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Posts posted by gatpr

  1. I just finished reading a book entitled Steel Rain. I think I understand a great deal more about artillery generally, and am certain it will improve my gaming. Its about Col. Georg Brunchmuller and his contributions in several breakthroughs in the East and West Front. At the least it made me think seriously about how to plan preparations for shoots. I heartily recommend this book.

  2. I like horses and dogs too. I've posted about this one before. I know BTS has many defenders I'm one most of the time myself, but I honestly think they're making a mistake by excluding horses. That's as critical as I care to get. The last time I had the audacity to suggest something on a non BTS forum I got sandbagged by a squadron of self-appointed defenders of western civ. At least BTS considers the possibility of change.

  3. A couple of points people have used dogs in warfare about as long as the dog has been domesticated. I believe the general German response at first was to simply shoot dogs that presented themselves. Second I want cavalry too. You cannot do justice to many facets of the Ostfront without cavalry, and much of the artillery on both sides was horse-drawn. I like horseys and doggies!

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