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Everything posted by bogey

  1. TCP/IP Pickup Games Looking for an opponent? http://playbyweb.com/cgi-bin/cm/cm.cgi If we can get enough people using the thing, you'll never have to go out looking for an opponent. Free. No advertising. Posted ads only last one hour so they're always fresh. Newer ads are placed at the top of the list.
  2. I just wrote a board to make it easier to find opponents: playbyweb.com/cgi-bin/cm/cm.cgi It posts the most recent challenges first and deletes anything over an hour old. It's new, so it might take a while for word to get around. Email me comments and such: jim@playbyweb.com
  3. So you can't wait the six months it takes to get M1's over to Lower Slabovia along with all the support they require. You're a grunt, and you've got to take out a machinegun nest. Wouldn't it be nice to call in some wheeled LAV with a 20mm to pound the MG for a while? How about a LAV with a 4.2 mortar, with onboard fire control? In the future, you can't wait, and if you do, you might lose the war.
  4. American Troops are like popcorn. Most stay in the pot, some refuse to pop, and a few burst free and soar through the air. =)
  5. While playing defense, I found my positions overwhelmed. Tanks were pounding anything that moved. I decided to fall back deeper into the village. I left a 50 cal to cover my retreat. I knew the enemy would make mincemeat of the crew, but they'd buy time. That made me think for a moment. If I were a company commander, if I knew these troops, could I sacrifice them? I don't think I could. I withdrew the 50 cal with the rest and I lost. I'm no Stonewall.
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