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Posts posted by Tanaka

  1. On the same game, where I've an all Elite UK para force, yet another PIAT jam... It's the 4th time in the same game. The cadence seams to be 2 jams for each 6 shoots with an elite crew,(I've seen 3 jams for each 6 shoots), I wonder how it will be with Regular ones smile.gif

    Is this near the historical jam cadence ?

    [ 07-04-2001: Message edited by: Tanaka ]

  2. hmm... We are always learning smile.gif

    But... the funny/strange part, is that it happen on 3 turns in arrow with the same elite PIAT team, and always at the turn end/beginning of the next one.

    Yes, the damn elite Team unloaded all it's ammo on a SPG, some were 40% hit chance shoots, in the end the SPG walked way with 1 crew member killed :eek:

    I want a PanzerF or a PanzerS !!! :cool:

  3. On a recent game, I've noticed that if an Elite PIAT team ends the movie turn reloading his weapon, on the next turn he will waist about 30 more sec to end that reload... Has anyone know the reloading times of a PIAT during a "normal" turn is much smaller. As anyone noticed this ? The search function didn't work for me...

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jaakko Harlas:

    I just saw a documentary which had a clip from the victory parade in Moscow after the war. It showed Zhukov and some other general riding through the Red Square on white horses. Maybe the photograph was taken there.

    The documentary also stated that Stalin did not want to ride in the parade because he was afraid that he would fall off the horse and embarass himself.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    After 4 hours of INET reserch, only come up with this redface.gif ... (It's a book)

    Son of the Fatherland

    The story of the Marshal of the Soviet Union,

    Georgiy Konstantinovich Zhukov in pictures.

    Moscow, Planeta, 1995, by N.N. Yakovlev

    Pg199 - The Victory Parade. Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov rides past the forces, assembled for the Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow.

    I my self also sow the picture in question in a documentary about a Soviet Photographer... I think he was the one who took the famous picture where Franklin D. Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill are in Teheran, Iran (November 29, 1943).

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar:

    Before everyone else along with the kitchen sink jump on me about that statement, let me clarify that I am proud of once being a member of the Soviet Union, which Westerners refered to as communists even though it was really more of a dictatorship. I do not believe in communism, which is impossible to

    Originally posted by The Commissar:

    [QB]...I am proud of once being a member of the Soviet Union, which Westerners refered to as communists even though it was really more of a dictatorship. I do not believe in communism, which is impossible to achieve for reasons I care not discuss, but I am not ashamed to mention that I was indeed someone the West would have refered to as communist -...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I live in the west, and I understand you fully... Maybe I was helped by a gfriend from the former East Germany. Not all people in the former west learn about communism in the TV, some actually read History/Philosophy books about it, a few, but again, some ;)

    Back to Zhukov... it's not one of my favorites, (maybe I lack some knowledge on is tactics), but I specially like that propaganda photo where he is "flying" in a withe horse... what was the name of the photograph ?

    Michael Dorosh...

    Thanks, yes it's a very good candidate for the list ;)

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Richard Cuccia, the PiggDogg:

    ... Are you kidding about Zhukov. I am no Russian or Communist lover by any means, but ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    One funny thing about this is...

    If any ones here said that Rommel, Guderian or any other Nazi German General were the best commanders of the 2nd WW, it would not state " I am no German or Nazi lover by any means,but..."

    Quick question: Was Stalin a "Communist"?


    PS- I must say... I don't love any Russian woman ( I could, but I don't) nor am I a member of the communist party :D

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kburns24:

    Zhukov has to be up there as one of the worst commanders. After the Stalin purges, this idiot is given the reins? Stalin wouldn't have had nearly the amount of losses had he not killed his best military minds early in the war.

    #1 Hitler, of course. He meddled too much. If he left his military decisions up to the experts we would have had a cold war with the Nazis instead of the USSR.

    #2 Stalin, nothing more be to be said about this one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    UGA BUGA UGA BUGA UGA BU... tongue.gif


  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YECoyote:

    One of my pet peeves is having the grunts fire their weapons at 400m, when I want them to run for cover to cover. Will there be a HOLD FIRE/FIRE AT WILL command?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    These type of commands, in stile of TacOps, would be a very fine addition... Much more important then teleporting troops between buildings :eek:

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panzerwerfer42:

    [QB]...Also www.panzerlexikon.de has an old video clip of...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    yep... nice MPEGs, thanks for the link.

    For CM2, it would be nice to make a 2nd type of "ford" where the vehicles could also cross. The Soviet road network (bridges included) was very poor, not like in France or German for instances, so this type of new terrain is a bit important for the Russian front.

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo:

    ...Yes, Pershings saw combat and are availlable in CM.

    And so is the Super Pershing...


    hmm... I was under the impression both these vehicles didn't sow much action, specially the Super Pershing. Aside form shooting old men and babykrauts from the VG Army in April/May 45, where did they sow action ? Did they ever shot a moving German tank ?

    Thanks in advance

  11. My answer was oriented in a "general" cheating direction and not in the lack of setup control with terrain conditions. Taking out that part, the following statement <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>... every time a turn pbem is load by any CPU a NEW map/turn is calculated... So you can reload your turn as many times you want, that when you send your turn to the other player a new calculations is always done. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> is entirely true.

    Well... this was one of the things I also said <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> ...The only one that remains is the absence of information to the 2nd player about the map conditions(trees and hills). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> and now I add the weather and time of the day.

    As I said, I think BTS will look into this for CM2 and make the information available to the 2nd player and make the random weather/time "calculation" on the 2nd computer.

    Any how, I've more then 70 PBEM/TCPIP games played, I also can understand the funny part of random weather, as we don't control the weather yet smile.gif

    My "advice" for CM1 when playing with unknown players :

    -Don't play with "computer-chose"

    -Don't play with random weather or time

    -Don't play on a map that should have heavy trees/hills but has no trees/hills smile.gif

    -At the loser request, the winner is obliged to concede a 2nd game with exact same setup but now with him on the other side (Axis or Allies).

    [ 04-20-2001: Message edited by: Tanaka ]

  12. Martin,

    Most of what you said is only valid to a very specific kind of QB, the "computer-chosen force" one, when "player-chose force" is selected those problems don't exist. The only one that remains is the absence of information to the 2nd player about the map conditions(trees and hills). I'm not sure, but I think for CM2 this one will be attended, any way if you don't like the map, just tell that to your adversarie...

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Martin Cracauer:

    ...Since one PBEM may be sent to multiple persons, you can just send it to yourself and see how things are and only when you like it send it to your opponent...


    Not true, every time a turn pbem is load by any CPU a NEW map/turn is calculated... So you can reload your turn as many times you want, that when you send your turn to the other player a new calculations is always done.

    Obviously a security problem still remains on the 1st/2nd turn of a "computer-chose" type of QB, but again, I think this will be look into for CM2.

    [ 04-20-2001: Message edited by: Tanaka ]

  13. Hello,

    Just a few "solid" numbers...


    Speed of a regular squad over plain "open" ground ---> 100m in 28s

    more or less (between 27,7s and 28,2s)


    A frontal assault(Banzai charge) running through 400 m on a plain "open" terrain.

    12 x Veteran Volksgrenadier Fusilier SMG

    1 x Regular Volksgrenadier Fusilier SMG

    total 1501 pts


    2 x Veteran M26 (90mm gun 3xMG)

    3 x Regular M26 (90mm gun 3xMG)

    All unbuttoned and stopped (TacAi will move them after a few time)

    Total of 1505 pts


    Germans more or less 2/3 of the men KO

    Allies 5 M26 KO

    Facts --> In all 5 tests never the allies won

    Sow some 60m PF-100 shots...good


    Just take your conclusions ... I can assure you that I already have taken mine ;)

    PS- Don't believe on the numbers ?

    The tests were to few ?

    This guy (me) is a maniac !

    well, do it your self and see with your own eyes... yes it is that simple ;)

    [ 04-09-2001: Message edited by: Tanaka ]

  14. Originally posted by Red Comrade:

    ... I suggest to add a mol-projector troops in CM2! Russians used it against tanks and dots. Specially in Leningrad and Tula. Mol-projector throws a glass ampoules full of napalm-like liquid. Good for burn infantry. WERY cheap.


    But also said by you on another project :


    In the whole war was released 1200 mol-projectors!


    1200 from 41 to 45 is a small number, there were even more mine-dogs in the war, and as we know mine-dogs wont make into CM2 wink.gif

    Although it was nice to know about this "things".

  15. Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B:

    ...was that it was not unusual for German troops to use PF against infantry, even though they weren't supposed to. So it's not unrealistic (according to them)...

    I agree that a PF when used against infantry behind walls, buildings or anything that might detonate the charge has a good chance of producing a number of kills. I also agree that under pressure and specially when caught by surprise the PF man might be tempted to fire it on everything that moves.

    Now we both know that in CM these distinctions don't exist, what has been stated above (and in some posts of the other topic) are real situations that in some occasions may minor the game limitation... The truth is,for instances, in an ambush where your troops are in cover and the enemy in open terrain, they will simply fire the PF even if they are Elite troopers and with the Lt just behind the PF man wink.gif

    Now, I know this is a game,I also know that they have their hands on a more or less new one, CM2, so to me, these game doesn't need better graphics or a better tank "engine",(off course they are all welcome), but the soft target (Infantry included) fighting abstractions are the ones who need more attention (like the one stated in this topic)...

    Just my opinion of course wink.gif

    PS-Edited because of some spell errors

    [This message has been edited by Tanaka (edited 04-04-2001).]

  16. Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B:

    From page 62 of the CM manual:

    Small arms fire from a unit ... Instead, each "shot" affects and area around the unit target or zone, in which it can cause casualties or suppression.

    Yes, I also have the manual, but the question is not about if the squads in the area should have casualties or suppression,(wish they should have), it is about the amount of casualties. I find it hard to believe that hidden units in a forest will have as much or more damage then the standing ones.

    And don't forget what has been said by me on the 1st post

    By contrast if any of the hidden infantry targets is out of LOS of the firing unit ,(but there is no physical impossibility to hit them like in a forest), even if they are only at 5m from the target, no bullet will hit them"

    Another system limitation that clearly violates that rule stated in the manual.

  17. Originally posted by M Hofbauer:

    ...it's all about (deja vu!) - you guessed it, ABSTRACTION.

    The soldiers represented by that squad marker are supposed to be around that place, and if another squad ios around the same space, they will get hjust the same share as the targeted one...

    Not the same share,they will have more (do some testing) and that is the problem

    ... in reality you can't really discern between squads, all you see is a bunch of enemy soldiers (what little you see of them), you wouldn't know if they all belonged to one squad, if they belong to two or three squads, and which soldiers belong into which squad...

    Are you sure of that ? Then try this: Target a sniper (one man),that will have at a 9m distance for each side a hidden squad... Now guess what ? In the end most of the times the sniper will be alive, but the squads will have up to 25% loss. Want even better ? Again target a sniper and deploy on each side ,at a 9m distance, a hidden sniper, again wait for a min... I bet that at least the chance are equal for all the snipers to get a shot...

    ...in reality the firing and hitting is not restricted to exclusively the soldiers from squad "A", instead it is just as likely that the guys from squad "B" which are running (loitering) besides those from squad "A" should get hit as well.

    They are not running, they are hidden in a forest (wish in CM terms is the best terrain cover). So these guys hidden in a forest, (don't say to me they are standing, because as we know they wont even reload when they are hidden), will get at least an equal share of the fire, Sorry, I don't buy that...

    As an example, (one in many),I've had a panicked squad running into a zone where my troops were hidden, this squad was under fire from 3 enemy squads... At the end the panicked squad got only one man KO, but all, all my hidden squads in that zone got casualties, my enemy didn't even know...

    What I'm saying with all this it's only these " the lost bullet syndrome" is set to high and not that it shouldn't exist.

  18. Here it goes another infantry fight problem, this one has been talked here in the forum... As we know it's very difficult to make German infantry to use it's PF, even PF-100 (Has any one sow a 90m PF-100 shot ? ). It has been told that it takes a lot of courage to fire a PF at a tank and that all world must be a better place in order for them to fire the damn thing wink.gif

    Now, I will not go that way... What I would like to change is the wiliness that these guys have to fire the thing at infantry targets, it's stupid and don't forget that they have infinite grenades. In my umbel opinion and making a wild guess, I think the reason why they do this it's because the "routine" that controls the fire is the same that is used to fire the rifle grenades and other type of "extra" infantry weapons,(but with different ranges) , if it is not, great, then it is easy to end this stupid behavior...

    Again, prove me wrong or please change this for CM2,thanks in advance.

  19. I find it hard that no one noticed or as written about this, missed fire from infantry small weapons will many times claim more victims to the hidden enemy infantry targets then to the intended target (I call it the lost bullet syndrome). I will try to make myself clear:

    NCO- Open fire on that enemy infantry squad !

    These guys are so bad at shooting, that they will miss a lot of fire wink.gif

    Then a miracle happens, they (without knowing) hit more bullets on hidden infantry then on the intended target...

    Now if this happens once in a while, I don't have a problem with that... but, it's not the case, if you don't believe me just run a few tests (like I did) and see for yourselves, notice also that area fire is much less effective... Instead just aim to one of them, that the others will get their share wink.gif

    By contrast if any of the hidden infantry targets is out of LOS of the firing unit ,(but there is no physical impossibility to hit them like in a forest), even if they are only at 5m from the target, no bullet will hit them.

    What I ask is, prove me wrong (yes, I'm human) or please "fix" this for CM2, Thanks in advance.

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