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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. GGGRGAAAARGH!!!!!!!!! This thread smacks of a Cesspool. How much did they pay you, Axe?
  2. GGGRGAAAARGH!!!!!!!!! This thread smacks of a Cesspool. How much did they pay you, Axe?
  3. Jan 12 2005 2:36pm What do I get if I win? </font>
  4. <font size = 10 font color=red>"I'm not finished with you yet!!!!"</font> :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace </font>
  5. And because now your wife's panties don't chafe as much when you wear them to work on cross-dress Fridays???? :mad: :mad: :mad:
  6. Go on. Post it. You're just trying to turn me on. How's Cheery Waffles, by the way? Sufficiently :mad: ? </font>
  7. If your tanks shoot as accurately as mine did in that abomination of a scenario we just finished, Snarker's "teensy, tinsy" Stuart will probably take out at least half of your Pz IVs. If that happens, I'm sure Snarker will post that photo, too. Good news on the raw sewage front. All of the plumbing is completely replaced. The city building inspector ordered the tenants out of the house, so no eviction is needed. I have one prospective buyer who is offering substantially more than we sold the house for 3 years ago, and a second buyer considering a cash offer. It looks like a win-win for everyone but the people who trashed the house in the first place. Anyone looking for some neighbors? </font>
  8. Snippet from Hakko Ichui's link in his post. The Mercury Theater of the Air Presents the Assassination of Saint Nicholas (1939) Listeners of radio's Columbia Broadcasting System who tuned in to hear a Christmas Eve rendition of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol were shocked when they heard what appeared to be a newscast from the north pole, reporting that Santa's Workshop had been overrun in a blitzkrieg by Finnish proxies of the Nazi German government. The newscast, a hoax created by 20-something wunderkind Orson Wells as a seasonal allegory about the spread of Fascism in Europe, was so successful that few listeners stayed to listen until the end, when St. Nick emerged from the smoking ruins of his workshop to deliver a rousing call to action against the authoritarian tide and to urge peace on Earth, good will toward men and expound on the joys of a hot cup of Mercury Theater of Air's sponsor Campbell's soup. Instead, tens of thousands of New York City children mobbed the Macy's Department Store on 34th, long presumed to be Santa's New York embassy, and sang Christmas carols in wee, sobbing tones. Only a midnight appearance of New York mayor Fiorello LaGuardia in full Santa getup quelled the agitated tykes. Welles, now a hunted man on the Eastern seaboard, decamped for Hollywood shortly thereafter. GGRGAAAARGH!!!! Where's KEKE???? Revenge is needed. :mad: :mad:
  9. Of course they're dense. And daft too. No one in here like that. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  10. GGRRGAAAAARGHRGHAARGH!!!!!! SODDBALL!!!!! YOUR CLANKIES SUPPLY A TARGET RICH ENVIRONMENT FOR MY MIGHTY MITE TNT CHUCKERS!!!!!!! So stop killing my tanks already and die. [ December 02, 2004, 02:38 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  11. Make with the turns, maggots!!!! I may be popping the top on a porter shortly, so send while I'm loopy.
  12. I live to annoy. I mean, serve. I live to serve. No, wait. The first one. I live to annoy. Yes. Yes, I do. </font>
  13. Well, aren't the moderators the sharpest knives in the drawer. Fux sake. I knew it was Focker as soon as it started posting. :mad: :mad: Maybe that's because I'm smarter than the whole lot of you guys thrown together. </font>
  14. Ahh. Permanent Coventry yet again: Kwazy has seconded or thirdided the sentence.
  15. GGRGRRRAAAAARGRGRGHAARGH!!!!!!!!!! I'm dueling Sod all in the desert. Only the most angriolized maggot will come back from this one. The rest of you will treat the victor accordingly.
  16. Hi Ralph, The notes on the current 'MS approved' are here: Current release notes The notes for the latest beta (which includes a list of what was fixed from the official release) are linked to in the post above yours. Hopefully there are no show stoppers for you. The beta driver (if you need it) is here Beta nVidia driver
  17. Uh huh. Never mind with the "help". Oh, and: He does play CM. He's pretty darn good at troubleshooting hardware and drivers. He doesn't want to see others trash their operating system. He found this while you were insulting him (note the bold): This following are changes made and issues resolved since driver version 66.93: • Added new Performance and Quality option—Negative LOD bias This control lets the user manually set negative LOD bias to “clamp” for applications that automatically enable anisotropic filtering. Applications sometimes use negative LOD bias to sharpen texture filtering. This sharpens the stationary image but introduces aliasing when the scene is in motion. Because anisotropic filtering provides texture sharpening without unwanted aliasing, it is desirable to clamp LOD bias when anisotropic filtering is enabled. When the user enables anisotropic filtering through the control panel, the control is automatically set to “Clamp”. • GeForce FX 5950 Ultra: Operating system failure with the game Flat Out. • GeForce FX 5950 Ultra, Windows XP: Shadows in the game Angel of Darkness render incorrectly in a room with two light sources. • GeForce 6600, Windows XP Media Center: HDTV 1080i display corruption occurs when underscan mode is enabled. • GeForce FX 5200, Windows XP: Character model shading in the game Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness is rendered red instead of gray • GeForce 6 series, Windows XP Media Center 2005: Live TV audio stutters when viewed in Clone mode using the NVTV Tuner card. • GeForce 6800, Windows XP: Video smears once you toggle WMP10 to fullscreen mode while playing a WMV HD clip. Complete nVidia notes on the new beta driver [ November 30, 2004, 09:37 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  18. Just out of curiosity, do you read the posts you reply to? :confused: This thread is a warning, as I am trying to point out that the brand spanky new driver, approved by MS, is acting up in a seriously evil manner with software THAT PREVIOUSLY WORKED WITH THE OLD DRIVER. Acted up badly enough that Windows reported it successfully fixed a serious operating system error somehow involving the nVidia driver and would I be nice enough to send them the specifics? TWICE before I decided I liked my computer better than I liked the new driver. If you're keeping score it's an FX 5600 ultra.
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