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Posts posted by Thermopylae

  1. I reccommended a change for this once upon a time.

    It was a random historical battle generator.

    The player could set the time, size ( but NOT points..say company, company+, etc) place, division types facing off, and even the force mix I suppose. Then the game selcts from a variety of historically accurate OOBs, (for say a common Guards Armor company in the central region in june 42), tweak it a little so nothing is cookie cutter, assign artillery and extra support, then poof tghe battle is made.

    Quick note, for armor, tanks would be randomized according to their presence in the region and their doctrinal use.

    Both sides would pop out with more realistic, but not consistently the same, forces.

  2. Apparently with regards to the AH-64s, they got so shot up by men with smalla rms precisely because they were men with small arms. They were firing from rooftops and the such, and the ROE prohibited the use of really heavy firepower on buildings which might still have civilians in them.

  3. Horrible, evil, and thrice cursed day! I have lost 15 men, and throught them and entire paltoons trogn point, to two, count TWO rounds of cannister. oh yes, they ar ein foxholes in deep pines woods... but does that stop the dread canister round NOOOOO....^%*&^(*dfekrf$^%&86834rgdjd#ey3et GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


    {rips shirt in two}

    canister...foxholes...intact platoon..wooods..cannister...the horror..two rounds...the horror...

  4. ARRRGRGGGGGJHHHHHHHHHHHGGAAARRRRGGHHHHHHHH!!!!! Myself and Goodale continue to be locked in a battle of not-qiuite-epic proprtions! Fiery death has consumed anothe rone of my panzer IIIs, though of course, at least a platoon og russian tankers met bloody, horrible fates in the mean time, and by my count so have another 20 odd soviet riflemen. You could almost here them begging for an end to it all, screaming as their guts were mangled in a blatantly stupid charge...its ok, we'll leave them to bleed out cursing goodales name...

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