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Posts posted by mensch

  1. Geier,

    ok I can understand the pressure from family unit or wife v1.0 or brother in-law v1.0. I suggest you try relaxing v10.2 and skipping out on the town with the guys v5.6 heck you may even find cheep thrills v8.4

    but a victory over you I wish to do personally and with a dull knife.. so I say our game is on ice till later (I can wait) besides this is one of the most intense games I ever had with any cesspooler, heck a game with a pair of bunnyslippers at a Hotseat game would be more exciting then any game with a cesspooler but that's beside the point.

    LORAK don't rack up my game with Geier. It's on hold.

    BTW guys at least he posted he can't play or does not want to.. not like a PeterNZ we all know who just dropped off the face of the planet without saying "bugger this game I'm outta here"

    thanks Geier for the heads up.. now.. this still means your a wanker, wonker, woozer, a bent smartie and much more.

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

    The win given to me by The French was not CM related and I refuse to acknowledge it. Remove it please.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    dear Sweedish friend, it is nice to see you continue games with other loosers and morons in this cess. But lean closer so I can wisper something in your ear....

    <center><h1>WHERE IS MY TURN YOU WANKER!</h1></center>

    thank you.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

    Perhaps I was unclear (you idiots):

    OOK! That should do it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Whot? Herro? hmmfrssft.. *yawn* sorry was sleeping there. Do you need a battle of nastyness of unfairness to both sides in every way? a game which if you do loose Pvt. Pickerman who serves grub to to your platoon the game is over man, game over!! then Sgt. Omigod is screaming "Omigod! Omigod! what?? 17 minutes left in the game!! Aie hate to brake this to you Lt. We are not going to last 17 seconds MAN!! oh.. jeez Game over man, game over!"

    tell you what looser of PING.. er.. PUNG.. er.. that funny guy with big floopy ears over there!

    *mace wispers to mensch*

    Oh right my fellow er.. *galances at mace* uh my fellow... jeezus man what are you wearing??

    *mace wispers to mensch again*.

    Right my fellow sheep wearing friend here says that guys name is PENG.

    Really mace at least use rubber thingies before you do that.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jar-Ook!:

    And now, an update withLars.


    **loose translation: And I have yet to receive anything from Mensch.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    It seems our local new Librarian is getting to excited again. so my slow minded Orange furry friend let me explain a few things there before you start taking my dried frog pills to calm down.

    Berli has to make the map (you with me here?) THEN OGSF makes our troop purchase (stay with me.. look at me.. ok?) now Mr.Bannana breath when that is done, then you'll get something from me so don't bend a smartie ok?

    Hey guy's this monkey boy is a bit gujeroo, if you ask me.

    Ok Jar-Ook! sit tight keep your self busy like oh I don't know boil your billy or somefink.



  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

    Ook? OOK! Ook.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    well it seems our Orange-o-Twit has again tried to convert us to some Anti-Sig ways of thinking. So what do you suggest me boy, er monkey.

    First of all My sig.

    the first sig part is there to stay till the site is no longer there.

    the second part is a nicer version of what my Sifu said to me.

    the third part, and too bad you missed that thread it was quite funny as hell as some nob came in to be "cool" and ticked off everyone who was trying to be helpfull but it turned into a mudslinging fest in which the "cool dude" insulted Madmatt.

    Now if you wish to remove one of my Sigs my boy I suggest you challenge me to a Bloodhamster Match to try to remove one of the last two sigs.

    But I fear Mr. Monkey boy couldn't figure out how to challenge me in a Bloodhamster Match. SO I will do it you bannana eating OOK.

    I wish that Berli makes the map to this match and OGSF to make the troop selection and after back to Berli who will set the Parameters of the game.

    in other words monkey boy you have been challenged to try to remove one of my last to sigs.

    so Ook Boy, accept or SHUT THE FECK UP!

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

    Ogga! Oook! Mugga! OOh OOOH!

    [ 08-30-2001: OOK! OGGH! edited by: Juardis ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I think what he is trying to say is that he doesn't like our sigs lads? Interesting organism that has wondered in the cess.

    Anyone have a fireball on hand? no? hmm well ok someone step on this cockroach then.

    as for a responce to this monkey.


  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

    I am going to try like hell to get this program and the first batch of CMMOS mods posted this week!


    funny you mentioned that... Matthew Shane Peterson just sent me a CMMOS version of his wonderful Hi-Res Universal Carrier Mod Pack

    now avaliable by us. :D

    [edited cuz sprelling is so harde]

    [ 08-30-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Bugger. No turns out tonight, as I cannot get my email, nor figure out why not. Will have to contact my ISP during their normal 'customer service' hours, from 3 PM to 3:30 PM, weekdays.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Unlikely story.. he most likely saw the last films of his games and discovered he was loosing most or all of them and now does not want to send the return file in hopes people think he has "technical" problems.

    you sir, after I'm finished wittling your troops down to a smooth polished ball and draw out our battle like the Great 1734 War on the Muka Muka Island where the West Muka tribe was fighting the other East Muka tribe, after arguing their tribal name was better then the gits on the east side of the island*. I want to knicker your ego with a home made "Berli Battle".

    *rumor has it, that the war was really started in a bar fight over a game of Cripple Mr. Onion.

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ellros:

    I have never killed a tank with the rifle grenades (couple halftracks though)... but I have had lots taken out by German panzerfausts.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Strange, I have magaged in my year and a bit of CM playing (ok after the 1.12 patch) to take out a multitude of tanks with rifle grenades Light AFV are a sinch with them all of them in the 1m to 35m fire range. Off the top of my head here is what I have taken out with these wonderful "Merikan" Panzerfausts.

    All German type Half-tracks


    StuG's and StuH's



    Mark IV's

    and my favorate Hetzer (side shot)

    now either I got a sup'd up version of CM or I am just plain lucky. Most of these kills were with American Airborne or Glider troops and Vets mostly I think the Reg's just suck so I almost never take Reg Para's

    I would argue to that the German Panzerfaust 30's are almost useless since they rarely fire and when they do, they fly off bad like a butterfly on LSD. The 60's and 100's work like a charm and they fire them at resonable ranges.

    On the other side (Commonwelth stuff) I have never ever in my gaming time KO'd a tank even at close range with Gamont (sp?) bombs or Engineer charges... if anything a Immobile or shocked the tank. This is where the PIAT shines in my eyes, quiet deadly and almost dead accurate with a Vetran crews.

    I am personally ticked off in seeing a normal bloody sherman take out a Tiger head on at 800m!! first shot!! if I had a dime for ever time I have seen that I would have uh... Two dollars and fifty cents!! :D

  10. Kessel Update o plenty…

    ---- News flash starts ----

    Big BIG mod pack from «Matthew Shane Peterson» British/Polish/Canadian Universal Carriers all in one gulp! Amazing detail!

    wonderful work done by Matthew! I had to put it up now. =D

    ---- News flash ends ----

    Well we have Byte Battles we have Mods and a Map, here's the breakdown.

    New Flags in 3D effect, the Byte Battle "Bocage to St.Lo" is finished with version 1.03 and a Byte Battle "Peters Pinch" from mensch.

    Berli turns out a Byte Battle " Early in the Morning" (nasty bugger that one was hard) :D

    Germany boy hands out his Bulge map "Red Marley d'Abitot "and a Byte Battle "Dutch Raid vs AI"

    Gunnergoz has done it again with Darkfield Grass and a hosted Byte Battle by Tony «Moriarty» Oliver, I can say I hate fog even more now.

    And finally a sneek peek of a shot of menschs "Kessel GUI Mod" for CMBO.

    Enjoy smok'em if you got'em


    [ 08-29-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]

  11. Kessel Update o plenty…

    ---- News flash starts ----

    Big BIG mod pack from «Matthew Shane Peterson» British/Polish/Canadian Universal Carriers all in one gulp! Amazing detail!

    wonderful work done by Matthew! I had to put it up now. =D

    ---- News flash ends ----

    Well we have Byte Battles we have Mods and a Map, here's the breakdown.

    New Flags in 3D effect, the Byte Battle "Bocage to St.Lo" is finished with version 1.03 and a Byte Battle "Peters Pinch" from mensch.

    Berli turns out a Byte Battle " Early in the Morning" (nasty bugger that one was hard) :D

    Germany boy hands out his Bulge map "Red Marley d'Abitot "and a Byte Battle "Dutch Raid vs AI"

    Gunnergoz has done it again with Darkfield Grass and a hosted Byte Battle by Tony «Moriarty» Oliver, I can say I hate fog even more now.

    And finally a sneek peek of a shot of menschs "Kessel GUI Mod" for CMBO.

    Enjoy smok'em if you got'em


    [ 08-29-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]

  12. Right woo! should have seen this one coming. :D

    ok I guess I should put more news up, I got about 5 or so in testing stages, german lad has 2 or three on the testing ranges and berli has also as many too, also there are about 2-3 from the other Kessel'ers in the pipe.

    I have a folder by me with "update der kessel" with some files, I'll be putting them up tommorow (map, byte battle, grass mods from gunnergoz and two or three byte battles sent in for monthly hosts)

    workie has been not nice to me either but I'm trying me best. The one big hill to get over is beta testing the little buggers, I know i sent out a few to my fellow sturmgruppe buddies at der kessel but feed back is coming back oh so slowly.

    SO what does that mean? well I know from my side I wouldn't mind two good (very good) players as beta monkeys to help along. Any takers?

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    If we can't joke about death, well then, there's nothing left to do.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    OK Papenase, lets see.. you get news of two deaths of close family friends in the last two and a half weeks and then you read an email of "I am sad to give news of so and so's death…" and see as Joe said.. your heart does a dip.

    may you never recive bad news like I have then read some "funny" email.. one is first not in the "lager" to see the small details.

    I must admit mr. poopypants pulled one over my eyes, still not fun. I know he didn't know whats going on from my side (private) aside about him complaining about his prostate or we swap sickness stories.

    joke about death somewere else.

    that does not mean one can say die lots now or somefink gamey related or taunting but well there are limits.

  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:


    Seanacoochie posted in the last thread on 23rd AUGUST.......... :D


    ok.. you got me there but look when I last stepped foot in the cess. DAAAYS.

    so what does that tell you I read just the last page to get up to things for many reasons, one mostly cuz I am rarely in anyones post and two I couldn't bother with all that reading.

  15. OK.. now call me stupid.. but seriously without the serious tags. In the past two months I have personaly lost two people who I know well, one a family friend killed in a horrible car accident, another lost to a heart attack after a small electrical shock with a defect power tool (no joke here people, and if you make any sleu remarks I will personaly kick your ass and never talk or corrispond with you again... )

    anyhow since these two accidents I get this joke? and I hope it is a joke in the email from the lad I always made jokes at and he me, call me a wee bit sensitive with the topic of "DEATH" but even though I consider you nobs my destroyers of PBEM and TCP/IP games with me. I consider you lads a nice damn community and friends (online and the ones I have met in person) so.. tell me this is a joke.

    ------ email from senachai ----------

    Hello to all of Seanachai's opponents reading this, and I hope this finds

    you well. Please forgive this somewhat generic email, but it is the only

    means by which I can contact you all, as I promised my brother I would do.

    I cannot describe my sadness, nor the pain I feel, when I tell you that the

    person you know as 'Seanachai', is no longer with us. On August 20th of

    this year, he was gored to death by a pronghorn antelope at the Minnesota

    zoo. On a drunken dare late that night, he climbed the fence into the

    enclosure. I know it sounds stupid, but it was the kind of person he was.

    Afterwards, his remains were eaten by rats. While shocked and saddened, our

    family cannot help but feel it was all for the best.

    I want you to know that he truly loved the game 'Combat Mission', just as he

    truthly loathed all of you. I want you to join with me now in sending a

    volley of the foulest curses you can think of in pursuit of his departed

    spirit. It's not only what he deserved, it's what he would have wanted.

    Please find attached the last turn in your game with him. Wherever he is

    now, and no matter how horrible the place, I know it's what he deserved.


    ------ end email ---------

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