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Iron Duke

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Posts posted by Iron Duke

  1. Hey guys,

    I need 2 (or more) people to test/play a new battle for me. Preferably by TCP/IP but PBEM is fine.

    Anyone that says yes is commited to finish the battle and give me feedback on the map, force balance, and general gameplay of the battle. Serious offers only please.

    I would be most grateful for any help I could get in this matter.

    If you are interested please email me at:



    [ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: Iron Duke ]

  2. FYI:

    you can now download the operation from the Admiral's


    Also, one of my other operations "Northeim" can now be downloaded there also. Here is a brief on that OP.

    Title: Northeim

    Type: Advance, Allied attack

    Date: April 5, 1945

    Location: Germany, in and around Northeim

    Weather: Clear

    Length: 6 Battles: 20 turns each

    As the 3rd Armored Division approached the Harz mountains it had become stretched out, as was typical of such operations. As it by-passed pockets of resistance, gaps would occur in the lines. Whenever this happened, the Germans would attempt to block the main roads again by infiltrating across the advancing columns, and setup strong defensive positions in the hopes of upsetting the Allied time and supply lines.

    Combat Command Bravo (CCB) of the 3rd Armored Division, after a considerable firefight, had managed to build a bridgehead across the Weser river. They managed to make multiple crossings and advanced rapidly eastward towards Northeim.

    It was on this strech between the Weser river and Northeim that the 3rd Armored Divisions' only Super T26 Pershing finally saw action. Some of the German units that had fallen back from CCB's bridgehead, managed to setup a few isolated strongpoints along CCB's route.

  3. Hey guys,

    this operation ties in with my "Counterattack at Sarrebourg" operation. And as usuall, if you would like to try it out please email me and I will send it to you ASAP.


    Title: The fall of Strasbourg

    Type: Assualt, Allied attack

    Date: November 24, 1944

    Location: France, Alsace wine route

    Weather: Clear

    Length: 6 Battles: 20 turns each

    On the 22nd of November, 1944, French and American forces advanced along the Saverne gap and enveloped Saverne itself, trapping the 553rd Volksgrenadier division and the Headquarters of the 89th Corps. General LeCleric, commander of the Free French 2nd Armored division, lost no time in exploiting his success and drove straight on the ancient city of Strasbourg. This action threatened to split the German Army group G right in two. Because of this, General Bayerlein, commander of the Panzerlehr division, was chosen to counterattack at Sarrebourg and direct his division toward the Saverne gap in hopes of cutting off the French 2nd Armored.

    Meanwhile, on the famous "wine route" of northern Alsace, General LeCleric faced the newly arrived 256th Volksgrenadier division from Holland, some anti-aircraft units, and some scratch units under the command of the Strasbourg Commandant. On the morning of the 24th, the Free French began their drive on the beleaguered city, one of the most conquered and reconquered cities in all of Europe.

  4. Ok...battles are away. Good Hunting Ass Kickers, may you quickly destroy your opponent and take his lands as your own.

    One final note (and it disqusts me to even have to say it at this point in the tournament):

    DO NOT, at any time, attempt to buff up your HQ's and/or ammo amounts when you send your purchases to me. I will catch you and if you do it again...I will publicly annouce you as a cheater and kick you out of the tournament. :mad: This time I will assume it was a "momentary lack of reason" and let it slide with a warning. Enough said on that.


  5. NOTICE:

    My home PC will be used exclusively for school work by my beeyatch for the next week or so, so please, if you sent your purchases to my home address, please resend them to my work address.

    Here is a refresher on the rules:


    VG's WILL be rationed. MAX of 2 Kompanies/battle allowed


    No Arty over 150/155mm allowed.

    No Arty with variable timed fuses allowed. (To make it fair for the Axis)

    You can have EITHER:

    1 150/155mm Spotter + 81/75mm Spotters


    2 120/105mm Spotters + 81/75mm Spotters

    Rockets, because of the inherent inaccuracy, will be allowed up to the 210mm range.


    NO mix and match of Allied units will be allowed...just like in the first AKOTM.

    That is all.

  6. I recieved an email today from the Monkey stating that he would forfeit. Now the question is whether Texas deserves any penalties at all?

    Sock Monkey, I am told by him and Toast, had been gone all last week due to Real Life , but does this exempt him from his responisbilities to the AKoTM? A short email would have sufficed I think... therefore I am going to rule that the Toast not be penalized because of the unfortunate Sock Monkey whom was trampled on by Real Life .

    Welcome Gents to the Semi-finals. You are the veritable Creme de la Creme...so far you have each won three straight battles to get here...overcoming weather, ground conditions, extreme gameyness, and F'd up setup zones! :cool:

    Only two of you will remain after this fight, so if you've been holding anything back...I suggest you let it go now, because you must win this next one to even have a chance at the Ass Kicker of the Month trophy...no wine...no money...no t-shirts...just a simple trophy. Kind of like fighting for bragging rights...an idea if you will.

    These last battles will be straight up fights...no trickery or tom-foolery. Use what you have learned, lay into your enemy, smack him around like a red-headed step child and make him call you Master.








    Texas Toast


  7. Texas Toast

    Sock Monkey

    Two of our quickest members, are now up to -400 points a pop.

    To the rest of you...as far as I understand it, it is Sock Monkey that has been holding up the program while the Toast has been ready. Now the question I want to clear up is that: Should both players be penalized? Texas, for how long did you know that you guys were only 1/2 way done? Since last weekend I am sure...why did you not say anything then? Or should I not place any burden on the second player to attempt to keep the game on track?

    I'll leave it upto you last three...and any other contestant before that was KO'd from the tourney.

    Especially Gryene...what say you mate?

  8. Well labappel...it look's like you will be fighting yet another "easy" battle as Spank Monkey and Texas are late.

    -200 points already. :rolleyes:

    Oh well...they've had a month...that's more than enough and this thing is so close to being over...I don't care anymore.

    Take your time boys...labappel won't mind and I am sure mPisi and Pondscum are happy that they probably won't have to face either of you slow asses in the Championship.


  9. Congratulations labappel...that was a close one eh? Old Gryene nipping at your heals, snarling und biting...hehe.

    Please see updated bracket for details.

    Quarter finals.





    Senor Beef








    Sock Monkey

    vs------------Texas Toast

    Texas Toast


    Do not forget the Due Date! Please keep the battles moving along and the updates flowing.

    Well, well, well...here we are...The Due Date!

    The Monkey,if he doesn't get me a report by tonight, will be used in medical experiments and the Toast is gonna be burned and fed to some malnutritioned ducks... tongue.gif

    C'mon guys, you have until tonight to get me those results...and please send them to both addresses so I cannot miss it.


    [ 08-01-2001: Message edited by: Iron Duke ]

  10. The real test for me Wild Bill is getting anyone to test it! :mad:

    I test my Operations from both sides and fine tune where I can, but as you know, OTHER peoples opinions is what I need. And even when several chaps show interest and they ask me for the scenario...I hardly ever hear from them again...does this mean it sucked? LoL.

    For example...my second to last Operation "Counterattack at Sarrebourg", 10 to 12 people wanted me to send it to them...fine I did so, only 1 ever responded. :(

    Oh well...such is life.

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