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Posts posted by silentsniper


    -I was playing the VoT scenario as the Germans today, and I had lost ALL of my pillboxes, and the AI took all of it's tanks and the rest of it's men and charged the little town. I was going to surrender but decided to hold out because I had just gotten my panther and reinforcements. So I sneaked the panther down Hill 209 and let it sit. I knew it was a goner when the enemy tanks got there. Well they did, and my panther took out all of them!! FIVE shermans knocked out by my panther!! My tank was the only thing on the hill at the time, and the AI smoked the entire hill and even down into the village. There was so much smoke it started to slow down my game!! The AI took all of it's infantry and charged the rest of the guys I had hiding in the town. I was way outnumbered. But in the end I won. I counted the guys for each side, and found out that 139 bad guys ran to the town, and I only had 88 total, but only about a third of them weren't too scared to fire back. One of my nine man squads was responsible for 30 casualties!! It was awesome. Pretty soon I'll get my full version, and I won't have to play this one over and over again, but after today I probably will. smile.gifsmile.gif


    Be nice to your panzershrecks. smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by silentsniper (edited 08-26-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by silentsniper (edited 08-26-2000).]

  2. I have been waiting for a while before I created my signature, because I wasn't too sure what I wanted. But now I know. It came to me in a battle I was playing today, when I ran out of tanks and the Americans only had one. The tank was tearing up my infantry when all of a sudden, as if from out of nowhere, came three panzershreck crews. (actually 2, one was hiding in the steeple of a church. smile.gif) When the dust settled, all of my soldiers were intact and firing at a broken crew crawling under their abandoned tank. I went on to take a total victory. This is the first time I've even won this scenario with the Germans, (A Chance Encounter, give me a break, I'm a beginner.) much less a total victory. So in honor of the guys that won it for me, and because I'm not old enough to buy beer, I created a signature just for them.


    Be nice to your panzershrecks. smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by silentsniper (edited 08-11-2000).]

  3. I've been trying to e-mail you about our PBEM game, but I just can't get Hotmail to work. I got in to read your message, but I couldn't reply. I'll play whenever is most convenient for you, but some time at night will probably be best. We are probably better off doing the Chance Encounter scenario, and I don't mind if I'm German or American. Talk to you later, -silentsniper

  4. I just read the thread "What's up with the smoke" and went to the 3dfx site and updated my driver. It installed great, but when I rebooted my computer it came up with a large and very obnoxious black border all the way around the screen. It's even there when I'm playing a game. And the CM graphics are abominable!!! When I started the game up it asked me if I wanted to run in software mode or something, (weird because I only have the demo,) and I hit ok thinking it would be better. Now I get blocky graphics and everything jumps around. I tried rebooting and I still get the border, I don't know what to do. Help!

  5. What does everyone think of surrendering troops? I never got in the situation before until last night when I was defending a small forest on the edge of the map. I had no more tanks and I was getting destroyed by artillery and tank shells. Every time I sent a panzershreck forward they were immediately killed. So I sent a small suicide force out to hold off the tanks so I could concentrate on their infantry. Thankfully, the enemy infantry assault was successfully repelled (and I mean successfully....bodies everywhere) but then the tanks came back and ate me up. I knew it was suicide to stand in the first place, but I couldn't stand the thought of giving up. I just don't see the point of surrendering when I can fight and possibly get a few more kills. I figure when my troops feel it's time to give up they will route anyway. What does everyone else think?

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