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Posts posted by Lordfluffers

  1. The JgdPz IV is a superlative fighting vehicle. Well armoured and armed with a low profile it is a sublime tank killer. Although extremely hard to knock out head on, the JgdPz IV's biggest problem is its vulnerability to being flanked. In groups or supported by AT ordnance on the flanks, it is a superior AFV, especially if it is able to achieve hull-down status facing a target. The JgdPz Iv is Relatively cheap, more effective and durable than a Hetzer,and, in my opinion, a better bet than a JagdPanther which has a higher profile and tends to attract a lot of attention. The JgdPz IV is a little underrated and this is a strong advantage.

  2. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    There is no such thing as "Queen's English."

    You are referring to "The King's English" - a reference to "King's University", not the reigning monarch.

    Michael, the Queen's English' does exist. It is the 'proper' way of pronuciation and use of language in the English language as opposed to using slang, colluqial speech or regional accents. Yes it does refer to the way the ruling monarch speaks. She is supposed to represent the correct way of speaking.

    Martyr said 'ORDNANCE is military materiel: weapons, ammo, AFVs, gear, etc..

    Are you sure??? I believed ordnance is applied solely to ammunition, i.e. tank rounds are ordnance, tanks are not. Artillery shells are ordnance, artillery pieces are not. Is this wrong????

  3. Right, spent a bit more time on these. Just finished the non-foliaged one. Noticably I've taken a lot of the damage out and added mud to the leading edges etc.

    Take a look...


    I'm afraid only having the experience of using paint shop pro for a day I don't really know how to make the skirts appear bent. Maybe when I get a bit more experienced, I'll come back to them.

    [This message has been edited by Lordfluffers (edited 02-06-2001).]

  4. Originally posted by M Hofbauer:

    ahem Lordflufers....not sure about those moth-holes eaten into the Schürzen...Schürzen tended to get bent and lost, but rarely did I see such holes eaten into them by moths - or hungry russian mine dogs??

    foliage looks good though...

    Thanks, I was using guess work for the damage, but I assume the skirts have been stolen from destroyed vehicles which got a serious HE pounding in the side. Maybe I'll sort them out later.

  5. Being a bored student I powered up an evaluation demo of paintshop pro 7 and have spent this morning and afternnon playing about. It's only my first mod so don't be too critical. Have a look, its based on Tiger's (JohnS)JgdPz IV mod.

    Tiger's original mod...


    This mod is based on Tiger's. Mainly, I made it slightly less brownish, added damage to the track skirts and added kill rings on the barrel.


    And with foliage...


    I'm waiting for Tiger's permission to release it publicly but if he agrees I need someone to host it. If you're interested let me know. Thanks.

    BTW can anybody tell me how I can get these pictures displayed. I don't know how to get photopoint.com photos displayed.

    [This message has been edited by Lordfluffers (edited 02-05-2001).]

  6. Originally posted by Maximus:

    But lassey, you forget, the American language is derived from every language around the world. We only use British English as a base. BTW, we can't hardly understand a word you all speak. Mainly as stated above, you all have different names for everything. I still don't understand what a spanner is.

    LOL! This is starting to sound like the Cesspool. biggrin.gif

    What I don't get is even though you have a strange term for something, you still seem to know what the American equivalent is. So who's stealing from whom? It's like French Canadians pretending that they don't know English. Please!

    Right that's it you rude little colonial!! biggrin.gif

    A spanner is what you might term a wrench (funny thing for using on bolts etc. like on bikes).

    English is based upon Saxon, Norse, Celtic, a bit of French, and Latin, not particularly Germanic although some Saxon influences are there!

    Also it is underwear, not knickers.

    It is underwear, not knickers however, pants are underwear(like Homer Simpson') and NOT trousers which are very different.

    But, hey, when the British can come up with a tasty dish, let me know. For the world knows that the British can't make a good tasting dish if their lives depended on it.

    Have you never tried steak and chips??? Or Bangers and mash?? oh how miserable your lives must be!! Anyway you show me a good American dish that hasn't been raped or stolen from another culture!!

    What I don't get is even though you have a strange term for something, you still seem to know what the American equivalent is. So who's stealing from whom? It's like French Canadians pretending that they don't know English. Please!

    Ahhh but that's because we're educated and have a learned understanding of the wider world, your ignorance is no defense. (You walked into that smile.gif )

    P.S. Last time I was in NYC, A woman asked me where I was from, I told here England. She asked me if that was near Mexico. Ha ha!!! Another time I was in NYC another woman asked me when I told her I came from England whether they spoke English there!!She was amazed at how good my English was!!! OMG you crazy Americans biggrin.gif

    P.P.S. You're right this is very close to the cess pool, it's hanging on for dear life!

    [This message has been edited by Lordfluffers (edited 02-01-2001).]

  7. Originally posted by Maximus:

    Differently? You mean the Canadian Army thought it was odd that the US Army called things by what they actually are? BTW, what the hell is a "spanner", does it span something?

    I got it, Commonwealth Armies like to make up some B.S. term to stand for an ordinary everyday item. So what if I started calling a battlemap, a war-parchment. Or a helmet, nogginwear.

    Right Maximus, for your cheekiness, Im going to have to flame you now!!! biggrin.gif

    Where does the English language come from, England or the USA??? You may speak English but you Yanks should remember you are merely colonials who have grossly misused and damaged our great language.

    A spanner is the correct term, wrench is wrong.

    Petrol is a fossil based fuel, gas is the stuff that comes out of your arse, it also floats around, methane is a good example.

    Its not a muffler, its an exhaust, for that matter its a boot not a trunk.

    Its not a vaction, its a holiday.

    Its a nappy not a diaper.

    Im a Brit not a Limey, although you are still a Yank because it's our language and we get to make the rules. Understand????

    One other thing colour is spelt with a 'U', and through is not spelt 'thru' even if it is easier to stick on signs for fast food restaurants.

    I hope this has been an enlightening English lesson for you!!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

    P.S. The British captured the Enigma Code Machine and decoded it entirely on their own. U571 had nothing to do with it. Go make your own legends up or steal someone elses!! tongue.gif

    (Disclaimer - this post is deliberately offensive and provocative so don't get angry with me, I'm only being argumentaive for the sake of it) wink.gif

  8. Originally posted by David Aitken:

    But then how many people would complain that the graphic suggests their Sherman was taken out by a forward hull shot from and 88 when it was actually a rear hull shot from a 20mm cannon?


    David, there is a BMP for the frotn of the turret, and one for the back. If the back was hit, it would show damage using the back turret damage BMP. If it was hit in the front then the front would look damaged. Its not hard to program, the damage would have to look quite generic and generalised i.e. you couldn't have damage modelled specifically for individual weapon types like a 20mm damage BMP, 75mm damage BMP etc. but it would be interesting just to have an idea of how your tanks look by the end of a battle. Slapdragon has got the idea.

    BTW David, tank crews often knew where a shell might have hit them from. You can hear the thud, vehicles rocked when hit etc.

  9. I was wondering last week (away from my pc for the weekend) whether CM2 will have damaged/destroyed BMP's for vehicles when they are knocked out. Currently the turret just gets pushed to the side etc. but I think it would be cool having destroyed BMP's showing blackened tanks or vehicles with pentration holes. On the outside chance, it would also be cool if, say a turret got hit but the shot deflected or something, then there was a damage BMP showng the vehicle in a less than perfect condition. Will this happen or be possible??? smile.gif

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