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Posts posted by Priest

  1. Briefing = Strategic Recon

    In Game = Tactical Recon

    Also I am interested why no Uber Grog has shown up and said that Tank Hunter teams should not be doing recon, just as in CMBO people flamed folks for pushing forward "recce" AT teams.

    Peronally I use a dedicated Recce force, whose size and makeup depends on the size of the game or units available in the scenario. Saying that there is one unit you always use is like say that I always use the Zergling in StarCraft to find the Human's base! Funny stuff but possibly gamey. Just my opinion though, no harm intended.

  2. I never had any doubts that BFC and BTS would come through. That should tell you volumes about how you have earned my trust over the last few years (pre-ordered CMBO!).

    Also anyone who reads this or any related thread and has an urge to fly off the handle, please remember this to keep perspective.

    NeverWinter Nights shipped without a proper import/export tool for models and skins and such. This was a planned event and the game designers promised to have a tool by mid August. It is late September and still no tool. Most if not all of the dedicated fanbase (read forum members on the NWN Forums) are up in arms.

    BFC had no forewarning of this issue but has managed to resolve it or near resolve it in mere days, and in fact most of the partial install folks were taken care of in like 20 minutes temporarily!

    Bioware (the designers of NWN) are very hush hush about the development of tools for their game and the reasons as to the lateness of the tools.

    BFC has been constantly updating the threads and answering the requests of its customers and been totally honest.

    On a sidenote BFC has shown more effort in 2-3 days for a tiny portion of it's fanbase than many other companies show for their entire fanbase over the life of a game!

    Lastly, the BFC boys should be sitting back and drinking a cold one slapping each other on the back for a job well done. Take a couple of days off before working on the inevitable patch (except Kwazy who I demand to make models for the game until you bleed!) smile.gif

    Instead they are working their asses off to make sure that we are satisfied asap. And before anyone says "DUH THAT IS EXPECTED I GAVE THEM MONEY AND I AM THE CUSTOMER AND BLAH BLAH BLAH" remember that few companies in todays world do what is "expected".

    Just food for thought. Thanks again guys!

  3. I am actually more of a "why bother wasting time on something that is completely useless" kinda person.

    I am all for options mind you, like multiple user chosen skins for vehicles and troops and choosing to turn on Relative Spotting or not (obviously turning it on) so why waste time in the engine rebuild making keys user defined (when there is no need and 99% of folks will not bother to do it)when you could be working on the options that matter.

  4. Well my two points would be.

    1.) On the assign keys issue, it is really not important here. Using your example of a FPS game, key location is important due to the pace of the game. Depending what keys you use to move (I have friends who demand to still use the arrow keys) and such will determine where you need the reload button etc. In CM games (and many others) there is no need for such customization. Since no immediate action is taking place that you must react to, there is no need for customization. I mean really why would you change the Hide command off the 'H' key?

    2.) I agree on the wheel mouse though, especially for cycling between the views.

  5. Panzerman, I think you should have avoided bringing up Wittman, that may not have been wise as he is a poor example.

    Regardless, the experience rating of a crew in CMBB and real life may not be the same thing. In real life you can make an arguement (I am not saying it is right, I am just saying you can make one) that a German crew considered regular in real life may be higher trained than a Russian crew considered regular in the Russian military, maybe (and that is a big maybe).

    In CMBB though regulars are roughly equal in ability because ability not training are what they are describing, the only thing that differs is the tool that they use (the tank) and the tactics they use (the players).

    What I find interesting is that I do not know how much the average tank crewman in the "vaunted" German army really was in some areas. I think they did know quite a lot on average about their weapon system (tank) that they were assigned to. But I am currently reading Gudarians (spelled right?) Memiors (again spelled right?) and there was much resistance to the employment of the Panzers according to what is now considered the de facto doctrine the Germans used. In fact many things went wrong during the Polish and French campaigns. It does not seem that a lot was changed during the period between the French and Russian campaigns, at least in the training of troops.

    Germans had experience and better communications and such but the Russians and other countries either caught or even in some areas surpassed the Germans by the end of the war.

    Regardless in CMBB I believe that nationality has no bearing on Green or Regular and no doubt the Germans were not producing the best and the brightest towards the end of the war.

  6. aacooper

    Heads up, tanks do not always do fire when other troops are close, at least not HE. Case in point. I had this MG in a heavy building and I need to clear a light building out so that I would open up the MGs lane of fire. So I take a Sherman with LOS and tell it to open up on the light building. For the entire next turn it fires its MGs only. I think wow that is wierd because I know I chose main gun, so I re-targeted and made sure that I was using the main gun. Still only MG fire for the entire turn (and wasted all my .50 cal flexible ammo to boot!). So I re-targeted again and made sure I chose to use the Main Gun. Again only MG. So I started to look around and on one side of the building up against the wall I had a platoon CO hidden in a foxhole. I moved the unit and the next turn told my tank to open up with the main gun and PRESTO! it fired the main gun and took out the light building in good order. So tanks do take at least some exception with regards to friendlies being in the area.

    As far as rifle and mg fire goes well your little graphics for your men actually represent your men being spread out over a 20 meter area so I do not think it would be that hard to not shoot someone. Just my opinion.

  7. Maybe just maybe BFC is preserving reality by not making them fragile like mortar crews. Ever think of that? MG crews are used to being closer to the front lines, expected to be, and possibly form the centerpieces to many defensive emplacements. Mortar crews on the other hand are not used to be on the very front line per say and for larger mortars possibly very far from the front. So while the fact that they run with their gun is not maybe the most realistic, the fact that they stay fighting longer and operate under different principles than mortars may be more realistic.

    Do you want your units to fight realistically or run realistically if given the choice between the two? Don't know about you but I will go with fight realistically.

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