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Posts posted by BeWary

  1. Thanks guys, I'll check out Bullethead's posts. I understand how artillery is more accurate with LOS in CM, however, I was more questioning reality than I was CM.

    Was it possible during WW2 to have artillery fall in a tighter circle/ellipse than is possible even with LOS in CM? I'm just wondering if the accuracy in CM is "as good as it got" in real life with LOS.

    I guess my other question was: Is it possible to land all of the shells on one spot, or do the artillery crews intentionally make adjustments to make the impact area larger.

    I'll still try to find what Bullethead had to say. Maybe he answered these questions.

    Thanks again,



    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

  2. Hi all.

    Artillery seems to fall in a general circle around the spot you target. My question is: is this because of the distance to the target and/or inherent inaccuracy of artillery, or is it by design (meaning, artillery crews make slight adjustments before firing for the purpose of being slightly off-target and hitting a larger area)?

    If it's by design, were there ever times when they called in an artillery strike with a small area to land in? I'm playing a scenario right now where there is really only one small area that needs to be shelled (the entrance to a bridge and the bridge itself), so a lot of my shots are being wasted.




    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

  3. To be fair to the Greenies, I won a 2000 point quick battle ME against a completely Veteran force, including heavy tanks, and I only had some tank destroyers. I actually got a Major Victory, IIRC. They did pretty well, as long as you keep them in C&C. In fact, I might even do that again, as I had a lot more troops than he did, which I think more than compensated for their higher chance to break. Who says it's not easy being green?


    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

  4. I'll do my best:

    1-3) Foxholes can only be dug during the setup phase. However, if you split your squads, you can get twice as many foxholes to start. Just rejoin them later.

    4) I believe so. The manual probably says.

    5) Unsure, but I've had more than one unit in a foxhole before. I think it was a platoon HQ unit and a bazooka. You may be able to fit even more, but a single unit (squads included) will always fit in them.

    6) I don't think the computer digs foxholes in ME's, and even if it did, I can't see much of a use unless you have a nice hill you want to keep some of your troops on near your side of the map.

    7) Don't know, but logically, I would think not. If you're in a heavy building, I would imagine the only thing you're exposing would be your head and arms to fire your weapon through a window, which would be the same case in a foxhole.

    8) I would think so, as less of the Bazooka team would be exposed to HE and bullets.

    9) For shells landing nearby, I would think yes, but for shells landing in or exploding above, almost certainly NO.

    Hope that helped. Maybe someone else can tie up the loose ends.



    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

  5. Ha, sold out until the end of February, eh? Perhaps "The Best Game that No One Played" award wasn't such a bad thing after all... smile.gif


    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

  6. Wow, there's a lot of us here! I live in the cuntree, but work in Fairfax.

    I'd be up for a trip to Aberdeen sometime, as I don't think da wife would be too interested in it. frown.gif



    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

  7. There are a lot of great monitors out there, and there's always a better one coming out (at least according to the hype). Just surf on over to www.cnet.com and look at their Hardware section. I bought a 19" monitor that they rated highly, and have been very pleased with it. It's a ViewSonic G790, but I'm sure there's something "better" out there now. smile.gif



    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

  8. It doesn't matter what you call the file. I've not read of any issues between PBEM'ing between a Mac and PC, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. Try having him send the file as an attachment. That will at least make sure one (or both) of you isn't messing up the formatting.

    Good luck, and welcome to the CM-loving club!



    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

  9. Saw over on Gamespot (http://pc.gamespot.com) this game. It's a WWII First Person Shooter, and it looks like it has the potential to be a lot of fun.

    I wonder how they're going to model the randomness of war when you're supposed to wade ashore at Omaha? Oh well, they never said it was going to be as realistic as CM. smile.gif

    I'll be keeping my eye out for that one. <ouch!>



    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

  10. Thanks Mattias, I'll buy that. It seems to make sense when I think about it. You have to deal with height, arc, and distance for one as opposed to just "point it in the right direction" for the other.

    But that makes me wonder, does wind ever push the mortars around a lot? If so, wouldn't that cause some side to side variation? Or is variable wind not modeled in CM?



    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

  11. So I'm playing a certain scenario. I have a Sherman Jumbo 76 with only 2 tungsten shells. I start my Jumbo in a hull-down position. Turn starts, and a "Tiger?" appears immediately at 500m and fires an HMC near my Jumbo. The HMC backs down out of sight. In the meantime, my Jumbo spots the "Tiger?", fires, and misses horribly. The "Tiger?" then acquires the Jumbo as a target, fires... it's short. Two seconds later, the Jumbo fires again... front hull hit, richochet. Before the "Tiger?" could fire again, my Jumbo shot off one of its Tungsten rounds (since it had successfully bracketed the target already), and penetrated.

    Now, previous to 1.1, I had tanks with plenty of Tungsten bouncing shells off the front of Panthers for multiple turns because they refused to use the Tungsten. Plus, 4 turns later, my troops identified the enemy "Tiger?" as a King Tiger!

    All I can say is: "Wow, thanks BTS!" I would have been toast if my Jumbo didn't fire Tungsten when it did. I'm glad it didn't try to "conserve" it since it only had 2 rounds. smile.gif



    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

  12. Ok, as we all know, when mortar shells land (from an on-board mortar), they fall in straight lines. Meaning, they are almost always pointed in the right direction, and if they miss, they go either in front or in back of the target, but not to the sides. Is this how they work in real life?

    Just wondering.




    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

  13. Well, if Karch is correct in saying that a Mac will accept the '/' in the filename, then unless BTS codes it to detect which platform the game is running on, and then decides whether to accept a '\' or '/' based on the platform, I would guess we're stuck with the current fix.



    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

  14. Well, as Schrull said, there are no system files being overwritten by the patch. If you run the patch, and direct it to a new directory, you will see the files it overwrites, and it only puts files into the CM directory.

    It has to be a problem somewhere else in your system.

    Unless, God forbid, there is a virus in the 1.1 patch?!? I sure hope not though... I don't use a virus checker.


    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

  15. I think BTS should allow the '\' character, especially since you cannot select a directory to place the file in when you save it.

    I don't know about the '/' character though. Engy, are you sure that character will save the file to a sub-directory in CM? I don't think Windows supports that syntax. Are you using Mac by any chance? I don't know how they handle this.



    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

  16. Well, it seems like a good idea to have LOS blocked for a little while since as you all mentioned, there would be a dust cloud rising up and blocking LOS. The question is, should it magically disappear at the end of the action phase, even if the building blew up 3 seconds before the end of the turn? Or should it last for a set amount of time? (perhaps 1 or 2 minutes?) I would say it should last a little while, but at this point, that may be more trouble than it is worth.

    The 0% chance to hit certainly sounds like a bug though.



    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

  17. Your should in no way be affected by copying over some Combat Mission files. The only thing I can think of is do you have a Mac? IIRC I read in a post by MadMatt that there is a DLL to copy over if you use a Mac. Did you do something like that? If not, then no, the CM upgrade has nothing to do with your recent problems. It is probably related to your modem upgrade, or maybe just a Windows hick-up.

    Re-boot and see if you're still having problems. Once one program crashes in Windows, especially if it's a system program like Explorer, you're much more likely to have other problems until you re-boot.



    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

  18. You should probably uninstall your Diamond drivers first. Go into the Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, and see if there is an option to uninstall the drivers.

    If not, just go into the Control Panel -> System -> Device Manager -> Display -> Properties -> Driver -> Update Driver... Select the option to choose from a list of drivers, and choose the (Standard Display Types) <at the top of the list>. Then select a Standard Display Adapter (VGA). Reboot, and then install the new NVidia drivers. The reference drivers should work fine for you.

    Good luck,



    "Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

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