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Posts posted by Achim

  1. Originally posted by Michael Withstand:


    Want balance how bout NATO Vs Warsaw pact?

    Nato forces being outnumbered at least 3 to 1 and it's a balanced game. That was the case in cold war.

    Give them Yamamoto ships too :D

    The game balance in CMSF is perfect. It show the problem that a high tech army has, if they fight against unconventional forces.

    The hight tech force can win every battle, but anyway they can loose the war.

  2. Originally posted by Kieme(ITA):

    A vehicle could be smart enough to be told to move and face a certain direction at low speed, and stop at the very first moment it sees an enemy. The vision of the vehicle should start not from a central imaginary point inside it (in the middle of the 3d model) but the "eye" of the vehicle should be placed on top of it or right on the main gun. This way it would stop immediately when facing an enemy and you would be sure it's hull down.

    Keep in mind that it doesn't matter if the driver sees or not an enemy unit, gunner/commander point of view should be represented as the main one, this way you could achieve a hull down.

    Not sure I've been clear enought :(


    I think, its clear what Kieme(ITA) wants.

    It sounds like the "hunt" command, but i am not sure if the hunt command is designed like that.

    Some questions would be:

    1) What happen when the tank see an enemy unit because its ambush the tank, should the tank reverse to find hull down position for the new enemy. should he stop and fire, and so on

    2) can a tank find a hull down position without seeing there is an enemy, but another unit spot it and the tank comander knows thats there is an enemy tank behind the cover.

    and so on.

    But Kieme(ITA) writes excactly what he wants.

    The rest is solving technical details.

    If i buy a car, i say what i want.

    It doesent matters how they solve the problems smile.gif

  3. Cool, i found the "Michael Dorosh" thread.

    Can an Admin delete the other posts plz.

    Hello Mom.

    @Reviewer of the game:

    They can only review what they have seen and not what will be in 2 years, 2 Month, 2 weeks.

    I dont wanne know their opinion about the game, i want a subjective report about a game without their opinion.

    I realy like CMSF (i need days to get this feeling), i am waiting for the patch.

    The game will be great.

    But at this moment, the eurogamer review hit the nail.

  4. Hello, i played the Al Hawl Mission.

    I saw a lot of T72 tanks heading my direction.

    I get all my Javelin launcher out of the APC´s and move to the roof tops.

    Tanks moving in, Javelin fires and hit the tank.

    No Effekt.

    4 Inf. units fire at the same tank, no Effekt.

    Tank shoot back.

    I like Javelin to kill buildings, but i am to stupid to kill tanks with it.

    What should i do smile.gif

    (running away isnt an option)

  5. Originally posted by PrezCartman:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Achim:

    It would be nice if i choose the launcher, the game asks me how many missles.

    If i choose the missle, the game takes the launcher automaticly.

    There is no sense to grap the missles without the launcher, because u cant transfer the missles to another unit.

    At the moment, i have to open the menu, grap the launcher.

    I have to open the menu again and grap the missle.


    There are times at least in me playing where I want missiles and no launcher. I generally use HQ teams as my Jav launchers because I'd rather my squads have maximum firepower. This means that I will sometimes give a single HQ unit 9 Javelins if I know they're going to be in a really good position to provide long range support. I only need one launch unit and any extras you grab create two problems, one it takes up another equipment slot, and more importantly you now have more than one soldier firing the Javelin. This can be a big problem because now when you target something both Javelins will fire even if you only want one. It's a fast way to burn through some valuable ammo. </font>

  6. It would be nice if i choose the launcher, the game asks me how many missles.

    If i choose the missle, the game takes the launcher automaticly.

    There is no sense to grap the missles without the launcher, because u cant transfer the missles to another unit.

    At the moment, i have to open the menu, grap the launcher.

    I have to open the menu again and grap the missle.

  7. I love the new system.

    I played the "tutorial" first, after that i have no problems with it.

    I read the manual, that explains it too.

    But there is one question left. I can see the ammo of the firing unit. But i have no clue how many strikes i can order.

    If i choose "Maximum", they will fire all granates. I read that they fire 2-4 granates if i choose "fast". But i cant see how many granates left (just a colored bar, range from green to red).

  8. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    My objection was to Achim's blanket statement: "But i dispute that you gain new ones for the next Battlefront titles."

    We've already seen many new purchasers, whom have expressed satisfaction with the product. Ergo, Achim is wrong before he's left the gate. :confused: Why even say something so stupid?

    Hello Michael,

    the statement was very provoking.

    I know.

    If its stupid, time will show.

    I dont wanne write more, because the thema of the thread was "Why ignored beta testers".

    And not "Lets predict the future: Will you buy CMSF 2, after you didnt like CMSF."

    I hope you are right:

    - battlefront patch the bugs

    - battlefront sold millions of CMSF

    - battlefront develop CMSF 2,3,4,5,...

    - battlefront sell millions of CMSF 2,3,4,5,...

    - battlefront take over blizzard and develop a new MMORPG ;)

    I would be happy smile.gif

  9. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Achim:

    Steve, you said:"We expect to lose some of you guys".

    You can bet your head on it, that you have lost "some" customers.

    But i dispute that you gain new ones for the next Battlefront titles.

    A look at the new user names who signed up to congratulate him on the title has already proven you wrong, though. Not that the criticisms aren't without merit, but why embarrass yourself with stupid blanket statements like this that can be disproven by a casual glance at the forum's first page? </font>
  10. Originally posted by Achim:

    How do i move units or let them fire:

    i am at the right tab to move my units (looking at a tap to see game status) ?

    - yes i am. i can click "i" and choose the target to move.

    - no, i am not. i click on the right tab. now i can press i .....

    Choosing next unit, i wanne fire:

    - Damm, i am at the wrong tab, but presse "i" to fire ...

    - Choose fire tab after cancel wrong move order

    - Press "i", target area

    There is a much faster way.

    I use the shortcuts "g","b","h" to move,fire and hide.

    The game choose the right tab itself.

    It need some time, but after hours of play, i start enjoying the UI.

  11. Originally posted by PSY:


    I think the tabbed interface works very well. It clearly defines what I can and can't do simultaneously -- for example, targeting and movement are on different tabs and I can do them both simultaneously. Ultimately I've found the UI to be very clean and very straightforward.

    How do i move units or let them fire:

    i am at the right tab to move my units (looking at a tap to see game status) ?

    - yes i am. i can click "i" and choose the target to move.

    - no, i am not. i click on the right tab. now i can press i .....

    Choosing next unit, i wanne fire:

    - Damm, i am at the wrong tab, but presse "i" to fire ...

    - Choose fire tab after cancel wrong move order

    - Press "i", target area

    Some peoples love the editor "VI", but i realy love my "open office".

    One suggestion:

    Press "m", "move menu appears near mousecursor, choose the right move command", target area

    press "f", "fire menu apears appears near mousecursor, choose the right fire command", target area

    Easy to understand.

    Do u wanne move ? Press m

    Do u wanne fire ? Press f

    And these two command/menus get used 90 % of gametime.

    And not

    "Look at the tabs, if u are in the right tab, press i.

    but if u are in the wrong tab, choose the right tab and then press i".

    But i think some of you are right.

    I dont speak for most of the customers, its just my opinion.

    Most of u like tab clicking/watching pressing the wrong key (cause in the wrong tab), choose the right tab and press the same key again.

    The UI is very clean and very straightforward ....

  12. I play WEGO only and i really enjoy it.

    (never though i will like a realtime strategy game)

    @NormalDude, StellarRat:

    I think your are pleased customers.

    Thats ok.

    Both of you like the AI bugs, the pathing problems, graphic problems, and so on.

    Both of you like to click 5 times to give a unit a move order.

    What would you say if battlefront dont patch it?

    I dont think you are pleased customers, you HOPE that battlefont patches the bugs.

    But thats it.

    At this moment the game is mean.

    With removed bugs better userinterface its superior (like any other CM titel).


    If u like bugs and a complex userinterface, i dont speak for u, i am sorry.

    I just speak for peoples who wants a bugfree and easy to handle interface.

  13. @Kieme(ITA):

    I though the same.

    Seems like the AI puts the inf. in trenches and thats it.

    No RPG inf. in the trench near the starting position of the US Player.

    No cover for the tanks on the top of the hill.

    No fire from the tank to help their inf. in the trenches.

  14. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:


    We expect to lose some of you guys over this too. We were prepared for that the day we started making CMBB. Each title has meant shedding some customers and gaining new ones. It's just the way things go.

    Steve [/QB]

    I am sorry to say that, but ...

    The game has bugs, the customers hates the userinterface, the customers hates the way how they control units, some customers hates the WEGO feature and the bugy turn based feature.

    Its nice that the battlefront guys likes the new system, but the battlefront guys are not the customers.

    Steve, you said:"We expect to lose some of you guys".

    You can bet your head on it, that you have lost "some" customers.

    But i dispute that you gain new ones for the next Battlefront titles.

  15. True Childress, very true.

    The "Beta"-Testers must be blind or were ignored by the developers.

    I played the game 3 days a row.

    Its fun to get killed at the beginning by enemy fire, but after three days its annoying to discover your guys geht killed by bugs ....

    Example ?

    I moved my sniper with a transporter ....

    I ordered my transporter to move away after unload the sniperteam ....

    Truck moves away ...

    sniperteam thoughs .... cool our truck moves away, lets move out of this fine building and follow the truck .....

    enemy thoughs .... cool, sniperteam without cover, lets kill em ....

    Its fun at the beginning but now its annoying.

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