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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Achim

  1. The AI need some fixes.

    The game "feels" pretty well it´s fun to move around your troops and watch the action.

    But the AI is lousy:

    - Vehicles drive circles: "Do u see the flowers ? No ? I ll drive another circle ...."

    - Infantry wont move through wall breaches: "Damm, its a big hole, but the gate 500 Meters away is much bigger, lets move"

    - AI dont fire on targets: "General doesnt say ... fire if they kill all your friends 50 meter away. The general just say "move""

    - Dont react if getting hit: "Damm, do u see that, they fired with RPG on us and killed 2 guys .... They are just lucky, i think they wont hit again"

    - Enter the building: "Damm look at this nice door. Nobody can see us if we use them ..... Lets take the other door at the street ..... The one thats coverd by the MG and RGP guys ? ....Yep, u got it and now .... MOVE soldier

    I have one question .... :D

    CMSF simulates US troops and the game is very realistic ....

    Are US soldiers realy that sappy? ;)

  2. Originally posted by metalbrew:


    For me, personally, I'm OK with a flawed release as long as it's patched soon.[/QB]

    Sorry, but i have to disagree.

    The developers work years on a title.

    They play the game over and over again.

    The testers play the game over and over again.

    The beta testers play the game over and over again.

    After that a reviewer play the game and after a few hours of gameplay he said "AI doesnt work good, pathfinding doesnt work, and so on".

    It´s ok if the game has some minor bugs but if a reviewer find bugs that kills the game it´s alarming.


    It´s not very popular, but i thought the same.

    The reviewer said "best game ever 8/8" and developed maps/scenarios for the company that developed the game he has to review.

    If there is a conflict between the tester and the game he has to test ?

    I dont know, but it doesnt matter for me, it stinks.


    I preordered the game and it will be great.

    It will get better and better with every patch.

    But there is one point i cant understand.

    Most discusions wont appear if there is a demo.

    The customers can see how great the game is.

    Release a demo with the preorder start and most peoples will be happy.

    If i remember right, for the first Combat Mission was a demo first (4 Weeks before release ?).

    Combat Mission 2 (Road to ...) has a demo first.

    A picture say more then 1000 words (reviews), release a demo first next time.

  3. Originally posted by NoxSpartana:

    Alright that's EXACTLY was I was asking for. Thanks for the quick response, I'm especially glad to see unit pathfinding and reactive TacAI on the list.


    Hm ....

    Moon wrote:

    "unit pathfinding (especially for getting through small wall gaps that were blown during game)"

    I read some "reviews and previews", and they dont say

    "there are a little movement bugs with wall gaps that were blown during game".

    They say "pathing doesnt work, AI doesnt work well".

  4. Originally posted by rune:

    US time, and we never said what time.


    Come on, not the same shi... as "theatre of war" ...

    "we release it today"

    "no we dont"

    "we dont know when we release it"

    "we release it today"

    "sorry, we dont know"

    It´s 3 days before the release day.

    If the game isnt finished yet, it will never be done on friday and it´s ok to say

    "Sorry guys, we release the game on monday/in 2 weeks/2 years".

    But i dont wanne wait for nothing, if its predictable that the release date cant be held.

    Just my 2 EuroCents

  5. I have a question.

    Battlefront cant release the game, because the pach 1.01 is essential.

    Plz, dont release the game to early.

    (And now the question)

    If the patch is essential, why can the game get this good review (8 from 8 points)?

    I think a game with bugs (that the publisher wont release without the first patch), cant be perfect.



    I dont wanne offend battlefront, its a good idea to release a patch at selling day and not 14 days later.

    But what the heck tests the review writer ????

  6. Its hard to spot bugs.

    As a software engineer you can use "use cases" to get thinks working.

    What will the user do and what should happen.

    But the user is a complex thing, he dont use your use cases. He always try other ways than you excpected and your realy think about what he will do.

    I think there are two kind of bugs.

    The realy angry bugs (software doesnt start, game crashes after i press the "let´s go button").

    This one should not appear and the programmer should find them with tests.

    And the

    "My tank turns green if i fire through a window at point blank and loaded infantrie on my tank that throws with eggs on the other tank"


    This bugs can be found by beta testers.

    But its realy unlikely.

    I think no programmer realy say

    "Today, i will put this two nice bugs in my software".

    At the end the user is always a tester.

    The only thing i expect is, that the bugs get fixed soon after they reported.

    This sounds basic, but as a comany u cant let your programmer wait for bugs and do nothing, they should work on other projects and make money for the company (bug fixing burns money).

    And disrubt the new project to fix bugs for an old project burns money too.

    The only way to solve the problem is to write perfect software without any bugs.

    Expect the game in the year 2050 and the company needs 500 000 professional tester.

    The game only costs 9999.99 $ (shipping is free, because we beam up things in the year 2050).

    And u need a "new" computer, because on the new stuff the game doesnt run, there isnt a trench for this silver disc to put in.

    The new computers works direct connected with your brain and there are only a few holes in your body u can stick this silver thing (but the marketing branch dont want that sollution ;) ).

  7. Ich habe das Demo nur kurz gespielt (3 Stunden).

    Bisher kann ich mir so recht keine Meinung bilden.

    Die "Defend Mission" finde ich sehr schwer (4 erfolglose Versuche). Die Paks werden sehr schnell ausgeschaltet, auch wenn man diese immer wieder bemannt. Auch bei "feuer halten" wird die Pak meist durch die Panzer erkannt und ausgeschaltet.

    Die Steuerung ist aus meiner Sicht gewöhnungsbedürftig (ich drücke immer die rechte Maustaste um die Kamera zu steuern), aber ich werde mich schon dran gewöhnen smile.gif

    Das erste CM Demo (lang lang ist es her) hat mich damals aus den Socken gehauen, bei TOW war es nicht so.

    Ob das Spiel richtig gut ist, wird sicher die Vollversion zeigen. Das mitgelieferte Handbuch sieht sehr gut aus und macht Lust auf mehr.

    Alles in allem würde ich sagen "Verhaltene Vorfreude auf die Vollversion und die Hoffnung noch sehr angenehm überrascht zu werden".

    Über die Qualität der Software mache ich mir wenig Sorgen, da Battlefront bisher immer Recht gute(bugfreie) Spiele rausgebracht hat (CM Serie).

    Auch die kleine Verzögerung (wenn es denn eine wird) bei dem "pre order download" sehe ich als nicht so wild an. In 2 Wochen interessiert das keinen Menschen mehr.

    Sobald es wieder ein Spiel per "pre order" gibt, wird das Thema aber sicher wieder "hoch kommen" smile.gif


    Du hast unser Spielzeug und willst es uns nicht geben, erwartest du von uns ein faires Verhalten ? ;)

    Lasst euch nicht unterkriegen.

    [ April 18, 2007, 01:45 PM: Message edited by: Achim ]

  8. Coop against the AI is a wonderfull feature.

    I love to play "Faces of war" coop with some friends against the AI.

    "Brothers at arms (EIB)" has a nice coop mode too.

    Its fun to die together against the stupid AI ;)

    (But its frustrating to get punished by humans again and again ...

    play Supreme Commander, after a few matches u know what i mean :D )

  9. Originally posted by John Kettler:


    The target is smaller to drastically smaller.

    Certain tanks, such as the long barreled Panzer IV, though, are better off not going hulldown because if hulldown and hit, the blow hits the thin turret face armor. If more exposed, though, the odds are that the better protected hull will be hit based on relative presented area.


    John Kettler

    Hello John,

    it is true that some turret armor is weak.

    I try to recapitulate your conclusion.

    - hull down tanks cant get hit as easy as non hull down

    - a turret hit with weak turret armor will kill the tank

    - show the enemy the whole tank to avoid turret hits

    Lets look at two different views:

    If i am a tank gunner, i´ll always try to hit the weak turret, because i cant kill him with a hull shoot.

    It doesnt mattes if the tank is hull down or not. I have to hit the turret to kill the tank.

    Second view:

    If i am the comander of the tank, thats beeing shoot at, i try to get hull down to avoid track hits. And my tank isnt an easy target.

    But its true, for a tank with weak turret armor, the hull down position isnt very fundamental.

    After reading my text, i think there is an "error in reasoning" but i cant find it smile.gif

  10. Thx McIvan, Michael Emrys for the answers.

    My opinion, that US/British forces in the desert-war were "green troops" was wrong.

    But did hull down tank position realy have no effect on hitting the target ?

    in most "hull down fights" the shell hit the air or the dirt in front of the hull down tank.

    i think i have to create a test scenario ....

    one tank "hull down" position, a few meters away a second tank in "no hull down" position and a third tank shoots both ...

    i am not a tank gunner but, isn´t it much harder to hit a hull down tank ??

  11. I played CM2 a lot, now i try CM3.

    First of all, it looks/sounds good but ....

    I have some realy "funny" tank battles ....

    I learned in CM2 that a hull down tank is a deadly tank and a tank in the open is a dead tank.

    But in CM3 its seems to be a little diffrent :D

    I played some scenarios with german forces, i find some nice hull down positions and shoot at the enemy (400 meters away).

    First of all, my tanks didn´t hit the enemy (overshoot them or 200 meters to short).

    Thats not the problem ....

    The enemy tanks shoot back and ....

    Hit my tanks with the FIRST shoot (lost 2 out of 4 tanks, frontal turret hits).

    I though ... bad luck, lets try "fire and move back) ....

    My tanks move in hull down ... fire ... miss ... reverse ....

    the enemy shoot back and hits the reversing tanks and kill them with the first round ....

    lost 2 out of 4 tanks this time ....

    First of all ...

    Why did my tankers cant hit the enemy in a perfect shoot position (ok, minor problem).

    but WHY did the enemy hit my tanks with the first shoot ????

    i am not an desert war expert (1942), but i think german troops were better trained and us/british forces were "green" forces and get teached a hard lesson in the dessert by the german forces....

    Please enlight me ....

    How to fight tank battles in the desert smile.gif

    I played the Medjez el Bab Scenario (1942, 24-12-10).

  12. @Abbott: it was my fault, english isn´t my mother language, if i write something, i think peoples missunderstood me.

    @Herr Oberst: I ll try other fog of war settings at the evening, i think if the JS 3 locate the gun, the tank will kill the flak very fast.

    @von Lucke: i never tested it with combat mission 1, and i never see that in combat (the AI never fire with flaks at my tanks, but if its the same algorithm they crew will bail out too in combat mission 1).

    i am sure, if this is an unintentional feature, the battlefront team will fix it soon.

    if u know your enemy, u can kill him smile.gif

  13. @John Kettler: This sounds good.

    @Abbott: I dont wanne start the discusion again, battlefront said they will fix it.

    but another forum member ask "what happend if there are other forces around the tank ?"

    the member cant test this himself, so i did it and wrote down the results.

    i say it again smile.gif

    this test DONT simulate typical CMBB battles, if my enemy only uses flak guns, i am the happiest man on the planet, the panters and tigers are my main problem (and pak´s, and infantrie with anti tank ammo. and Ari. and MG 42) smile.gif

    I dont want to say that the game is bad or something, the game is wonderfull.

  14. the difference between this two games are huge ...

    i fought many quick battle (attack/assault) games against the AI, and i lose all the time (i am the attacker), the new small arms algorithm is awesome, forget the old rushing tactics, the new MG model kill or suspress all troops on open ground, the soldiers retreats (they dont take casulties, but they reatreat because they are angry (and all troops near the target retreats too).

    its a fine piece of software, and its bug free smile.gif

  15. OK, last test results ( battlefront said they will fix it).

    Same terrain as above, bit this time 2 JS 3 tanks, a comander and his wingman, and some infantrie guys.

    i placed the target tank (the wingman tank) on the hill, the infantrie HQ too (20 meters away).

    the rest of the gang behind the hill (the target tank is in comand and control).

    one flak at the other hill.

    here are the results:

    1 test: gun damage, imobile, bailed turn 1

    2 test: imoblile (turn1) the crew DIDN´t bail out the flak ran out of ammo

    3 test: comander get killed (turn 3?) the crew DIDNT´t bail out, flak out of ammo (i forget to write down if the tank is imoblile, sorry)

    4) imoblie, crew bailed out at turn 2

    5) imoblile, crew bailed out at turn 4

    6) tank become imoblie in turn 2 (not turn 1), turn 5 tank comander get killed, the crew bailed out at turn 7

    in all tests NOBODY shoots at the flak, the flak didnt get hurt all the time.

    looks like comand and control lowers the "bail out factor", i think if somebod is shooting at the flak, the crew want bail out (the flak get suspressed, and the IS 3 would start firing too).

    but remember, the IS 3 get imoblile in most test in turn 1, or turn 2 (sometimes at the beginning in turn 1, sometimes with the last hits of the round (imobile after 55 seconds).

    i dont know the firepower of a 20 mm gun, but its awesome if this bastrds can shot the tracks of an IS 3 everytime.

    thx battlefront that you are exemine the problem (i dont know if it is a problem or if its only the "real world")

  16. Back again ....

    OK, i ll post all informations ...

    Hotseat game

    extreme fog

    year 1945

    russion crew ist elite, german veteran

    a flat map, 2 hills, both high 9, one hill with trees (wood), other hill nothing but gras.

    distance between the hills, 520 meters.

    (ammo flak vierling 85 shots)

    place the flak vierling (20 mm) on the hill with the wood, put the IS 3 at the hill with the gras (no cover), then button up the tank (no hull down position for the tank, if u choose hull down, the crew wont bail out).

    both facing each other

    hill with tank --------520 meters------ flak in woods

    then start firing with the flak at the tank, the tank cant see the flak (because its in the woods).

    after two turn u will be very surprised .....

    ONE flak vierling imobile the IS 3 AND the crew bailed out .....

    i tested this 4 times, the crew bailed out 3 times, at the other test the flak ran out auf ammo ....

    it would be very nice if another cmbb player retry the test .....

    because i cant believe this too .......

  17. @ASL Veteran:

    The crew expierence doesn´t matters, green, elite conscript, all bail out in 1-2 turns.

    the flak guns didnt fire at an imoblile tank, the guns imobile the tank, after that the crew bail out.

    at the beginning of the test, the tank is OK (no damage).

    i choosed 20 mm because its a very small caliber, they cant hurt the tank.

    i chosed 5 50 mm paks AND 4 20 mm flak guns, the crew bailed out after turn 2 (the tank get hit at the tracks (imobile) after that, the crew bailed out (after some more gun hits).

    all guns fired at the tank, then i tried the flaks only, same result.

    5 paks, and 4 flaks = crew bail out at turns 1-2

    4 flaks = crew bailed out at turns 1-2

    every "test" is a "chain" of 6 tests in row (not only 1 test, if i only choose one test, the effect can be "bad luck" but i get everytime the same result)

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