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Posts posted by Flipper

  1. Thank's I'll try that ..again (sigh) there is a readme text in the bmp directory that say's....replace such an such bmp file with

    such an such bmp file....do they mean copy over it ..you cant... do they mean delete the bmp file an let the default bmp file (the one with the new texture's) act as the reference bmp file for the one deleted....you know whats weird is that i got one of those files to work (the that make's the wood's a dark green) but the hi res grass ugh! I'm so bummed.

  2. more than likely for the reason you might not expect either they steadfastly refuse to make the map's bigger even the third party map's are not that big alot of tank duel's took place at ranges exceeding 1000 meter's so when games of cc start they inevibetly turn into a quick draw shooting match's..oh an the artillery is awesome in cmbo it's just a more releastic simulation of combat don't get me wrong thou cc is a wild agame especially with all the third party stuff floating around this is where BTS is going to play cacth-up.

  3. I'm not saying that..but these are set map's

    albeit like you said with tool's used in there construction.All's I'm saying is that

    They could have mapped the view's that they include..another subject altogether. probably at a great expense to there time, an drawn special stand alone map's that would have enhanced it's characrcter all the more...like i said earlier they went ball's out on the personnel side

    it's just that when i look at arnhem i like to think of certain landmark's..well you know that's no big deal really I have a feeling that's the next barrier to fall to these guy's!

  4. hey dude i know where your coming from i mean I totally get transfixed just watching the tanks in action it's erie they are so real they haul ass down the road then swivel back an forth panic you name it...but oh god if they had cc3's eye candy well lets just say you could play a football game between two house across the street an still have some room to spare i'm not like saying there's room for improvment..geez sky's the limit

    remeber squad leader but...if they do verdun on the volga they better not treat us the same as avalon hill did..i mean 250 meter factory's when they were like what 2 mile's!

    it's possible but like they said in the manual vrml is the key..hmmm really huge map like that would gobble up map wise at least

    30-40 megs minmum no way in there book but im just guessing hell my theory xploit the power of the comp screw the little guy who's running 32 mb at 233.

  5. Sorry..guess this will go over like a fart in church but....just got the game the other day an well i guss i expected more but well the arnhem map look's like i don't no what to say but for one of the finest tac sim's in year's

    it was almost like they said to hell with visual's let's just get the ballistic's right, same thing go's for nijmegen i really don't mind big big map's an i mean big but the distance across the waal an neder rijn is

    a joke an the town is worse i mean there's not a row house to be seen for that matter

    i dont think any building connects to another

    maybe with future addition's we can have ..long bridge's narrow road's row house's

    third stories.basement's an belfry's (for spotter's of course) this ain't a rant just a sigh.. open terrain still kick's ass!...kick up the vrml..IF YOU BUILD IT THEY WILL COME!


    hell i'm buying the voodoo 6000 when it come's out.

  6. Well what can i say it my game still ain't here! but im been playing the demo religiously an iv'e approched ALL game's the same i alway's leave my hq's in the rear just a shade behind the front line troop's hey i can beat it at +100 enemy troop strength...but is it better to use small platoon hq's or company hq's with higher stealth number's too make sighting with the enemy so your own troop's don't start blowing there cover too soon?..or what an how do these number's really relate to the game been losing alota chreck's my way an in your opinion what is the longest range for panzer faust's? 100 meter's my kill's come at less than 30 an boy that's tough to do give's you an idea what the average german with one was up against.

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