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Everything posted by PraetorianXXI

  1. "just in time too" yeah cause they knew they could never win a war with out the god damned thing and man americans manipulate everything! i saw a documentary by a group a historians thats 6 volumes long about WW2, it says the germans had a nuke bomb ready to go, but someone miss placed the guidance missle systems "MWAHAHA wasnt me" anyway they couldnt use em so they (all 62 missiles)left them there!! OK if they didnt have the technology or the money then how the hell did they make crossbow missles huh? they were the missiles crossing the channel and hitting london!!! Anyway....lalala ive proven my point lalala.... and also it seems that the top engineers were bought by US at the end of the war... so they could advance, after chemical engineers from russia and all round everyking of engineer from germany didnt want to be responsible for killing millions of ppl "civilians", they got douped into going to america!!! ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  2. Wanna get technical, the first person to create the Abomb were the germans who had it made but never got round to use it!!! then the americans stole einstein and all the great german scientists and used them for their own purposes (germans didnt want to do it, they thought if they went to america they wouldnt have to make the abomb but they got tricked) anyway thats the story, and why the hell would you want to watch the civil war, its very dull..... a good movie to watch is "All Quiet On The Western Front" i found it very immersive because it was front the germans point of view (i didnt mind it being in german though) ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  3. What the fatch is a daisy chain mine? ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  4. Personally id get a AMD altholon 1 gig but if you are really tight on budget the only way is a celeron then overclock it as the pentium range have a tendancy to overheat when overclocked, and cause damage heres A TIP dont put on the little pentium sticker so u can sell or exchange the CPU later ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  5. Hehe you thought that i was camping did u! hahaha no i flanked them. front right and left then all at once to the rear. the scary thing is i didnt get any of the tanks with my stugs or panzerschrecks hehe my volksgrendiers and rifle dudes did the job!!! And as for playing a human i did yesterday with a nice flattening!!! HOO HAA ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  6. No, i dont know how to get it im a bit stuck! I hope i can very soon Well thnx for your reply Did you really think i went well? (i thought i stuffed up with my stugs) ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  7. Ok this is my second game with the demo im gonna show u guys my score and plz tell me how i did(tell me honestly) the scenario is CHANCE ENCOUNTER: i was axis Full fog of war No extra troops for either sides Free placing for deployment 40 turns ALLIES: Men ok: 14 Casualities: 186 KIA: 42 Captured: 32 Destroyed: 3 mortars 5 tanks (Shermans) Score: 17 Final Result: Surrendered AXIS: Men ok: 191 Casualities: 63 KIA: -none- Captured: -none- Destroyed: 3 tanks (Stugs) Score: 83 Final Result: Total Victory Turns Taken: 25 from 40 Id appreciate a response of how you guys thought i went!!! ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  8. I pity you formerly babra!!! ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  9. im not completley war illiterate actually i know quite a bit im just wonderin how lucky the allies had to of been not to tread on one mine in a solid line of mine fields? the untouchables (i thought that was the joseph stalin 3 ) ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  10. You guys have ignored the other topics maybe this will grab your attention!!! How do you take screenshot? I pressed printscrn but it takes a picture of the desktop not the game, why? And how the hell do mines work, they never seem to go off when trodden upon, why? ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  11. Mad matt two words WIZY WIG 'thats time relief if u ask me' ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  12. Ok someone said to use printscreen BUT when i press print screen it doesnt actually take a shot of the game it justs takes the desktop picture do i have to be in a specific phase to ake a screen shot? ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  13. You really think so id aleast wait till i got the game anyway, i had a real hard time fighting em off, damn AI whats the matter with you trying to kill me or something!!! Oh yeah how do i take screen shots? I wanted to take one of the last charge of the match, where all my troops ran at the us defensive but i couldn't!! (it would of been screenshot of the decade ) ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  14. Ok this is my second game with the demo im gonna show u guys my score and plz tell me how i did(tell me honestly) the scenario is CHANCE ENCOUNTER: i was axis Full fog of war No extra troops for either sides Free placing for deployment 40 turns ALLIES: Men ok: 14 Casualities: 186 KIA: 42 Captured: 32 Destroyed: 3 mortars 5 tanks (Shermans) Score: 17 Final Result: Surrendered AXIS: Men ok: 191 Casualities: 63 KIA: -none- Captured: -none- Destroyed: 3 tanks (Stugs) Score: 83 Final Result: Total Victory Turns Taken: 25 from 40 Id appreciate a response of how you guys thought i went!!! ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  15. Im getting the hang of this game and i really enjoy this, but i would like to see some new things in the next update... (if possible) 1. The entire battle, once fought should be able to be viewed as a movie, it would add more to the excitement!!! 2. You should be able to save these finished movies as a, mpg or some such and be able to view them not neccessarily in the game!!! 3. Clipping should be fixed, for example if a tank runs into a house it should get damaged accordingly!!! 4. Group movement waypoints should be added!!! 5. A target Priority button should be added to the movement phase, some sort of code which will allow let say the unit to distinguish the bigger threat, the rifle group over there or the tank 6. And....erm....i will be back with more suggestions EMPHASIS on suggestions not have to be done but i would appreciate them greatly and i think some others will too!!! ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  16. Once i get my bearings with this game ill be the king of the world ...... and now with this great screen shot thing ill be able to show you guys my great achievments (flukes rather) All hail the might of the German Army! ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  17. how do i take screen shots? ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  18. Maybe well ive only got the dmeo @ the moment im hoping to get the real version soon. thnx to all who helped me out!! im gonna go fry some allied arse now! ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  19. Ok who forgot the ammunition!!!??? ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  20. I am really new too this game, and id appreciate some good hints for using tanks... its seems whenever im in an open battle i lose i dont know why (also ive noticed that tanks dont shoot while moving how come? ) anyway id also like to know where i can get the stats for all the tanks and troops and stuff for this game!!! smileys r fun!!! hehe ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  21. Yeah wel i dont which one of you guys are a conspirator of this game!!! so i just asked hoping someone could address the situation!!! anyway well i need to get this games bad how long will take to get to australia??? ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  22. i never knew this game was soo contageous... phew if it was realtime maybe but a turn based must be a whoppa of a game!!! *look @ 250$ check* i know what im spending the first part on hehe ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
  23. I appreciate your replies you guys still didnt answer one question what programming did they use to make the game? also i meant when a tank ETC explodes what happens to the embarked troops? I GOT A NEW QUESTION, why are big teams onyl represented by 3 men rather than lets say the whole eleven, this is a stupid concept because if one is braver than the other he may rally them, rather than the majority counts.... and another thing i havent actually seen mines do their job, in the demo my frint line was broken cause the dam things didnt work, i even tried putting up axis 200% to get more of em for a hard line but they stil could get past it i dont understand.....and what the diff. between the daisy chain mines and the normal antitank mine?
  24. Ok thnx i c now, i wish this was realtime damn it would of been great (frustrating more likely) and i dont have attitude ... im just new to this (not to strategy) ive seen some good games in my time! and i was wondering, what happens to embarked troopers, they seem to disappear!!! i havent gotten round to see one fall off or anything!! OH YEAH I MAY BE GREEN but i captured 147 americans i feel very proud!!! ------------------ ~Veni Vidi Vici~
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