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Posts posted by Terence

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    If the track ball doesn't work for you, try a Wacom tablet. They work quite well for CM<hr></blockquote>

    Those tablet/pen combos are fantastic. I worked at a horrible company that used evil production software that gave the entire staff RSI. But they issued Wacom tablets and gave us posture lessons and so on, and it really helped. Those tablets are a godsend.

  2. Also, Brian, I am currently reading a book you might enjoy -- its a history of the South Pacific war (by an American author no less) that includes a great deal of interesting information about the vital role that the Australian force played.

    It is called Touched With Fire: The Land War in the South Pacific, by Eric Bergerud.

    I remember you making the statement that histories of the Pacific War give the Australians short shrift. Bergerud deals with this in his intro and proceeds throughout the book to cover the Australian contribution in great detail, often praising Australian equipment, tactics, bravery.

    Anyway, thought you'd be interesteed. Would have emailed you, but your email is not available on the forum.

  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by KiloIndiaAlpha:

    In CMBB will it be possible to create a scenario and give orders to units that they will start to obey when the game starts? In other words you can design a scenario where one side already has a set or orders, eg move down this road, move to here pause 30 second and run to here etc etc.

    Answers on a postcard pls.

    smile.gif <hr></blockquote>


  4. One time, when playtesting my Canyon of Doom scenario, I noticed that although the US side did not have LOS to a concealed bunker, they still saw the hit deatail reports from the bunker when artillery hit it.

    That is to say, the US was able to find out that a bunker was in an area they could not see, by reading the "Hit. No Damage" messages.

    New meaning to the words "recon by fire," and quite unrealistic unless artillery shells make distinctly different noises when they hit bunkers.

    I posted on the BBS about this and MadMatt said. "Hmm. Ill take a look at that."

    I think thats it, really.

  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Ligur:

    Good point, I often wonder about that.

    The default seems to be "free to place" but since the poor AI usually needs help, I have ASSUMED that I should stick to scenario default. My assumption was the creator has chosen what troops to set up where since he prolly does that better then the AI.

    For example I had no clue WBW scens should be played free to set up!<hr></blockquote>

    I always made the same assumption. Ive seen the way the AI sets up -- esp on a wide map. The troops are all over the place.

    I always used default setup, figuring that the designer would have put the troops in an intelligent spot.

  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Brian:

    Even so, how many tanks does it need for BTS to take note of its existance and include it in the game? <hr></blockquote>

    I'd like to know if it worked, before we have the doubtless spirited "Why doesn't BTS include this in the game?" discussion.

    And I'm not entirely convinced by the argument that "it must have worked, otherwise why would they do it."

  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Germanboy:

    I have sent a new Byte Battleā„¢ called 'Bure' to Der Kessel. It is my first published historical battle, based on the description of the opening stage of the battle for Bure in 'Go to it', the history of 6th Airborne. Extensively playtested, and all that. Experience 6th Para tussling with Panzerlehr.<hr></blockquote>

    Now Hear This:

    My unsolicited opinion of Bure: Its a great, great little battle on all counts -- map, force balance, briefings, the works.

    You all are hereby requested and requird by me to to run, don't walk to Der Kessel and lay your grubby mits on it, soonest.

    That is all.

  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sergei:

    BT-42 was a Finnish "upgunned" version of captured BT-tanks. It had a British 114 mm howitzer that was about as effective against T-34 and KV-1 as toothpick is against a lion. Brilliant showcase of Finnish engineership.<hr></blockquote>

    Oh, don't be naive.

    Don't you know that ancient, feeble uberFinns routinely slaughter lions with toothpicks?

    It should be plain to the meanest intelligence that, if crewed by blind octogenerian uberFinns, one out-of-gas BT-42 perched atop a hill in plain sight of a brigade of elite Soviet armor would slaughter them to a man.

    [ 11-12-2001: Message edited by: Terence ]</p>

  9. Comrades!

    I need some WW2 information and would like to tap the Battlefront Brain trust.

    My questions are:

    X)How far behind the front lines would a German 105mm artillery unit be positioned. A 75mm unit?

    How many guns per battery might one see?

    247.98.2)Is there a standard practice in which German howitzers were set up? Positions? Were gun pits dug? What IS a gun pit.How deep are they. Anyone ever done one on a CM map?

    b)Were gun tractors deployed near the guns? How near? Were the guns moved by trucks as well? Was there ever a shortage of gun tractors?

    Subsection 20) What other units might one see near a battery of 105mm howitzers? AA guns? How many? What kinds. A Scheirung detatchment? How large? Any other assorted units?

    Ponce) Were CREWED German artillery batteries ever overrun by allied advances?

  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Linda WarChest:

    Well it has been 24 hours since the thread started and BTS still has not come out with a statement about anything !!

    Seems that those of you who follow your CM leaders so blindly have had an eye opening experience.


    I believe this is what BTS is really thinking:

    "Just send us your money like a bunch of sheeple. It doesn't matter if the CM software works, as long as we have your money ! We are big now, we don't care about our customers anymore, bye suckers!"<hr></blockquote>


  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Amidst_Void:

    So what's the best guess on the CMBB release date, will it be released this year or perhaps next?<hr></blockquote>

    Yeah. And also, I'm really eager to play that Rusisan front version of CM that the guys have been working on. When is that supposed to come out?

  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Ogadai:

    I find it interesting how many American posters either refuse or unable to use the correct nomenclature for British or Commonwealth units.


    1) I don't use them cause I don't really know all the CW nomenclature, and I don't want to mis-communicate my point. Most people know what I mean when I say platoon and company anyway.

    2) Troops are for Boy Scouts anyway.

    3) So what, who cares, big deal.

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