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Posts posted by LGMB

  1. Very much so by the discussion on this sad little board.

    I think I can snap em out of it, that is if any of them aren't ignoring me:

    For the love of god, WHO CARES

    Now go eat some cantalope and forget all about that grizzly little incident involving hands, be they right of left, and brain mass, be they none exsistant (as is the case with me) or so massive that they're being stored externally in a fermaldihide container attached to Shaw's forehead.

  2. "snowed on vehicles would be nice"

    Ah, yes, I'm reminded of the great fight for Snowed on versus White wahsed winter camo....

    As I recal, it wen something like this:

    Me: Man these mods suck!

    Everyone esle: Joo FEWL

    Me: They really do suck though!

    Everyone esle: White Wash ownz

    Me: Ok, ok... please. Pretty please?

    Everyone esle: No!

    Me: Fine, be that way!

    That's just about all I remeber. Anway, at some point gary convinced Marco to wip up a nice little 'snowed on' version of his summer shermas, based on the Magua hlaftrack look (haven't heard form him since Normandy).

    And a legend was born.

  3. If any of you have been readying my posts (not likly) over the past few weeks, you'll hvae noticed that I have been doing a lot of 'lack of CMBB' whinning. As an update, I sent an Email to Moon, asking if the preorder was shipped, and recieved this response (god bless him, he's fast):


    Hi Mr. Bill,

    sorry about this. Am investigating now. Stay tuned,




    Superior War and Strategy Games

    ----- Original Message -----

    From: "Mr Bill Jr V" <mr_bill_jr_5@hotmail.com>

    To: <martin@battlefront.com>

    Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 3:03 AM

    Subject: Preorder... was it shipped?

    > Sorry to bug you, but I'd really like to know: Was my preorder, number


    > shipped? I'm livng in Vancouver BC, Canada, and have still not recieved my

    > copy.




    > =====


    > "Why?"

    > Mr. Bill


    I ask you, the poster, to judge for yourself. Has the unthinkable occured? :confused:

  4. I really like the wqay these reviewers can't seem to understand that this game is NOT Warcraft II

    Every negitive review complains:

    "When my men panic and run I don't like it."

    They dont seem to understand that this game is a SIMULATION. It is made to be as relistic as possible. People paniced in WWII, so thy panic here. Tanks had varying armor thikness, done to the milimeter, so they do here... etc.

    WHY can't people understand this??

  5. "What is PENG?"

    PENG is realy some guy living in a room with only three walls, the forth being covered with inflamitory postcards, calling himself Senachi (or whatever), posting insulting messages, often or not aimed at people whos names are typed in bold for some reason.

    Best I can figure.

    [ October 19, 2002, 04:52 AM: Message edited by: Lord General MB ]

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