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Everything posted by Smirnoff

  1. ok.. so it happend again and I think I know why.. It probably was sound contact cause that's what happend this time, still looks spooky tough so it's not realy a bug, but still a little glitch in the game-engine, altough people can make mistakes [This message has been edited by Smirnoff (edited 07-23-2000).]
  2. heck.. need I say more The savegame and image can be found at www.xs4all.nl/~hazenoot/cm I was playing the Arhem operation when I saw this guy walking around, at first I tought I was wrong, but no I replayed the movie and there he was. I made the screenshot and opened photoshop, when I clicked on CM in the taskbar CM exited !!! (eg crashed!!). After starting CM and opening then autosave the guy didn't show up , still I have the screenshot.. my system : Abit BE6-II PIII-650 128 RAM Diamond Viper 550 AGP (not for long!!) Maxtor 13,5 Gb SB Live 3Com 905 BTX Win 98 SE DirectX 7a CM version 1.01 Smirnoff [This message has been edited by Smirnoff (edited 07-23-2000).]
  3. in windows : press ALT+"Print Screen" and open paint or photoshop or something and you can paste your screenshot.. don't know about a mac..
  4. Hi, The approach to Operations is quite good. I like it al lot and even prefer them over battles. It's more challeging then a single battle (if designed well) and keeps me busy for a few hours. Improvement is possible however.. I'd like to see a kind of system in wicht it's easier to design bigger and longer operations (1 or 2 weeks with a few battles a day). This means of course the current 6 slots for reinforcments can be insufficient and possibly the current maps are to small. Also I'd like that the reinforcements can be assigned to different conditions on the battlefield (eg your forces are smashed so you need them or if you're doing well they won't show up because you don't need them or at least headquaters thinks so etc..). Maybe there can be some kind of framework in wich a copple of Operatins or Battles can be linked giving the feeling of a sort of campeign? Is it possible to have a random Operation generator?? I haven't search the forum but this could already been mentioned.. I hope it can be done but still CM2 will also do.... it's still a great game!!! An idea for an operation could be Walcheren (Zeeland in the Netherlands (ok I'm dutch )) it was a quite a struggle for the allies to free the Schelde river to open the port of Antwerp because the germans flooded big parts of the island and were determant to make a stand (so, some use for the assultboats). I belelieve it was a Canedian or Britisch attack, defenatly no American. I'm still thinking about making it myself, but i haven't got the time to do some research to make it historicly correct as I think that's more fun.. Greetings, Smirnoff
  5. ******* little spoiler? *********** Playing the Red Devils at Arnhem if found this : These are the craters of my shells on the german side of the bridge. Looks like a little bug??? I don't know where to email this but it can be found at : www.xs4all.nl/~hazenoot/cm (image and savegame) or just reply what to do and I'll do it (all of it?? ) happy debugging (my favorite part of the job ) my system : Abit BE6-II PIII-650 128 RAM Diamond Viper 550 AGP (not for long!!) Maxtor 13,5 Gb SB Live 3Com 905 BTX Win 98 SE DirectX 7a [This message has been edited by Smirnoff (edited 07-21-2000).]
  6. I like Jarmo's suggestion.. I found that during a operation by just moving 1 or 2 squad's forward the I can place my units on ground not jet advanced on.. Still I like them more then battles.. a lot more intresting.. haven't played through PBEM yet .. (no frends capable off playing CM yet.. .. ) sorry for the bad english I seem to have a hole in my head whenever I must write ... (even dutch my native language.. only understand things between begin .. end
  7. After setting the playbalans to axis +25% all my untis can only be placed in the red setup section. I'll test it al little further, but has anyone had de same problem?
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