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Posts posted by LGMB

  1. Goda Le: Seeing as you have no email adderess, I find it hard to understand how exactly you plan on challanging my in the first place, and second of all, why don't you jsut create a quick battle and PBEM it over to me?

    To bluff, er, gloat, you have to have won AT LEAST ONE GAME (Seeing as, after four godless games, I beat Peng- And Kestrel a number of times- I've earned that right!)


  2. Soldiers,

    That's it! I've had it with this! Go dale or God ale or Goda Le (french cheese no less!) is driving me nuts! He's worse then Combat General (god rest his stupid soul). We must put a stop to this!

    I propose a catapult to the General Forum. We take the whole lot of you Goda Le supporters, and BANG! Off you go, back to your rechid hives!

    (BTW: that's RIGHT... until Goda Le shuts up and moves to the General Forum, I'm back to Soldiers! Muhaa!!)

  3. Many a lost soul has wondered across the sands of time, a dieing question on their lips, 'Peng... what is it? Where did it come from? Whyis it here?'

    Well, gentle soul, I shall answer your question here and for ever- to disperse all myth and fantasy: shedding new light on this dark matter. Herein lies the truth, be told, the final answer.

    Listen, for my time grows short; the act of writting draining my spirit- as would time, over the countless years, drains into milenia. Now, the Truth

    After I speak, don't ask who He is, ask only whom you are, and what you have now learned.

    He is a middle aged man, with a member number somwhere in the thousands, who plays a lot of CM.

    And now, my time has passed. I die....

  4. From a different thread:


    The more I hear people glorifying it, the more I hate it. It's Windows. All the way through, it's Windows. All those stupid little, 'My pictures' 'My Apps' etc. IT SUCKS. The system is totaly hardwired, making any kind of usefull change is imposible. It's slow, it's buggy, its FAT. It chews huge amounts of ram so it can make the 'dock' look nice, and make the icons big. All this does is piss me off. It can't propperally allocate RAM, causing any graphics programs (which CHEW RAM) to freeze and carsh constantly. I can't run Bryce 5 and Phototshop 7 at the same time. I've never had this problem in OS9. Did I mention how much the 'Users' feature DRIVES ME NUTS? Having all these %$##*&^ passwords is hell for someone on a LAN. And the way OSX always defaults all of your files to the frigging 'Users' folder, I can never find anything! I have to sift through folder after folder, looking at ten versions of the same program, auto updating while crashing becuase there's no ram and not running the right version of some god forsaken program as I'm waiitng an hour for a program to start while Java is freezing...

    I CAN"T STAND IT. For example: I was using iMovie in clasic to make a little video, when BINGO, OSX took the liberty to autoupdate. The computer crashed and I lost my work. Another horror story is the way in OS9, I liked to keep all of my MP3s in one big folder, and then use the press a key and get the file scrolling function to retrive the file I needed. Well guess what? Firstly, OSX istalled TWO new copies of iTunes, and now asks me everytime I inadvertantly start up the wrong version, to fill out the 'setup form' Sound like WINDOWS? Secondly, OSX doesn't have a press key get word scroll function, so I can't do THAT any more.

    I could go on forever, but I'll just say this: OSX is fat, slow, and clunky. It can't run ****. It's Windows.

    That's why I hate it! :mad:

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