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Posts posted by Gpig

  1. I'm happy to hear that Cannister rounds fired at buildings are less than effective.

    I recalled a CMBB game long ago when cannister was first introduced. My Germans were inside a church (in CMBB, the heaviest and best cover afforded by any building), but a T-34 cannister round decimated their squad. Cannister seemed under-modelled at the time, at least in how it worked with regards to cover and penetration etc.

    I could imagine some effective Cannister usage versus light cover (small, wooden buildings, fences and low walls).

    In CMx2 So far, I've not noticed tanks firing their cannister at buildings. I would agree that HE should be the tool of choice verses men in buildings, more often than not. But my experience is mostly based on "feel," rather than practical real world experience.



  2. Sometimes it's OK to switch screen direction. You can have the intention to break the rule when it works for you. (And it's more of a guideline than a rule.)

    I thought it worked well. Visually, it told a story (approach 1st objective, battle, enemy surrender, consolodate, approach 2nd objective, assault, battle, victory, aftermath) without any dialogue required. Well, except for the ingame voices.

    The ending was a bit more chaotic, but I think it worked. Battle should have a feel of chaos.



  3. Really excellent work. My favourite shot? @ 2:30: The 2nd objective in silhouette, the italians fighting and falling screen left.

    Overall, excellent use of screen direction to help tell the story. Italians moving from Right to Left. Americans defending from Left to Right.

    Minor quibble: In a few places, the screen direction switches, which creates some momentary confusion for the viewer.

    1:11: Italians attacking Left to Right

    1:46: Italians hunting Left to Right

    Sometimes this can't be avoided (especially when the action generated in game might not look as good when viewed from the opposite angle). It can be mitigated by establishing beforehand, that you're "crossing the line." Or, taking the time to establish the overall layout in the scene. Which I think you've done well when depicting the 2nd objective assault.

    Really nice work. A joy to watch. Makes me want to fire up the game.


  4. Hey all,

    Interesting piece on the CBC website:


    I'm dissapointed that there wasn't more over-arching command and control in the NATO mission that could have rectified shortcomings in Kandahar. Even if that meant swapping forces in Kandahar province. And it's really sad that the mission (and lives) hinges on something as simple as a desire for "prestige." Damnable ego.


  5. Your squads will usually choose when and where to throw their own demo charges. If you give your engineer squad an area target (not TARGET LIGHT), they'll usually chuck a demo charge. *I think*

    In the old days (CMBB), you could pretty much guarnatee a demo charge chuck if you area targetted. And usually, they'd throw a demo charge at any tank close enough (within 30m).

    Have not seen it in the recent builds however.




  6. I'm in the middle of that battle vs the A.I.

    My AT guns were HIDING and had covered arcs, so the enemy never spotted 'em til I started shootin. After I had knocked out 2 Stugs and a Panther, one of my AT guns was kaput. The other found itself on the receiving end of some nasty (and accurate) enemy artillery. Sheeesh. Made short work of that crew, that's fer sher.

    I always start my Observers on HIDE with covered arcs. After the first turn, I'll un-hide them, but keep the covered arcs on. They'll start poppin' off shots with the old enfield if you don't give them a tight covered arc.

    Maybe that's what happened to your observers? What about your AT guns? Did they get to shoot first? Or were they spotted while still hiding?



  7. Hey there,

    Check out this cool link to a vid of a Replica Tiger Tank. This is apparently built for a Russian Movie being filmed called "White Tiger." Does anyone know anything more about this movie?


    A translation from the webpage:

    Acting dummy tank the Tigris full size Association of the model studio of " Rondeau -" it reports that for a while back we approached the production of mock-up for the new film of motion picture director [Karen] [shakhnazarova]. Film is called " White [tigr]" and it will be dedicated to the battle of Soviet tanker with the German tank- spectre. Dummy tank tiger will be prepared full size.

    “The Tigris”, or as it call in German, Panzerkampfwagen VI, it became one of the most frightening tanks of the Second World War. For its time the tank was present giant - 56,9 tons of weight, crew in 5 people, action radii to 100 kilometers along the highway and 60 on the broken ground. “The Tigris” could develop speed to 38 km/h. The third Reich produced 1354 such machines.

    The baptism of fire “tigers” obtained in combat on August 29, 1942 in the environs of Leningrad and subsequently widely they were used to the most recent days of war. According to some accounts, at first Red Army men called this tank “elephant”.

    To create dummy tank tiger - interesting and complex task, which the association of model studio “Rondeau- S” approached with the large enthusiasm. Since the new film Of [karena] Of [georgievicha] will be not deprived of the certain fraction of mysticism, for us one must create the dummy tank, which possesses characteristic properties.

    We will not reveal entire information to the moment of the end of works, but possibly also to the very premiers films. At the given moment the film is still distant from the completion. According to the director, until the spring of 2011 will go the preparatory stage of surveys.

    Although to at first glance create dummy tank it is considerably simpler than to prepare the aircraft scale model or automobile, here there is its specific character. The basic element of any tank - armored housing, on which is mounted other equipment - gun turret, antennas, inspection windows, machine-gun stations so forth.

    The work experience, obtained by us in the creation of small dummy tanks, greatly will prove useful with the creation of model full size. Our association will try to do everything so that the eventual result would appear properly it would imposing and decorate new creation of one of the best Russian directors.

    Translation provided by Babelfish

  8. I can second "No Holding Back," by Brian Reid. Excellent book.

    I also own the "South Alberta Regiment" by Donald Graves. Incredible book that follows the 29th armd recce regiment (The South Alberta Regiment) from it's creation in Alberta, through training in B.C., and then on to England, and all the battles in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Some real amazing stuff in there. Including the battles for the Falaise Pocket (St. Lambert Sur Dives, for instance). The real pointy end of the stick. (The SAR was one of the few units in the area attempting to hold back the flood of retreating Germans.)


  9. Hey FMB,

    I'm most of the way through the 2nd battle. I chose to keep my KG together and attack the town.




    Really fun battle. I echo Sgt Shultz concern about starting with light vehicles and no forward infantry screen. But I didn't wait for the reinforcements. I pushed forward with my PUMAs, leap frogging a route to the West, heading for the open fields on the American Right flank.

    It's been working well, so far. I've taken the church and half the town with minimal casualties.

    One note of concern, I found what appears to be a set-up bug of some sort. I kept spotting and then engaging American ATG ammo bearer teams in town. At any moment, I expected to have ATG rounds ping off my lead armour. But no. Nothing.

    Then, once I attained a foothold on the church yard and steeple, I spotted 3 ATGs all clustered together (within 15m of each other) in the middle of a field, near the back of the map. They were set up in a (seemingly) useless position with no ability to influence the battle. And no where near any supporting infantry, let alone ammo bearers.

    Now they are targetted with 105mm arty. Should be over soon.

    But, it left me feeling somewhat dis-inclined to continue with the battle. The A.I. CAN be a challenge sometimes. However, In this battle, seeing those ATG placed in such a useless spot, left me feeling deflated. Kind of like shooting tadpoles in a saucer. Know what I mean? Still, I'm going to push on.

    Love the map! Brilliant.

    A couple of notable combat moments:

    My lead PUMA, approaching the town, came under an intense mortar bombardment. Had all it's wheels blown off. Now it's sitting in the middle of the road and feeling left out. :)

    I've lost 2 of my Panthers to bogging. Not nice. Heh heh.

    I ran a squad up to the small wall surrounding the church and was ambushed by the G.I. company commanders in the steeple. They threw a rain of grenades that took out 4 men instantly.

    I ran into one American half squad that almost ruined my day. They were in the top floor of a brick building that just peeped over top of a huge Bocage. When my Platoon leaders of 2nd platoon - 2 Kompanie, reached the second floor of a building opposite, they were all killed within 8 seconds. Crazy! Good shootin' G.I.s.

    Fun stuff. Trying to be methodical and take the rest of the town step by step. It's nice feeling like I have enough forces to cover all avenues. Flank support, leap-frogging, overwatch. Nice.



  10. Excellent work, Field Marshal. Loving every minute of it. Took me two days to get through the first battle.

    ***SPOILER alert***

    I had crafted this awesome plan to swing my MkIV platoon around through the bocage, on the left. After my pioneers blew a hole through the obstacle, I ordered my first Panzer through the gap.

    Imagine my shock and horror as my tank blew to pieces halfway through the breach, blocking any further progress for the entire platoon. An unspotted enemy AT gun had thrown my entire plan into jeopardy. Nice!


  11. Hey guys,

    Quick report on the 2nd mission/battle. It's great! Really enjoying this one, but running out of men. I'll let you know how it ends. (I like the longer time to complete the mission in this one.)

    Back to the first battle.

    I like the idea of the changes you've made. I'd be careful not to make it too difficult. If you will be adding troops (to the prison, to patrols, to the bunkers) Perhaps the majority of enemy troops could be lessened in quality to Conscript level.

    The map changes sound great, and the patrol should be fun.

    I'd agree that a variable ending time would be great. Adding an extra bit of tension to the ending.

    I especially like Erwin's idea of having a squad of your Gerber's Heros having already captured one of the towers. That intuitively kicks off the scenario and gives your team a slight leg up.

    Looking forward to testing it out.



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