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    St. Paul, MN
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    War Gaming, hunting
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  1. Both are good games when played H2H, however, CM is a much better game versus the AI than CC...overall, CM is a better tactical wargame by far than the CC Series... Where CM really shines is in H2H play versus CC...truthfully, these games need human competition to really make them come to life. AI is just too limited to challenge a real 'hardcore' for any length of time. My recommendation -- find a good wargamer and have at it; you won't be disappointed... Dead
  2. Couldn't find anything about this feature in the manual...thanks in advance Dead
  3. Thank you MM -- your efforts are appreciated Dead
  4. I've toyed with this a bit and give the AI an additional 50% over normal and for now that seems to help a great deal...give it a whirl... Dead
  5. Is there a flag mod yet that shrinks the size of the default flags? I think that might be a good improvement...thanks Dead
  6. Well, I'll sure use it when it's available -- BTW, any idea when the patch for net play will be released? Dead
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