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Posts posted by Hamsters

  1. I get free shots, you mean you don't? Must be your attitude, CM features special attitude scanning software that gives you free shots, running MG teams and kickass SS if you have a good attitude but penalizes you with free shots, invulnerable Sd/Kfz's and excellent arty accuracy for your opponent if you have a bad attitude.

    [ 04-09-2001: Message edited by: Hamsters ]

  2. I disagree, CM2 would ship with 1 skin per vehicle, any additional ones would need to be added by the player. And if the scenario said Panther VG skins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are in use in this scenario and the player only has 1, 2 and 3, than the game wouldn't crap out, it just would only assign skins 1, 2 and 3 because it's merely a graphical feature.

    The BMP folder of some players will be huge but, they'll think it's worth it.

  3. Simple, well, in theory it's simple.

    When starting up, CM would catalog the BMP sets. It would know there's a 1011.bmp, so it would check for a 1011-1.bmp, if that exists, it checks for a 1011-2.bmp, et cetera, et cetera. For quick battles, CM can assign BMP sets randomly but for scenarios, the player can set them by selecting Skin 1 through Skin X, where X is the total number of skins in the game for that model.

    As to the camo idea, these would have to be completely different units using the same model because they would have different stats (They'd be more difficult to spot). Therefor, when creating a scenario, you'd add a 'Panther VG w/ Camo' and it would have the bonus regardless of the actual skin on the tank. Therefor, if you downloaded a fieldgrau Panther VG skin and assigned it to your 'Panther VG w/ Camo' model, the unit would still get it's bonus for being camoflaged, even though it wouldn't look the part.

    The real problem with camoflage is deciding its game bonuses realistically.

    Keep in mind I use the term skin rather than mod, though in the parlance of CM, the two are interchangeable.

  4. Two issues for CM2:

    The first being the use and benefits of camoflage and whether or not it will have any in-game benefits. Is there enough historical evidence to support this? If so, the addition of multiple different models would allow for camoflaged vehicles alongside vehicles without camo.

    The second issue is the availability of multiple models of the same vehicle, with models referring to the on-screen 3D model of your vehicle. If BTS allows for different models, all with the same combat statistics, we can implement multiple camo types on tanks, platoon markings, et cetera, which would improve the graphical realism of the game. Thus, in the mission editor for CM2 you would be able to select the mod for a vehicle along with its ammo and other, currently modifiable, attributes. This could also be implemented with troops, allowing for different unit badges. A variation of this would change only a few BMPs, giving the same camo schemes but allowing the player to delineate platoons, units, et cetera.

    Implementing this would not necessitate BTS's creation of more than one skin for each vehicle, merely leaving the code receptive to future additions. Since the change is merely cosmetic, there shouldn't be anything issues with game integrity.

  5. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    A billion years from now, when the Sun is ready to blow up and the human race realizes that it needs to move to another solar system in order to continue its existence, what will they look at in the 20th Century - how many tanks the world built, or will they be looking at the genesis of space travel and exploration?

    I am hoping that someday, man will look back at such disgusting concepts as machine-guns and tanks and shake his head, not really understanding why we spent so much time, energy and money coming up with new ways to kill each other.

    To say that space travel is somehow less noble, or even less important, than building tanks (whose sole purpose is to assist in the murder of other humans) really smacks of ignorance in mythical proportions.

    Here, here, Michael. Let's just reduce that billion years requirement and make it 20 years, ok?

  6. Yes, its true, Armornut defeated us. We went and chose an AVRE and a Croc and a Firefly. Armornut, naturally, purchased a Panther, a King Tiger and a company of Gebirgjagers (Yes, Mountain troops often had KT and Panther support). So, in the immortal words of OGSF:

    'Aye, ye'll likely win this one. Much as a fat boy wi' a baseball bat can manage tae kill a frog ain a bucket. Ye'll prolly get a medal an' all.'


  7. November, 1944, a small township, outside of Brunhildeburgenvertewulfe:

    Plucky but hopelessly inept British Corporal: Did ya see that! There's a dozen Tigers roight up on that ridge, we can't hold this town against that kind of firepower!!!

    Overly masculine Scottish Sergeant: Ach, e's raight, we mae as wall pack up an' 'ead 'ome, tha whooole 'Eer is up agin us.

    Snobbish English Lieutenant: Yes lads, we'd better retreat. His Majesty wouldn't want us to die needlessly.

    -From the other side of the battlefield, a German CO, resembling a lizard of epic obesity, yells out-

    Goanna: Ja, run avay, leetle girly-men. Jou cannot stand against ze might of ze Verhmacht!!!

    -The battalion of Tigers opens fire, 300mm artillery begins to rain down on the beleaguered British defenders, Luftwaffe bombers strafe the area, two U-Boats fall out of the sky and land on the company dog, Mugsy-

    Corporal: We can't escape, we'll have to surrender!

    Sergeant: Ach bedoogle!

    Lieutenant: All right, lads, throw down your arms, get out the company white flag and prepare the surrender drill.

    -Suddenly, out of the smoke of battle, riding on a battered Comet and smoking a cigarette, comes the only hope for Jolly Ol' England-

    General George S Patton: What'd you expect, some British hero? Christ, there aren't any British heroes. Now let's kick some Kraut ass!

    -Patton, via judicious HE round skipping and running HMG teams, along with some serious hand to hand combat with two U-Boat captains on the deck of the Bismarck, defeats the arrayed German forces handily-

    Corporal: Cor blimey, Mugsy wasn't killed, only nicked by the falling U-Boats!

    Company Dog Mugsy: Woof!

  8. David, We're afraid you will need to resend me the turn, as our E-mail seems to have eaten it. Don't you think it odd that we stopped sending you turns? Didn't this make you say, 'Cor blimey, wha's thas?!?!' or some other Bri'ish saying? Perhaps next time you could not waste so much time and resend the turn promptly.

    Real updates:

    Knight's Joust: Stevetherat, a moron of no account, has stopped sending turns.

    MarkIV's Violation Alley: Asking us if we bet, he then proceeds to demonstrate other, more carnal vices. The bastard.

    DekeFentle: Well, he's a dip, but he dies well.

    Seanachai: Yuck. We're about to see what a StuG, a JT and a KT can do to an infantry platoon at point blank range.

    jd: One turn, we're all ready ahead by a tank and a mortar.

    Croda: Oddly enough, is not himself crodalicious.

    Jefe: We can only assume you, like Aitken, cannot deign to resend a turn properly. Have you no class, sure?

    As to the appearance of our idiot cousin, we neither walk alike nor talk alike. We can only hope that one of three things happens to the dear spearboy:

    1) He becomes a squire so our 387 wins (And one handicapped loss) can becomes part of the Pool record. And that way he can *kick* be taught the joys of the Pool.

    B) He dies. Not in a Napoleon, 'Death in obscurity after great conquests.' kind of dying but rather a 'Death in a whorehouse after great obscurity.' kind of dying but more immediately.

  9. We demand that any and all of you find the annoying newbie named 'Harpooner' and make fun of him immediately. This 'Harpooner' is, in reality, 'Meeks's Hippie Cousin What Stole Meeks's CM CD Long Back'.

    Ahem, back to the matters at hand. OGSF's posts are damned hilarious, we move that OGSF create the next Cesspool. We love you OGSF and are your number one fan!

    On to our joust. We say again, the stupid PeterNZer and idiot Croda do not know that you need to lock the passengers as well as the trucks. This allowed us to set up flamethrowers and Platoon HQs in ambush for poor, stupid Stevetherat's troops. We've all ready won, on turn one.

    Seanachai dies. DekeFentle dies. Jefe Cheats. Croda has disappeared.

    We are having the greatest battle in a long time with MarkIV. He's managed to cheat verilly, achieving a 37mm frontal penetration against a StuG, and he's decided that the realistic way to attack a position is to attack it entirely from the left. This has resulted in a hellacious battle where a platoon of our fine Fallschirmjagers holds a forest against the massed forces of evil that is MarkIV.

    And, finally, Goanna has thrown in the towel. Lorak, please note:

    The Multitude of Hamsters: VICTORY!!!!

    The Single Lizard, Goanna: Total Topplement

  10. Well, the first turn on what is quite possibly the least intelligently designed scenario, ever, has been sent out. Not only are we assigned the same troops (these troops consist of trucks, green flamethrowers, a few ammoless leaders and a pair of elite sharpshooters) but the mortars only have smoke and the TRPs are thus useless. What, that didn't make any sense? We know.

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