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Guy w/gun

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Posts posted by Guy w/gun

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As I hear tell on good authority, the Israelis often used their .50-cals to "ping" Arab tanks prior to letting loose with their main gun. The Arabs (the ones that survived) eventually figured this out, thus when hearing the "tap-tap-tap" of the nice machine gun rounds on their turret, promptly bailed out just before their tank got toasted. At some point the Israelis observed this effect, then began pinging the Arab tanks with .50-cal jeeps. The hapless Arabs left their protective tank, only to get nailed by the waiting jeep MG.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Those good for nothin, goddamn gamey Israelis! Everyone knows that jeeps aren't meant to do anything except sit their and look cool! tongue.gif

  2. Wow...I was beat to the draw! Ok, so we have 8000 Abrams. And Icm is right, air power continues to be a huge thorn in a tanks side (literally tongue.gif ). Especially modern air power.

    I remeber reading how Iraqis slept in their tanks for protection against the Iranians during their conflict. They also tried that trick in the Gulf War and found out why that isn't a good idea...the hard way.

    [ 04-11-2001: Message edited by: Guy w/gun ]

  3. Yeah, I think you guys are right. I started thinking down those lines when I finished posting. I don't know, I heard the figure on how many Abrams the US has is like 3000. Am I off? 3000 does seem like a very small amount. Especially after playing tacops and seeing what a few BMPs did to a couple of tank platoon that they ambushed.

    I guess in modern times it really does matter on who gets the first shot, or in this case, ambush.

  4. With all this talk about Abrams, Leopards, T80s and such, I've been thinking about what the US would do if we really went to all out war. I mean total war, one that would call for the economy to go into "war mode" like it did during WWII.

    Would the US be able to mass produce Abrams? They seem pretty sophisticated. I don't think it would be possible just to place an order to GM, Ford, or Chrysler for 20,000 M1A1s.

    I realize that this ultra-sophistication would ultimatly lead to better tank and crew survivability. But what if we fought an opponent that could mass produce lower tech tanks, like the Leopard 1 or T72/80/90 series? I have this funny feeling we'd be like late war Germany - superior tanks but so sophisticated that they are unproducable in mass quantities.

    This doesn't have to be the US either. It could be Britain, Germany, whoever has a sophisticated main battle tank.

    I'm probably thinking the wrong way, like from a WWII stand point. Tanks aren't the only AFVs that can take out other tanks. Heck, AFVs don't even have to kill tanks.

  5. Hello. Ok, I can fully comprehend tactical level games. In other words, games in which involve squads, platoons, companys, individual vehilces, vehicle platoons, etc. You get my drift.

    What I have trouble with is strategy level games. Not that I can't play them, I just don't fully get how they work.

    When I play a strategy level game, lets say Operational Art of War, I feel like I'm just moving checkers around. The pieces represent such large units, and moving from one hex to another often represents huge movements in reality. Turns represent days, weeks, months. When I play them, I just feel like Im trying to breack the line of enemy checkers so I can get my checkers behind theirs.

    These games are way to abstracted for me. Yet I'm still very intrigued. In addition to CMBO and tactical games, I want to play wargames and see them through the eyes of Generals.

    Can someone please offer some advice on what I can do to break into this type of wargame?

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>To be fair, what CM'ers call modding, the rest of the gaming world calls skinning.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Man, that brings back memories. I remember peeing my pants in excitement as a newbie when I heard that there was a large "mod" community for CM. I was let down when I found out it was just skining. But then I peed my pants again when I saw how awesome the skins/mods looked! :D

  7. Thanks for the help guys. I was hoping that this wouldn't turn into to much of a technical help thing, as I didn't want it to be locked down. But it hasn't yet, so no problem.

    I live in San Antonio for those who asked. I have been curious about IRQ conflicts for awhile. Is there some sort of utility (built into windows or otherwise) that can inform me of conflicts and what devices are conflicting?

  8. Funny cause all this WAS done by a pro. My comp was built by the same company, Altex. Their pretty popular here in Texas for those who don't want a proprietary comp.

    Yes ME is completely installed. It was installed on a completely new HD. My comp went belly up not to long ago. Only thing that survived was the processor, RAM. Vid Card, and Sound Card.

    The guy said he would run all sorts of diagnostics to make sure it "never crashed again." I took it back home and it crashed as soon as I tried to play CMBO and Half-Life on it. So much for the pros.

  9. Windows ME isn't the problem. I've had this problem with Win98. I've also had this problem with a completely different mother board. I'm pretty sure it has to do with my Video Card.

    Since day one it has acted up, so much so I wonder if it's defective. It's one of the first prophet 32MB DDR's that I had seen on the shelves, so maybe later prophets are better.

    All the stuff about Win98, DirX 7.1 (running 8.0 incidently), motherboard etc dont add up because the problems have occured before my current set up. I always close all progarms in the back ground and often de-frag my RAM using RAM booster so I can free as much up as possible.

    All this started with the %#$^ing video card. I must get another one as soon as possible. And guess what? I don't trust Nvidia anymore. I'm going back to ATI.

  10. I don't play this game against people for many reasons. I like playing against the AI, because it's fun and I can fully take in the aestetics of the game. Plus I don't want to let anyone down if I'm to busy to play or return a file.

    But you know what the main reason is? MY GOD $%#@ COMPUTER!!! It ALWAYS CRASHES. Especially on anything that is 3D, but also some 2D games like Baldur's Gate and Diablo 2. It crashes SO &*%#ing much I want to scream.

    Just a few moments ago I was playing a ME against the AI. At the end of turn 3 a hapless enemy tank wandered into the sights of my Sherman. It was Id as a Pz IV but with a question mark. My hull-down Sherman plugged the sucker from nearly a kilometer, despite having a 75mm gun! I was so amazed at, and proud of the regular crew. I started to give orders for the next turn...

    And then the damn thing crashes.

    I re-boot and reload to find that it auto saved before the turn that just happened. I played the turn again and guess what? Things didn't happen the same again.

    My Sherman got distracted at some inf running bettween patches of trees just long enough (we're talking not even half a second here) not to notice the Mk IV aiming at it. They traded shots, but missed. I gave the Sherman reverse orders, but he was brewed up before the command delay ended. The MG crew on it's deck was also eliminated. I was so discusted, that I stopped.

    That is why I don't play PBEM or TCP/IP. It would be very hard to have a game go smoothly with all the crashing.

    And because I will invaribly be asked what my set up is:

    Windows ME

    500mhz PIII

    SBlaster PCI 128

    Hercules Prophet Geforce 256 32MB DDR

    256MB PC100 RAM

    YES all my drivers are current! tongue.gif



    "I saw one of the new Tiger tanks at a range of around 1000 yards & fired seven times. I saw each round bounce off the front & side armour. The Tiger traversed it's gun & blew off our left track killing the driver."

    British Matilda tank commander Tunisia 1943

  11. Me thinks the main argument against this would be the whole micro-management thing. Telling your TC exactly where to point his gun ( tongue.gif) should be out of your hands. But then again it would help when moving tanks in a column.


    "I saw one of the new Tiger tanks at a range of around 1000 yards & fired seven times. I saw each round bounce off the front & side armour. The Tiger traversed it's gun & blew off our left track killing the driver."

    British Matilda tank commander Tunisia 1943

  12. I do not feel that CM does an adequate job of modeling tank programs. Why? Because currently, CM models point value based on over-all effectiveness of the AFV. That's why a Sherman M4A3 cost so much in comparison to a Tiger, 122-180 to 177 respectively.

    What does this have to do with inadequate modeling of tank programs? Well, Shermans were great when it came to cross country. Tigers on the other hand, weren't. As I understand, the current point values reflect this. This is bad because cross country isn't even modeled in CM! In other words, who cares if 5 out of my 8 Tigers would have broken down in real life? All 8 of them will be in working order on the CM battlefield, so it doesn't matter.

    I have heard that BTS is making an option for CM2 that will allow for point values to be based on historical rarity. I think this will enchorage players to use more Pz IIs and IIIs over Tigers and the like.

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