Capt. Vance Astrovich

  12. I had that happen once too. Captured and surrounded by 3 or 4 rifle squads and just stood there. But once the counter attack started and my guys started getting cut down, before I realized he was dashing into the woods with his comrades. No weapon, and no threat really. Still I wonder if it affects your victory points. I think it would. Any ways, who can blame them for escaping at the first chance. That is what a good soldier is supposed to do.

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