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Everything posted by Rawhide

  1. Hi all, I just purchased CMBB (I've had the first CM for years) and I was hoping to give it a nice high-res facelift. Are there any mod packs out there? I'm looking for a nice high res overhaul and I would like to avoid DL'ing one unit at a time if I can. The cmmods DB is pretty nice, but there is an awful lot of stuff to choose from - more than I really have time to sort through.
  2. ...website where people looking for IP games can hook up? Anyone remember the old close combat connector page? Anyway, been playing SP for a while and wanted to try my first MP game. I posted on the looking for opponent forums, but there dosent seem to be much traffic there. Is there a better way to find opponents? Thanks -Raw
  3. DOH!!!! :::Slaps himself on the forehead::: What a great way to enter the forums... you guys can ignore the email I just sent. hehe...
  4. I'll do that, thanks. There should be a CM FAQ so newbies like me dont have to clog up the board with simple questions like this. Is there a FAQ? If so it isn't easy to find.
  5. I'm sure this has been brought up before, I looked through about 15 pages and havent seen it anywhere, and I dont have time to browse through a jillion posts. I've played the demo and would like to purchase the game, however I do not want to use my Visa on a game. Is there an address I could send a check or a money order to? If not, why not? Also when will internet multiplay be enabled? Thanks for humoring a newbie.
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