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Posts posted by Purple4Ever

  1. Yep - its some kind of "prefs" file (I'm at work, too).

    Also, the Windows desktop resolution dictates how "high" you can go.

    So, if you're like me (I have a 32mb TNT2 3D board) and wonder why you can't get a resolution above 1152 x 940 (whatever it is), it's because of your Desktop settings - set those higher and you can get CM to go higher as well.

    Hope this helps smile.gif


  2. I agree with Sgt. Steiner and Tyro - in most posts that I've read from David Aitken, they are in the vein "you should not discuss this or that" or "you should not request this or that". I am at a loss as to what are "acceptable" posts (as defined by David) in this forum confused.gif

    FWIW and risking the ire of David Aitken, here are my top 5:

    1. 50cal fix

    2. Tweaks for TacAI targeting for AFV's (targeting of low-threat targets - ie., bailed crews).

    3. Roster

    4. FOW improvement/fix

    5. Replay of movies for entire scenario

    Cheers smile.gif

    PS. And even if no one from BTS is listening, I have at least found common ground with others who love this game biggrin.gif

  3. Sometime in June 2000, I stumbled upon it while browsing the "War" forums at: www.cdmag-online.com.

    The posters in the forum had some good things to say about it (the gold demo was out at the time I discovered it, but not the game).

    So I popped over to the CM website, downloaded the demo, and have been hooked ever since! biggrin.gif

    Edited to include "time of discovery" for Mr. Malmvig smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by Purple4Ever (edited 08-10-2000).]

  4. Ellros,

    The "buffer" is basically a memory location within your computer (kind of a virtual clipboard).

    So, after 'saving' the image in the buffer by using the Print Screen function, you should be able to open a paint program (Paint, Paintshop PRO, MS Word may even work) and paste the image there (usually CTRL-C or Shift-Insert or the 'Paste' option in the "Edit" pull-down menu of most programs).

    If, between saving the image via Print Screen and pasting, you 'copy' anything else (text, images, etc.) - this will clear out the buffer with the new 'item' that you have copied - multiple 'items' cannot exist in the buffer...

    Hope this helps smile.gif

  5. This is a cool idea, but I think won't be done anytime soon....

    Currently, all units use the same "generic" base "*.bmp" file (particular to the nationality, of course - gray, green, etc.).

    This would mean creating specific base "*.bmp" files for each unit type, and the necessary programming to "tie" each bmp to its appropriate unit type.

    I'm not a programmer, so my opinion could be complete *bunk* of course! smile.gif

    Personally, I'm going to find the unit base bmp files in CM and modify them so they are similar to the ones found in the East/West Front series (stars for US, balkan cross for germany, etc.)

  6. Yeah - I also looked at it today.

    Looks interesting and definitely has potential - BUT - if it's anything like the other multiplayer games out there (Team Fortress, Quake, Ultima, etc), they better build in some kind of a**hole filter.

    Dollars to donuts that there will be *someone* who revels in ruining games for other players....

    Just think, there you are in your Sherman, ready to spring an ambush on a Panther, and your "teammate" starts shooting at you or otherwise screwing up your gaming experience.....

    I hope it turns out to be a good gaming experience....we will see.

  7. Anyone with a nVIdia TNT2 (32mb) use FSAA?

    I know it shows as an option in the video controls, but I haven't enabled it because, well , I don't know what its going to do! or if it will be any good....

    I don't like messing w/the video controls, because I had a hell of a time getting the drivers to work (had to mess w/the registry!).


  8. Great job Matt!

    I'd like to see some different allied stuff - maybe a sherman w/sandbag armor (just for looks - I realize that the system would have to be tweaked to account for the extra protection, and don't think that will happen soon smile.gif )

    Or a sherman with camo - I think the 3rd armored div in Normandy used a brown/od camo scheme (?)

    And while I'm at it: how 'bout some british vehicles with the "mickey-mouse ears" camo scheme?

  9. Carentan -

    Are you able to play the game with the backup?

    I was able to create a backup (even with the funky tutorial file name).

    I then did an install from the backup and started the game - got the "CD Required" message.

    Can't play the game with the backup frown.gif

    Mind you, I have a read/write CD-Rom drive, not a separate cd-burner "component" - maybe that's the problem?

    Backups are essential - curious children, spiteful spouses, teething pets - all are constant dangers smile.gif

  10. Yes - very disappointed these are not in the game. frown.gif

    I didn't realize it until I started creating a scen based on the battle of Parker's Crossroads (Baraque de Fraiture - Ardennes, 1944).

    The US had 3 (!) M16 MGMC dug in around the crossroads.

    I don't know if the scen will possible w/out them - they held of the SS for quite a while.

    Maybe I'll give them some extra .50 cal teams instead.....

  11. Wow! Incredible!

    I remember being in a model-shop (aka hobby shop) one-day, talking to someone who worked there. We both thought that the computer animation technology being used in movies today should be used to make a movie about Kursk - imagine hundreds of those 3D models advancing across the Russian steppes!

    A beautiful sight indeed..... smile.gif

  12. Yes!

    I would very much like to see something implemented/changed.

    When thinking of possible solutions, my immediate thought was of CC4 (didn't play CC2 or CC3)and the "defend arc" command.

    However, a concern of mine would be that this would then "limit" the TacAI.

    For example, what if an equally threating target (e.g., a previously undetected Firefly) appeared within LOS of the Tiger, BUT outside the "arc"?

    Maybe implementation of the "arc" concept as well as some sort of refinement for target selection prioritisation?

    This is something for the programmers to figure out. smile.gif

    Have at it....my $.02

  13. I'm using them all - high-res grass, winter camo, the new Nazi flags, etc.

    Love it! biggrin.gif

    I have noticed some slowdowns and have endured a couple crashes.

    I agree with MarkEzra - the countryside is a little too bright and needs to be toned down.

    BTW, I have a P3/650 - TNT2 (32mb) video - 256mb RAM. My res is 1152 x 864.

    See y'all later....

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