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Col Deadmarsh

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Posts posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Murph:

    Yeah, Atari kicked ass (specially the Activision games), but the real gaming breakthrough came with Colecovision! It kicked intellevision's ass! <hr></blockquote>

    I think not. ColecoVision had better graphics and that's about it. Intellivision and Atari had better games and a much wider selection to choose from. You'll notice that people always talk fondly about Atari and Intellivision but ColecoVision never gets mentioned. Hmmm, I wonder why...

    P.S.--In addition to Sea Battle, I have to nominate Utopia as the other great Intellivision game. In fact, there are a lot of Sid Meier fans out there who remember how great a game this was and affectionately refer to it as Civ 0.5

  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

    It's on ABC tonight. I think it's the first time it's not on CBS. Since we're all reminiscing, do you remember the way CBS used to introduce the Peanuts specials with the big SPECIAL rotating around the screen in vibrant color (because we didn't all have color). And every other commercial was for York Peppermint Patties.<hr></blockquote>

    Yes, sadly I'm old enough to remember that.

    P.S.--Thanks for the tip on that Peanuts special. I thought I had missed it for the umpteenth straight year.

  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by tero:

    This is slighly off-topic:

    I was strictly a C-64 / PC guy until I found this Apple II retro site:


    I am happy to report the emulators work also under NT. ;)

    [ 10-30-2001: Message edited by: tero ]<hr></blockquote>

    Sure, the program emulates the Apple II games alright but how do I scale back the amount of colors on my monitor from 16,000,000 to 4? smile.gif

  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    Did that keyboard ever actually get used for ANYTHING on the intellivision??


    I think part of the problem was the 60 point font size they used for text. I seem to remember you could only fit about 4 lines on screen at a time.

    P.S.--That Sea Battle game kicked butt. Probably the best game they ever made and one of the first.

  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andrew Hedges:

    IIRC, the armor ratios were adjusted due to the high number of potent "vehicles" that the Germans had. That is, after maxing out his "Armor" category, the German player has the capability of drawing on a wide variety of vehicles armed with 50 and 75mm guns which can take out regular allied tanks,and which can also be effective vs. infantry. US and british vehicles don't have this capability.

    So to some extent the answer might depend on what sort of armored vehicles the soviets have.

    A better solution, IMO, would be to redefine "Armor" to include all armored vehicles with weapons in the 20mm and above range; vehicles would armored and unarmored vehicles with MGs or less.

    An even better solution (although this would have to wait for CMII or beyond) would be to have multiple overlapping categories. So a Daimler AC would be considered "Armor," "Light Armor," and "Recon."

    So in a Combined arms type battle, the Daimler's points would count against the "Armor" category. But the multiple categories would permit different kinds of battles, such as battles involving only "light armor," or battles involving a certain number of "recon" units.

    The latter two hypothetical battle types would be particularly interesting in Russia because the soviets had some nice light tanks that it would be fun to play with -- T-60s and 70s as well as the BT types<hr></blockquote>

    I agree with your suggestion for moving these units around to represent their true worth in CM. Now I'm sure there are some people on here that would cringe at the thought since the armor category represents tracked vehicles and the vehicle category represents non-tracked vehicles. This makes sense in the real world, but in CM the difference between tracked and non-tracked vehicles is insignificant. In fact, I'm not sure there IS an advantage to having a tracked vehicle in this game, is there?

    The fact that the Germans have 75mm armed vehicles like the 234/1 and are able to use vehicle points to purchase those give the Germans the ability to make up for the small amount of points they get for armor. Since we know the Soviet armor is equally as tough as the Germans, they vehicles they possessed should determine what the armor ratio is, just as it does right now with the Allies.

    Does anyone know what the Soviets had as far as support vehicles? Were they capable of taking out German tanks?

  6. Does anybody know if the armor ratios will return to 1:1 or will they remain at 3:2 as they are now? I assume that the Russians didn't roll out quite as many tanks as the Americans did and thus would not have the option of having more armor on the battlefield as the Allies do in CM. Plus, for the sake of an equal balance in game play, the Russians could go toe to toe with the German armor and thus don't need the extra numbers.

    I'm sure BTS hasn't commented on this so what do you guys think? What should the ratio be when purchasing units for QB's in CMBB?

  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B:

    It is risky to try, and I would not recommend it. Vehicles are generally spotted quite easily even if they are hiding in scattered trees. I wish BTS would implement some sort of concealment bonus for vehicles that begin the game in trees and do not move.<hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, I didn't think it would work too well. I agree that BTS should bonus these units when setting up in/behind trees with the engine on idle. Kinda like having a double stealth bonus as an infantry squad. You shouldn't be seen if you're well back and hiding.

    After hearing this info, I guess it's probably just safer to buy a gun to do the same job, but you don't always have one for whatever reason. There have been many times where I was without one and then saw a place on the map which allowed me to place my tank in the back of some trees with lots of LOS to where tanks might be passing through but I deemed it too risky because I was sure I'd be spotted before I fired the first shot.

  8. I'm sure this is possible but I'll ask anyway since it seems risky to try...

    Can you hide a tank in/behind some trees in the deploy where it has long lines of LOS across the map and yet can't be seen by the enemy because it's concealed? Does anyone set up their tanks like this in the middle of the open with only concealment to protect themselves and yet allowing you to shoot at the first armored target it sees without having to move the unit into view?

  9. I'm hoping that we'll see a big improvement over the Commodore 64 flame graphics we have now. If any of you have been reading the game magazines lately, you are probably aware that there are a number of WWII shooters coming out which have made absolutely outstanding use of today's technology to create realistic looking flames--notably Wolfenstein and Red Faction. I'm hoping CM will at least come somewhat close to putting out something which looks that good.

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys:

    Just to keep the discussion going, I think four types per category are too many. I prefer three. My nominations would be:

    <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Category 1: conscript, green, regular.

    <LI>Category 2: green, regular, veteran.

    <LI>Category 3: veteran, crack, elite.

    This seems to me to give a reasonable range of experience to be found within a given formation on the CM scale. I would also favor having an unlimited option available as well.


    The reason I'd like to at least have 4 types of experience levels is that with only 3 levels, you aren't really getting that much of a difference when you go to choose units. Adding that fourth level in there, it changes everything and more thought has to go into your strategy for the battle.

    If you had regs, vets, and cracks, that would be okay but the other categories that Michael mentioned don't really have that much difference in them. I mean, how much difference is there between conscripts and greens.

    The question is, how unrealistic is it to have say...greens, regs, vets, and cracks in a battle together. If it isn't unrealistic, then why not have at least 4 levels to choose from?

    Whatever BTS decides to choose, I hope they include the unlimited option as it always makes everybody happy in the end.

    [ 10-21-2001: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]

  11. For the gamers/ladder players: What I'd really like to know is which of these units do you buy on a regular basis?

    Is it worth it to spend all that money on a croc? Do you wait until later in your battles to reveal it when the enemy is not at full strength? Is it reserved only for mop-up duty?

    How do you prolong the life of your Flammpanzer if you have to move within 50m of the enemy to attack? Do you use infantry suppression or two of these tanks or what?

    Ditto for the other flame units in this game...

  12. I've noticed that the German flame half track (251/16) and the Flammpanzer have a max range of 50m compared to the British Wasp which has 75 and the Crocodile which has 100.

    Are these numbers correct in real life? Why did the Germans have such inferior guns on their flame vehicles/tanks when the guns on their other tanks were superior to the Allied counterparts?

    Also, which of these units do you use? I know people use the Wasp a lot but what about the others? Is it worth it for the Germs to spend precious armor points to buy a Flammpanzer which has such a limited range for the weapon?

    Is the Crocodile too much money for the Allies or can it be used effectively in reasonably safe roles to make it worth it's high price tag?

    [ 10-21-2001: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fieldmarshall:

    I am in Claremont and have no time what so ever to go to San Diego, lets have the meeting at the turf club at Santa Anita, thats something I could do...


    Great choice! Count me in. But the 27th is no good because of all the Halloween parties coming up. Can we make it the following weekend after Halloween?

  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by THumpre:

    Howdy all,

    What say we solidify some plans for the second meeting. Who is planning on coming? The 27th had been mentioned as a date, how does this work for everyone? Any ideas as to location(I like the BBQ idea)? San Diego is fine...but as the title implies I'm from OC so going northward works too. Speak up lads, let's see if we can come up with a workable plan.

    Thumpre(The Two headed)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I'm from Arcadia so I'm thinking driving down to San Diego would NOT be an option. I'd go down to Orange County though if that's where it took place. Would like to see it a little north of there if possible.

  15. I have been lobbying for this change since the first day CM came out. I really think we need an "unlimed" option to this just as we have that option for force mixes.

    For the CM "gamers", think of the added strategy in composing your infantry forces before battles...At the very least, I think we should have 4 types per category.

    Category 1: Conscripts, Greens, Regs, and Vets.

    Category 2: Greens, Regs, Vets, and Crack.

    Category 3: Regs, Vets, Crack, and Elite.

    I still think an "unlimited" option would be the best and I'm sure there is enough realism in that to justify it's inclusion in CMBB.

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