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Posts posted by dfgardner

  1. Current PBEM game.

    I've got a zook in the hedgerows, less than 50m smile.gif from 3, count 'em, 3 Stugs parked wheel to wheel while they conduct 'urban renewal ops' on one of my occupied buildings.

    What does my hero do? Fires 5 shots, missing all 5 without being fired on in return.

    :eek: :mad:

    Naturally, the Stugs, now fully awake to the threat, proceed to turn in the zook's direction, and eliminate him.

    To paraphrase Admiral Jellicoe...there seems to be something wrong with my bloody zooks today. ;)

  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

    Whoa! dfgardner, you got your work cut out for you in the second battle! ;) :eek: <hr></blockquote>

    Tell me about it!

    Actually, my paratroops just did not want to leave the field of battle. That or they got lost in the woods looking for the Fugowi tribe. :rolleyes:

  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hawk:

    Just in from the press:

    "Yet another glorious victory to the allied forces!

    In the middle of the night in the [censored] forest near [censored], a small polish unit operating behind enemy lines surprised a group of veteran German paratroopers. Losses where high on both sides, but the Polish forces managed to outmanoeuvre the Germans and slip back to their own lines."

    I actually took one (1) more casulty than my honourable opponent, but I started running one turn earlier.... :cool: <hr></blockquote>

    Yes I made an error and pursued him for a turn, which put my troops 100m short at exit.


  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hawk:

    "Dear Ms. Sklowbmowski!

    It is with regret I have to inform you that your son Mlechavi Sklowbmowski died today while valiantly fighting the Germans."

    Hmmm, I hope I don't have to write too many of those! Dfgardner, I am going to revenge the late young Mr. Sklowbmowski. Your troops will pay! Now, if I only could find them..... smile.gif <hr></blockquote>


    When you find them, let me know.....I've been searching for them as well.


  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed:


    There will not be a loser's bracket. However, I am in the process of getting a mini-competition going for all the Alternates. They'll be playing one scenario per round against each other. That way, they will have something to do while they're waiting/hoping ( ;) ) for somebody to drop out of the tournament. I'll be sending an email to the Alternates today (hopefully) or tomorrow.

    I would be willing to add players to the alternate list (BEHIND the first four) after they are eliminated. The scenarios I am using for the Alternates will be different than those used for the actual tournament, so there is no overlap.

    If anybody is keeping track, that is 12 scenarios by yours truly for this tournament. :D

    Chad, how did you drag me into this?! :eek: ;) <hr></blockquote>


    On the plus side, at least we know you're off the streets at night (I think).


  6. Ted,

    Hawk and I have just made contact. One of his Polish snipers took a potshot at one of my platoon HQ elements. That got my paratroopers mad and they made short work of him. ;)

    Rumor has it there are a lot more of them (ie Poles). :D

    PS We're playing back and forth across the Atlantic so command and control is slow, but steady. smile.gif

  7. Ok, my two cents.

    I would argue that what CM is doing (and hence the high casualty rate) is simulating, as best the designers know how, a "fairly even" contest in order to maximize (not in any particular order):

    player fun and enjoyment;

    use of tactics/weapons available during time period;

    I don't think many of us (with an obligatory nod to the purists) would want to play scenarios where the forces are not balanced and one side or the other has a marked advantage from the outset. This even applies to "historic" scenarios.

    Rather, we are given a situation, made as potentially even as possible by the scenario designer (read balanced), so that we experience maximum challenge and enjoyment.

    Consequently, the casualty rate is fairly high because of these 'evening out' circumstances.

    I would also add that were we to somehow magically command units that suffered the same casualty rates as we, as players, allow, many of us (me included) would be relieved of our commands.

  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by william:

    I just loaded the game last night. Played the tutorial and I have some idea about things. I would like to play some scenarios that are very very small. Maybe as small as one platoon, mess with them and then add some other units gradually in future scenarios. Just learn a little as I go. I read a little about the scenario creator but that looks a little complex for me right now. Where can I find some scenarios? Thanks!!!!!!!!!<hr></blockquote>

    Try "Saint Anne Chappel" (I think). Very nice and small scenario.

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

    hehehehehee...Why am I lauging?

    Oh me, no reason...Lets just say we got this particular matter well in hand in CMBB..Well indeed..


    Well I'm confused. I thought it was standard experience to look on in awe and wonder as your tank fires several shots at the enemy tank...all of them missing...while the enemy tank fires one shot and gets mine!


    Perhaps CMBB could introduce a 'hysterical laughter' modifier, in which the enemy tank crew, after seeing the number of misses my crews usually do, are immobilized for several minutes. Perhaps a new .bmp file showing the enemy crew doubled over in laugher is in order? :D

  10. One comment of the gamey tactic of knocking down an building (I must confess I've been known to do this once or twice :D ).

    Not that it makes it true, but I believe in the last episode of Band of Brothers (Arnhem one), one of the paratroopers tells the TC of a Brit Sherman to knock down a bldg so he'll have a line of sight/shot at the AFV waiting in ambush around the corner.

    My thoughts are if you think an enemy is somewhere, surpress that location with fire. ;)

  11. Anyone know possible reasons why TCP IP game played (attempted) on one day would not allow connection, while game TCP IP game previous day would?

    All parameters were the same: ie Zone Alert off, etc. But could not connect either as client or host :mad:

    Is this a common occurance for those that do TCP/IP play? :confused:

  12. There is a concept inherent with all automatic weapons, including MGs, called plunging fire. If I recall correctly (going back on infantry platoon leader days) it was related to us that you could position the weapon to make the rounds strike more vertical than horizontal, creating this effect.

    This could be used in the defensive mode when the MG was typically mounted on its tripod. By adjusting the elevation mechanism you could create the plunging fire effect and perhaps hit targets hiding behind berms, folds in terrain etc. Of course, adjusting the weapon to hit these dead spots meant you had sufficient defensive preparation time to test and see if you could hit the area.

    Rather than a specific doctrinal technique, it was just related to us as something to put in the bag of tricks.

  13. My six year old son too enjoys CM. However, he's more interested in seeing vehicles destroyed (doesn't matter which side). His goal is to wipe out all vehicles, his or the AI's as quickly as possible. As such, his "tactics" can be quite unconventional. :D

    Being Florida born, he also likes the snow scenarios. ;)

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