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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by GravesRegistration

  1. The other night i noticed that the follow vehicle command was available to use against enemy pillboxes/bunker.

    But if you do that, and i did, to see what would happen, your units move up to it and stop and DO NOT attack. (the units approached from behind)

    In addition, being that my infantry was so close to the pillbox my ordanance refused to fire.

    Now you might say "just move your damm infantry away from it"


    It WILL NOT let you cancle or give those units orders. (until the pillbox was eliminated)

    They (2 crack soviet recon squads) were frozen, not attacking with any of their grenades or molotovs and only 10 meters from the rear they sat there for 5 minutes or so until another squad aproached without the follow pillbox/vehicle command and dispatched the pesky bugger, freeing those crack squads from their binary bondage.

    Try it for yourself and see if you get the same results.

    ALL time CM horror story...or at least a CM world record.

    i lost 9 fast moving t-34/85's to a single king tiger at ranges over one kilometer one even to a HE round.

    at one point That KT took out 4 tanks in 4 shots.

    ive never seen anything half that good at half that range out of 300 games.

  2. The Simple answere is to have Beach hexsides.

    Every coastal hexside would be beach head worthy or not with a simple grafic like shallower water (lighter blue).

    And while im at it I think that scorched earth should definitely be ussable by the Germans especialy in the east and that there should be an option to Not Scorch somthing as you flee.

    just a thought

  3. I think that watch-dogging for suspected "gameyness" is one way to solve the problem.

    But how about taking away their ability.

    We have all seen players shoot at corners of buildings or even just outside of them to effect enemy units not seen.

    The buildings come down in a predictable ammount of time (if not sooner) and drives the infantry out. (every time, like clockwork)

    Near the end of a game it is very common to use up the ordanance you have (except opperations of course) including weapons like bazooka's

    I have seen at least 3 games where a bazooka(or Panzerschreck) shot at a damaged building and basicaly won the game!!

    Am I the only person that realizes that a 20mm or 37mm or even 40mm flak shell cannot drop a sturdy building?

    If CM just excluded weapons with a HE blast rating of 30 or lower from damaging or effecting units because of the stucture they are in (not including starting fires)It would be a great step towards realism and eliminate some "gamey" tactics.

    If rubble hindered the line of sight more. (It seems like a weatfield in season)

    And of course if Dust was represented from the collapse(that comes up in HUGE clouds when a real structure Comes Down or is pulverized) simply with smoke.

    The two sugestions above would add to realism and prevent the common tactic of leveling strutures to see past them. (and i know that almost everyone has done this at least once at some point!)

    I Believe that these suggestions if put into effect would make the best game around even better and more importantly, realistic.


    P.S> whats funny is that when i was in the ASL playtest i tried to convince the powers in control (Bob MacNamera) that the rules for Area firing did not create enough rubble!

  4. One problem here is that the result of making the structures so fragile it leaves open to these tacics (like training ALL guns(from all over the map) on a single building in the same minute to get it to collapse before any can run out of it or to catch a tank sitting behind it) These are silly and unrealistic tactics and they can be prevented by simply making the buildings stronger. (more than a tad in my opinion)

    Cellers cannot be modeled (i supose) but maybe casualties from collapes buildings can be slightly reduced to compensate.

    The Cellar was the true value of a building for the infantry in most cases.

    You may say , many buildings dont have cellars,

    But we are talking about western europe!!!

    (think wine cellar 8)

    cellars are More than common.

    This will also fix the fact that infantry in stong stuctures (brave in this case) will be completely erradicated from a constant barrage(105mm+) Every single time ! as compared to many real life occurances were troops would sit it out in cellars or center lower floors interior rooms of solid buildings (away from windows) and then hope their nerves held out. My Great Uncle Lester sat through Many a barrage in 44/45 ! Sure he was clinicaly deaf... but he sat them through and survived the battles. But in CM, do to flimsy structures and AI panic from the dreaded "**" they are all casualties.

    How about the silly tactic of weakening many buildings in the suspected avenues of approch then have a 20mm shoot at any units comming in to them... this sets off the

    "run out of the building to your death AI"

    for the mear expenditure of one 20mm round !!!

    and if your lucky the whole ENTIRE Block of building with 80 rooms (my rough guess) and four stories of concrete or brick or stone is comming down....

    we know it doesnt happen like that.

    I am going to be redundant and mention Dust once again as i'm hoping for some feedback from ya al'

    GravesRegistration - out

  5. I believe that you are not experiencing slower reaction time but slower turret speed and slower pivoting with tracks than the sherman. although i think CM messed up a bit in that some German tanks (like the Tiger I)

    had the ability to pivot (on its treads) very quickly. And in CM they seem to slowly pivot to engage new definite threats. Also CM seems to assume that all the Allied tankers used their Gyrostabilizers which is quite untrue. Possibly more than half the Gyrostabilizer equiped crews didnt use/trust them. More trust over time combined with more training reduced this practice as the war drew to a close. The crews of lend lease Shermans (Britain and Russia) used the gyrostabilizer even less for the same reasons.

    Also remember that CM tank ranges are extremely close. Most tanks actions were at greater distances. And distance (long range duels for instance) most often favored the krauts do to them having better sighting/optics,higher velocity guns and veteran/trained crews.

    GravesRegistration - out

  6. I am Quite suprised that there is no talk about the "gameyest" Tactics in CM.

    It's a combination of the Psychic link that guns and tanks have on the map where they all turn and fire onto a single building. (often with units downstairs that no attacker can see) Now this wouldnt be so bad BUT the buildings are made of cardboard and popsicle sticks and no cellar to run to. (hell, and they even explode!)

    Additionaly the AI does incredibly stupid stuff to have units flee the damaged buildings often directly relating to their quick demise (even if elite and under little or NO supression).

    And what shocks me the most is i have now seen many builings go down from 20mm or a hand grenade. (including knocking down a building entirely with 20mm) Hell if a 20mm can drop a 4 story department store block made of stone and brick then you might as well let .50 cal do it(12.7mm) 9mm? mess tins ? bad language?

    If the new CM does not take care of the cardboard buildings and 2 dimentional rubble, battles like Stalingrad will be impossible to even attempt to simulate.

    [i know some people like to think of CM as "just a Game" but it is the best tactical simulation of WWII combat in existance.]

    Additionaly the most MISSING thing when one of these flimsy buildings explode is that they leave NO dust or smoke or anything. (CM could easily just have smoke apear on and near the building when it goes down (alot of it))

    Easily collapsible buildings (into pancake like rubble) with no dust allows the "gamey" tactic of knocking down buildings to catch a tank sitting behind it. Dust is an esential element overlooked entirely.

    One day (far far in the future) i even hope to see wind.


    Sure the infantry mob(or swamp)rush againsts MG's works because of the failure to model the Mg's properly but those tactics (or attempted tactics) will be good practice for all our future russian comanders.

    If BF had not fixed the MG thing the (simulated) russians would be in Berlin in 43' (in the CM world)

    Hey and whats up with there being NO AA mg's on ANY german vehicle.. by 1945 almost every kraut AFV had an AA mount as they had completely lost air superiority.

    Single most "Gamey" unit :flampanzer Hetzer, twenty were built(modified acctualy) 6 of them were lost in their first action (Norwind). Hell there were way way more pzkw mk III's (not in CMBO) still around fighting in europe(including Arnhem) than those things.

    Well hope this wasnt to long winded but i just finaly wanted to share my thoughts with all of you.

    I'll end this with my official saying for Advanced Squad Leader.

    "it aint what you know. I'ts what you throw"

    god help me but i will always miss throwing those dice....

    GravesRegistration - out.

    [ 09-23-2001: Message edited by: GravesRegistration ]

  7. CM does not seem to model the psychological effects of a pending flame attack..

    it seems to only kill, and not more effectively than say a normal squad at the same ranges.. and the infantry flamethrowers are so slow and vulnerable in CM that they are useless except on the defensive which is unrealistic cause it was an offensive weapon. I suggest that they allow it to move fast for short periods and not fire off bursts miles off target. I've actually had flame throwers get into range and then fire 45 degrees off to the right. What a joke.

  8. The inaccuracy you are describing was at Long ranges. At over 600-700 meters the APDS round tended to wobble. But APCR was even less accurate than APDS at those ranges and beyond. Also, I have not seen any with my forces yet but the german army especially SS had a store of APCR at D-DAy and im sure they used it up fast but have never seen a single German Apcr round in CM. They even had APCR for the Tiger's 88.

  9. One fact overlooked by CM is that the gunner in an AFV would take aim and fire.. then for the second shot the acquisition could only be maintained if the hull of the tank did not move. In CM the tanks turn their turret, fire and then the hull immediately starts turning which would blow the second shots aim in real life. It's not unrealistic for them to turn the hull towards the threat but I've noticed the hull moves little bits between each shot (if firing at a moving target) this would be disastrous for the aiming and it's destroying the threat that truly will save the tank not the front armor. I haven't tried the new patch (v1.1)and after all I've read here I am not looking forward to the frustrations being expressed on this board. But I will give it a try.

    CM is still the best computer tactical simulation in existence.

    I'll end this with my Advanced Squad Leader motto which unfortunately dose not apply to Combat Mission.

    "it's not what you know"

    "it's what you throw"

    God help me, I do miss the dice.

  10. I am very happy with the way Battlefront w/CM is carrying the torch of very accurate war gaming. A torch dropped for many reasons by many companies before it. Battlefront has also attacked the problems that make a real tactical simulation "just another wargame" and came out with the most realistic computer game ever.

    Combat Mission is the bomb.

    After 20+ years of Squad Leader and Advanced Squad Leader [including playtestesting and competition] technology and true interest in realism have connected and transcended into Combat Mission.

    I've been waiting for these moments.

    I would be very willing to help with the testing of the tcp ip. I am ready to test 40+ hours a week and I am ready now with a simple G6-400 on a dsl.

    I realize the first versions of the tcp/ip download are only days away, but frankly, I can not wait.

    David Deresinski

  11. oops sorry about that repeated message...

    I just wanted to comment on the fact that a king tigers 88 would not bounce off a M4jumbo.. it would be devastating...

    I hope CM is as accurate as ASL (advanced squad leader) I only have demo for now and it appears that someone finaly got it right.

    Combat Mission is the tactical wargame of the future. I am so stoked and my Full game should arrive any day now. Where do you all find opponents? Is there a chat room for CM?

    David Deresinski

    aka GravesRegistration

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aardicus:

    One quick note on airpower in Combat Mission. At one time I and my primary PBEM opponent held that airpower was useless, only included for historical purposes. That is until in a QB my airpower destroyed his KING TIGER as it was engaging my Jumbo smile.gif He had been sitting in one spot for several turns in full view of my forces.( actually he and my Jumbo were "playing ping-pong"(his term for ricochet after ricochet))

    In another it was useless except it bottled up my opponents(different person than from ealier) armor(maybe got a commander or two) until I saw it strafe an armored carrier causing the crew to abandon.

    So generally speaking it can have positive effects but is too unpredictable in just about every aspect.(i.e. when the heck is it gonna show up).

    Just my two cents...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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