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Guy w/gun

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Posts posted by Guy w/gun

  1. ****Spoiler****


















    Ok, to anyone who has won as the US: how do you play this as the US and not have it end up a suicide mission?!?! :eek: :eek: :eek: I am asking this from a position of improving my tactics. There are a few scenarios like this that come with the disk, and at all I completely fail!

    My troops are painfully out numbered, have little to no AT assests to speak of (not even squad based rifle grenades). And to add insult injury, they decide to fire they're rifles at a half track while 2 platoons of inf and a Tiger sit about 100m away. The zooks may hit one AFV, usually a HT, and then get hosed by the other HT and tanks. When I try to withdraw, the guys usally make about 50m before dropping to the ground IF they even get running in the first place! The MG crews are of little help, and usully get pinned very early, or worse have the building blown out from underneath them.

    It's not just this one, as I said I have trouble with all scenarios like this. Ham and Jam is another good example. Please help me!!!!

    [ 07-15-2001: Message edited by: Guy w/gun ]

  2. Im no grog, so maybe I'm misinformed but I have often wondered why tanks seem to be knocked out after just one penetration. It seems to me that in some cases, 1 AP penetrating the tank wouldn't be enough to make the crew bail out. Just because the tank is damaged, and even if a crew member is incapacitated, you'd think in some cases the crew would take it's chances and stay with the tank. True, this is modeled in CM, but usually if AP hits the tank and penetrates it's knocked out/abandoned.

    *BUMP* smile.gif

    [ 07-15-2001: Message edited by: Guy w/gun ]

  3. I read a post on this forum a few days ago talking about how 20mm (or was it 35mm?) on the Bradley IFV with it's rapid fire was supposed to strike a tank on every possible extrusion, and in effect crippling the tank.

    Yes 20mm is capable of damaging the tank's main gun enough to render it useless.

  4. Wow, other than the few posts that are obviously meant jokingly, this is the warmest reception to a RT-CMBO proposel I think I've ever seen!

    I agree with most here though, RTS can almost make you work up a sweat. I still play StarCraft now and then, but doing so is pretty tedious. As to the "old farts need a game too" argument, I also agree. I almost gave my 55 year old uncle a brain hemorage showing him Tetris tongue.gif !

  5. I made a custom scenario. It consisted of a straight road crossing the map, North to South. A small town was of to the left. There was an axis exit zone on the northern edge. The units consisted of 3 Tiger IE's for the Axis and about 20 Fighter-Bombers for the allies. I put an American Inf squad in the town just to avoid an automatic allied surrender.

    Ok. I played as the axis. I ordered the Tigers to move fast down the road to exit the map. After two turns, they were on the verge of exiting when they came under attack from the planes.

    This is where it gets strange. The Tigers where all able to exit safely...or so I thought. The fighters continued to "attack" the tanks, aiming for the off-map spot where they were ordered to stop when they exited. After a few turns, the routed crews ran from off-map into the cover of some on-map trees :eek: !!!!! After the planes had managed to eliminate them, and the game had ended I got an "axis surrender, minor axis victory" :eek: :eek: :eek: !!!!!!

    What happened here!?!?!?

  6. Why are you all saying that this "move, but if you meet a threat, then bug out" idea is such a bad thing? From day one, one of the things I thought that CM had a hard time doing was what I call "before hand orders"

    What so micromanaging about a Capt. telling his point platoon "Ok guys. I want you to advance 200 meters SLOWLY! If you get sited, get the hell out of there! I don't want to take any unnessesary casulties just because you made contact!" Would you critisize the Capt. for trying to "save his butt" if he ordered his men to advance but retreat if they started getting cut to pieces?

    Unfortunatly, commands like the above aren't possible in CMBO. The AI isn't sophisticated enough (no duh :P). So as is, you have to kinda jerry-rig the commands you do have to get the results you want. I'm glad that BTS has decided to beef up the commands in CMBB. I don't think "MOVE", "RUN", "SNEAK", etc. cut it in certain cases because they're way too general.

  7. When somebody says CMBO is hard to learn, I REALLY have to wonder about them tongue.gif. I was aided by my previous expiriences with Close Combat, but even without it I would have done find. I found this game unbelievably easy next to my first forray into War Games, Operational Art of War.

    Since I've gotten into this game, several other aquaintences of mine have. And for the life of them, they can't get past the abstraction. They wonder why the "little men don't die" when they shoot at each other". C'mon, is it really that hard to grasp?

    Oh, yeah, and I guess I'm back for the moment smile.gif .

  8. Well, it's been great posting here. But in light of my last topics getting few replies, I think I'll bow out. I really hate to sound like a whiner, but the post by KiwiJoe has also contributed to my leaving. No offense to him or anyone involved, but his post has made me realize that the reasons why I play CM differ from much of this forum's community.

    I will still read this forum everyday, as the info here is enriching and facinating. I just feel that posting here may not be nesessary due to the differences I mentioned. I hope this doesn't come off as a suicide note tongue.gif , I just felt that it wouldn't do the forum justice if I just disapeared.

    Thanks all!

    Guy w/ gun

    PS: to Terence and uhduck, email me if your still interested in a PBEM!

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Itchy:

    [QB]Anyway, I said i've lost to humans but I think I could take you on Guy hehehe...[QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Now that you put ot that way, no thank you. I have nothing to prove, and it seems that you have everything to prove. I have already asked uhduck and Terence.

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo:

    Not beating actually, but does it count for something that I pulled a draw as amis in a double blind PBEM? :D<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I could see that happening, since both you and your opponenet didn't know what was coming. Sometimes it may actually be easier to play a human, the AI is never "blind"!

  11. Terence, uhduck, I'm glad to hear that there are people willing to admit the things that you all are. I too am amazed at the stuff discussed on forum! What makes me even more astounded/frustrated is the way people are so matter of fact about all of it, like it's common knowledge. Hmm...maybe I found my first potential PBEM opponents...what say ye Terence, uhduck? Want to PBEM (after I find out how that is :D )? Email me if your interested

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bazooka10165:

    I just played a scenario called "Son" in which it is very tough to win as the Americans against the AI. This was true even after I had played it as the Germans and knew exactly what I would be facing. I'm not sure if Son ships with the CM or if you have to D/L it from somewhere.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I remember Son well.....*shudder* I played that one and I couldn't believe what I had vs. what I had to defend against. I got my ass so kicked, my comp actually laughed at me! If anyone beat that scenario the first time they played it, then I must have no hope of joining the ranks of the "Uberplayers" on this forum.































    That scenario was unbelievably hard. Absolutly no cover! My AT guns were knocked out so fast! The leading part of my defence in the building across the river was completely wiped out!

    [ 04-20-2001: Message edited by: Guy w/gun ]

  13. I have an idea to remedy one of the problems I have with QBs in CM. When I play against the AI and it's a ME or I defend, I rarely loose (unless the comp picks all units) I do not attribute this to skill whatsoever. Let me explain why.

    I feel the random unit picking feature in CM is flawed. The reason why I, and probably many others win is due to the way the units are chosen. Example: I play a 1500 point ME against the AI. I have three options, let me pick my forces, AI chooses it's, I pick all forces, AI picks all forces.

    And therein lies the problem. If I pick everything, I know exactly what to expect and so an easy win is within my grasp. If I let the AI pick its forces and I choose my own, I end up sending my Mk IVs, StuGs, and Panther up against the crap the AI picks (LOTS of halftracks, a very few # of crappy tanks, jeeps, and almost no arty).

    If I let the AI pick everything, it often evens the odds. But it still sucks to have to pit the oddball units the AI decides upon against each other. And more often then not, either I or the AI gets a really crappy pick of units and the other gets a decent one.

    My solution is to allow the player a little say in what is randomly drawn. Maybe he or she could specify "All tanks" and "No vehicles", for example. The main problem seems to be between armor and vehicles, as the AI seems inept and tellin the difference between a Kubelwagon and a Tiger.


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