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Posts posted by Marlow

  1. This edition of the MBT is brought to you by Foster’s Beer.

    How to speak Oddstrailian:

    [Picture of Mace with a sheep under each arm]


    [Picture of AussieJeff with a ewe under one arm and a ram under the other]


    Foster’s, Oddstralian for weak, crappy beer.

    [ December 06, 2002, 10:46 PM: Message edited by: Marlow ]

  2. Originally posted by Licensed Fool:

    and was called a liar by at least one immature subsequent poster.I hoped that my postings would give Battlefront and the more sensible fellow gamers some valuable and interesting feedback on how I see CMBB, but if I'm to be howled down every time,why should I bother?

    Now that you have toned down your posting, maybe you can contribute (remains to be seen); however, you were treated in accord with your original several posts.
  3. Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Marlow:

    Arrrggg. I read and even posted in the "Monster Trucks run over Redwolf" thread. Please help. There must be a 12-step program out there for me somewhere.

    Ah! So now you know why I think Redwolf would be perfect for the job of village idiot</font>
  4. Originally posted by Licensed Fool:

    Food for thought-Check out Guderian's "Panzer Leader" where he says how he complimented a Waffen-SS commander on the excellent performance of his men,but had to point out that their fearless aggressiveness in combat meant they were taking far too many casualties...

    What possible relevence does this

    Originally posted by Licensed Fool:

    More food for thought-As we all know,Russian tankers at the Battle of Kursk actually rammed German tanks in their eagerness to get to close quarters. So no backing off there then...!

    or this have to the subject at hand? Were ISUs ramming Mark IVs? I didn't thinks so.
  5. Originally posted by rune:

    Berli, Berli, Berli ,

    If I wanted to whine, I would just do impressions from the outer board. I still fight on with what I was given...and caused his tanks to withdraw twice. Not bad for a Verdun like Charge over open grass. Oh wait...that's right...you cannot do that in CMBB. Silly me...

    However, I did want to correct Marlow and his definition of AT Assets. A german with a rubber band is NOT the anti-tank weapon that a Finn with a toothpick is.

    I will consider this a moral victory if I have anyone survive....


    Withdraw? Ptttppppt. I wave my hand at you. My tanks were only repositioning to get a better shot.
  6. Originally posted by rune:

    The Bastidge Marlow has used his WWI crack of CMBB, and assigned me to attack. I have infantry, infantry, and well...infantry. I do NOT have a single AT asset. What does he get? Why tanks of course, and on the defense. To make things more interesting for me....the map has 1 small spot of trees only, BEHIND HIS LINES.

    So far my brave infantry still attacks, but cannister makes me know how Pickett felt at Gettysburg. "Sir, I have NO division".

    I will, however, continue in the quest to try to take out a single tank of his Tank Corp....


    Well, you DID have AT assets and armor, just not anymore. Yes, it has been glorious to watch you send your German hordes charge into the Valley of Death, but unlike the the original I doubt you'll make to the guns.

    I predict that I'll soon be singing, yet again, of Brave Sir Rune who bravely ran away.

  7. Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    ATGs?? You had freaking Dora and Emil with TRP's to my jumping off point. Which happened to be the far corner of a map that consisted of a big open valley and a whole bunch of cover in the opposite corner. (Where you - and the flags - were)

    Oh, and then, I get a reinforcement of one scared tank a turn for 15 turns. It shows up, Dora pops it, rinse repeat. Yes, Berli, I've been meaning to talk toy ou about that one. Evil is one thing, but torture - quite another.

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