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Posts posted by Shades

  1. Not sure what your asking. Have you started a PBEM game? The only files that will be in your PBEM folder will be the turns you save after you make your moves unless you specifically save them somewhere else. All scenarios can be set up for PBEM when you choose the scenario to be single player, tcip, hotseat or pbem. If this doesn't answer your question let me know what specifically happened.

  2. With that scenario in particular, the targeting flaw is really shown. There are so many targets so close for the slow moving turret of the Tiger, that by the time it can get a bead on the target it had moved causing the erratic retargeting. In CMBO, there is no way to have the tank target on high priority subjects(tanks, vehicles, guns). This of course often leave the turret side and rear exposed when shooting the wrong direction. I always try to reverse out and use whatever cover to block certain angles sight to keep the turret in view of specified areas but that obviously depends on the terrain available. Only in a few target extensive scenarios has this been a big problem especially the fun scenario of Villers Bocage. That's one battle you really want to see the Tiger do its business!

    In CMBB, you can have cover arc set for only armor vs. infantry which really solves that problem.

  3. In a recent PBEM quickbattle, I had loads of bazooka teams and MG squads and had to get past a pesky 75mm pillbox with little armor(already commited elsewhere or put out of action). I was able to get zooks targeted on it and the mg's from close woods/trees and just had them let go at it from about 75 yards away and ran up an infantry squad next to it. The zooks did not have any luck but the squad kept lobbing grenades and took it out after about five grenades. Maybe the crew inside broke, not sure if that can happen. Forgot to ask my opponent

  4. This is one of the main gripes of CMBO which they fixed in CMBB. In CMBB you can now create a cover arc to just target armor and vice versa. In CMBO, if you know a armor will coming a certain direction and you know you won't be flanked, ambush markers can help but not a long distances. The real problem is when there are a lot of infantry in view across the map, the turret will often turn in dangerous positions. Try to block the view of the tank from certain angles and if possible, position another tank to cover the blind spots.

  5. As the other entry stated regardng Stukas. In reality, the red army's air force was decimated early on and they luftwaffe helped soften up the front lines for the German Armor to penetrate. Russians forces were fairly disorganized and most of their armor were the outdated types with KV's being rare on most occasions. The russians were hoping only to delay the German's advance as much as possible by throwing tons of infantry and anything else they could muster. Of course in a quickbattle, this is not reflected as both sides are fairly equal and does not reflect the majority of the battles fought during the early period of Barbarrosa.

  6. I would like the Mediterranean and North Africa but would also like to play out the Polish, Norway, France Blitzkrieg actions. Especially mess around with the French armoured forces which were so disorganized in an effort to get some better results.

    Even some of the Japan/Chinese battles which had very high casualties but poor armor.

  7. This was one of my first scenarios I played and found out the hard way how effective the MG's are n close assault. Mg's taking out whole squads in one turn. I was also suprised how easily the vets routed. I lost the first time(wiped out) and had to replay just to see if I can better it. I did get a victory(tactical I believe) but I don't have the AAR saved to show you, so I will play it again for proof. I did not have control of the middle hill but did have the outer flags. I brought my troops up the roads on both sides of the map by placing them at the far ends of the set up zones. Moving each squad on move to contact orders only from scattered tree/woods to scattered/woods area along the road as much as possible(on each side of road). Once I got a unit safely in a tree area, I would take turns using one as covering fire as the other unit would go for a new position. If there was contact and a unit could not sight target an enemy, I would try and get a area fire as close as possible. The Russians break pretty easily and once they do their toast.

  8. You should post this in the CM discussion forum for these types of questions for future reference.

    The Puma usually has a good reverse time but maybe that particular time the crew just did not react quick enough. Did the crew definitely know the other vehicle was a Sherman until their shot bounced off? How long was it before they shot and then took their fatal blow?

  9. Just like to say that the AAR was really fun to watch and read. I really learned a lot and realized how little I was utilizing some great assets to my benefit. The well placed crack sharpshooters alone really placed the defender in a great position to take out his armour due to the button up. I'd like to see some of the other AAR for the same battle and check the different strategy.

  10. I've played a lot of games against the AI, a few TCP/IP but no PBEM.

    I'm a newbie even though I've played many games solo because the human player is always more unpredictable than the AI. After awhile you can guess how the AI will handle certain situations. If the scenario is well made or not is usually the challenge when playing the AI.

    The real key playing another opponent is when your faced with a situation you haven't come across before and how you can react. Are you always making the same mistakes. If you just haven't been competetive or your still just trying to feel yourself around in setting up a strategy/gameplan, then consider yourself a newbie. My two cents.

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