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Posts posted by Flipper

  1. Originally posted by Big Time Software:


    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />You've been promoting the game for a year and you just registered on 03/28/02?

    Me thinks Nac4 has posted here before, but under a different Username. I am even pretty sure I know which one. An arrogant and insulting tone such as his has, thankfully, been seen on this BBS only very rarely. I have a mental list of those who fit the profile. Did a check on some Moderator stuff, and although not a perfect match there is a tidbit or two that supports my guess.

    The previous member was not banned, but instead "went away" after getting into one too many threads just like this one. Which would explain the new Username and some other things I dug up.

    Of course I could be totally wrong and instead have to add another name to the short list I mentioned smile.gif


  2. I remember a long time ago I was reading an article in S&T or some such other military pub an the designer of squad leader john hill I think his name was said "on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of reality the BEST GAME would probably check in at a 3 " chew on that....I know I did, big expectations always lead to frustration.Don't cry things will get better.

    [ May 27, 2002, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: Flipper ]

  3. uhhh...I think i can have fun with this thread...well first of all general montgomery

    was a nimrod! so......I guess all english soldier's as well as english people in general are disqaulified from being considered as intellingent, second the japaneses are alway's squinting so that make's them nearsighted so...i guess they don't aim so well,the italian's dance in the street's when their country declare's war..an dance in the street's when they surrender..so that make's them the ultimate jellyfish!...the french fight badly for six week's then surrender an those that don't escape the country claim to fight for the resistance when the war is over so that make's them braggart's...The russian's surrender in mass fight like hell get mowed down like hell an then rape half the country side that make's them human...so I setlle for a tie between the american's an german's.

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