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Posts posted by Claymore

  1. Is is the rich food (that the French are famous for) that causes their homes to detonate when a few rounds of HE lands inside them? Typically it takes a few rounds before a "golden BB" strikes the fat fryer and BOOM!

    Seriously: Explain the reason for a large shockwave from a collapsing home.

    Apologies if it has already been covered. A brief search on "exploding" and "buildings" yield nada.

  2. Mch,

    The issue of the 50cal is not its power once the rounds land on target, but how CM models the accuracy of the M2 being fired in automatic mode from the back of a moving vehicle. Check out the thread "50cal too effective?" for a complete discussion including input from those who have fired the weapon in earnest.



    he which maketh the first assault doth endanger himselfe most (sometimes)

  3. I've been play-testing some custom scenarios to test the efficacy of SNEAKING or CRAWLING. The basic setup is attempting to get a PShrek or Bazooka team in WOODS within 70m of a armoured target. Targets ranged from HTs to MBTs and I didn't get much variability in target type. The operative term seemed to be if I can see him, he can see me. The funny thing was that SNEAKING (men walking upright) typically got better results (+30%) than CRAWLING (men prone). The results are a bit subjective because of my time limits in running scenarios. I have to find time to read the CM forum after all smile.gif

    How have your Shreks and Zooks faired?


    he which maketh the first assault doth endanger himselfe most (sometimes)

  4. I have reviewed my list and would like to ammend it as follows:

    1. Fix the 50cal accuracy/FP

    2. Fix the mortar vs armor accuracy/FP

    3. FOW upgrade (I shouldn't know a unit's training level)

    4. Creation of maps with Craters (simulate a trench! - Good idea Ambush66!)

    5. Tweak TacAI slightly (covered ad nauseum)

    The rest seems a little like eye candy for me. For example rosters or bases might make my life a little easier but they don't affect realistic simulation of small unit actions.

  5. Is it just me or have others had shunned using the TARGET WIDE for artillery? In the small unit actions I play I usually just have mortars and the TacAI and PBEM opponents group their assets close enough for TARGET to be more effective.

    Thinking about it now maybe I'll fire up CM and check its usefullness in stemming large scale forces.


    he which maketh the first assault doth endanger himselfe most (sometimes)

  6. Unfortunately the CM software is not constructed to allow for re-crewing abandoned vehicles or weapons. BTS had very good reasons for doing this and I'm convinced that they have valid reasons for not allowing it in the game engine. The M2 fix can be more readily accomplished by downgrading its performance to a area suppression device and/or downgrading its accuracy and/or modifying how its FP rating is applied. How or if BTS will implement this is another matter. CM stands today as the unique small unit actions simulator.


    he which maketh the first assault doth endanger himselfe most (sometimes)

  7. Hey Tiger, in a forum like this discussion is in a conversational style vein. Read the original subject line and you'll note that it includes the smiley. The original message is upfront as an entreatment for input from the other forum participants. The expected results of this request were clarified in my last post.

    Hey! maybe this thread will exceed my record. Does it count when you're posting about 15% of the total?

    cheers - Claymore


    he which maketh the first assault doth endanger himselfe most (sometimes)

  8. Well Tiger what I was attempting to do (and you will notice the liberal spread of smilies) was render the disparate and disjointed collection of multiple threads into a single vote-for-it survey. Instead of searching for the this-and-that through history a summary thread was created.

    I am very much aware that software architectures can limit the deltas you can perform. Programing is part of what I do for a living. However, it is very informative for a person to go to one thread and see how people rank their desires and how it compares to others.

    Is BTS listening? Yes as much as any other thread.

    Will it influence them? No. Charles is the only programmer and a smart one. (Witness the results - CM) He will do just fine on his own.

    Do I care? No. I'm just curious what others think.

    Do others care? I don't know.

    Should we stop discussing? In my opinion no.

    cheers - Claymore


    he which maketh the first assault doth endanger himselfe most (sometimes)

  9. Gentlemen,

    There have been a large number of items discussed (ad nauseum) here and my thanks to BT for their sufferance with some of the posts.

    I table the motion that we rank the fixes which might be implemented in the next patch. Give BT a little breathing space and say that only the top 5 are doable with their current workforce allocations. Post your wishes in order preference. 5pts for 1st, 4pts for 2nd, ...

    My vote is for

    1. fixing the 50cal uncanny accuracy

    2. including more FOW

    3. fixing the 2"+ mortar accuracy

    4. including a roster

    5. tweaking the armour on a few tanks

    (Maybe I can break my record for thread length with this one smile.gif


    he which maketh the first assault doth endanger himselfe most (sometimes)

  10. Everybody should take a look at Skurg's post.

    When comparing real world experience with a 50cal in automatic mode to CM performance it is painfully clear that it is far too powerful. Vietnam Marine snipers aside (read the book and see how long it took him to set up that SINGLE shot), the 50cal on the back of a moving vehicle will spray lead all over the place. A conservative estimate from my real world experience would be AT LEAST +/- 10 degrees in any direction during a normal burst. Do the math...that is nowhere near enough stability to hit the preverbial SIDE OF A BARN at 300m. I've fired the M2 in single shot from a tripod and it does have GOOD first round accuracy over iron sights, we are not discussing this in CM.



    he which maketh the first assault doth endanger himselfe most (sometimes)

  11. Yup and until it get fixed I'm thinking of asking my future PBEM to limit their use. Either

    1) No roving HTs, ACs or T8s allowed in the backfield

    2) Allow me 100-200 extra pts to station assets specifically to attempt interdiction of these guys. Maybe a few PShreks at specific choke points or a tank that is only energized when said 50cals venture into the

    verboten areas.

  12. Bouncing along in a HT (in my case a M113) trying to bring a M2 on a target 300m + away is a very difficult task. Make the target BUTTON UP, yes. Repeatable mission kills after a couple of bursts, no way. These results are repeatable and their effects tilt the CM battlefield considerably.

    My suggestion: Moving M2s can only fire at AREA targets or their accuracy downgraded by at least a factor of 3. I should have to lay down almost 1 min of continuous fire at an AC +300m distant before he gets killed.

    The actual fix given the CM architecture is something BT will have to respond to.


    he which maketh the first assault doth endanger himselfe most (sometimes)

  13. Although on paper 50cal will penetrate the armor found on HT and ACs I find the accuracy of the roof mounted M2 far too great. A rough analysis of a custom scenario I made resulted the following:

    1. Hunting .50cal vs Stationary HT - mission kill (ABANDON or KNOCKED OUT) after 5sec of M2 fire (>300m range)

    2. Hunting 50cal vs Fast HT - mission kill of HT after 10sec of M2 fire (>300m range)

    3. Hunting 50cal vs Moving Puma - mission kill of Puma after aprox 15sec M2 fire (>300m range)

    From personal experience with the M2 (on a stable tripod) I believe that these results need to be addressed. The M2 in automatic fire is an area suppression weapon, not a surgical strike weapon. As for game play this results in German recon vehicles being far to vulnerable to long range fire.

    My 2 cents


    he which maketh the first assault doth endanger himselfe most (sometimes)

  14. I'm about two turns from getting my PBEM cherry popped "big time" by Fd Ski and I need some new opponents.

    I would prefer:

    You: Allied w/ Combined Arms

    Me: Axis w/ Combined Arms

    Both with Regular/Veteran force quality.


    Medium Map, Rural w/ Modest hills and trees Daylight and clear weather.

    Timeframe: Anytime. Time Limit: 30+ Turns

    Battle Type: Meeting Engagement @ 1250 pts (Equal forces)

    No handicaps

    If this is acceptable, then bring it on!




    he which maketh the first assault doth endanger himselfe most (sometimes)

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