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Everything posted by Horncastle

  1. Im trying to create a scenario in which an artillery barrage has ceased and now an american infantry battalion and armour has now entered the town. I have used rubble terrain and burning buildings to stimulate this but would also like to add craters to make it more realistic. Any ideas? Also is there any terrain mod out there to simulate a bridge over railroad? Also balance wise the yanks have a Inf.Bn with around 20+ mixed armour/light vechs. The Bosche have a Volkstrum coy, a pioneer and security plt around 6 armour vechs and a reinforce of 2 tigers and motor ss pltn. When testing the scenario it is possible to kill 75%+ of the yankee armour through ambuses, but the huge levels of Yank Inf make the Jerries task impossible to hold the town. The scenario is meant to be a desperate stand by the Jerries to destroy as much of the Yankee armour as possible while the Yanks are supposed to secure the town. How do I reward the Axis player extra bonus points for inflicting armour casualties? Cheers Pete
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