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Posts posted by Arsenal

  1. Going ot a bit here but from what I remember there was never a problem with hmgs in cmbo. The problem was the way infantry reacted when coming under fire which made hmgs ineffective. So infantry was the thing changed in cmbb not hmgs. I think from memory the only tweaks to hmgs were to give them covered arcs and a larger area/grazing fire effect. Could be wrong on all of this, I'm sure bts knows.

    Anyways, back to your normal program smile.gif

  2. Originally posted by M Hofbauer:

    and as such took part in Desert Storm even before he was born - quite a feat, if you ask me.

    nb: I dont know what Sabot has done to justify getting banned when ppl like arsenal with their sig line arent. if sabot was to be banned, ppl with such sig material should be banned hundred times over.

    It's a joke you uptight git, get over it.
  3. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Heavy weapons were not generally moved DURING a battle. Check the doctrine of the day. They were generally brought up into position inbetween battles, often at night or in sectors not currently under enemy observation. Moving stuff about with transport in active combat zones was absolutely not done as a rule in WWII. It was near suicide. Of course that doesn't mean it never happened, but it was not supposed to happen


    Hi Steve, I've got a completly OT question for you.

    Will there ever be an option to delete units in the quick battle purchase screen?

    I just ask this because when I'm attacking I would like to be able to buy a battalion but not have to drag along all the heavy weapons that come with it for similar reasons that you mentioned above. I would rather delete the hmgs,mortars and put the points back into units that can keep pace with an attack.

    Would this be possible? or is it too ahistorical?

  4. Well - the briefing makes very clear that it is an uphill job (no pun intended) for the Germans, telling you that the more experienced player needs to play them, and they need an experience bonus. What else do you want to know? If you don't read it properly, please don't complain.
    I'm not complaining, just stating my experiances and yes I did read the briefing properly. When a briefing says it's designed for tcp/ip play, to me that means it is balanced so that either side has a chance to win.IMO even with the more experianced player using the germans I don't think the german side has a chance to win vs a human, not the first time around anyway . That is why I said I would feel setup. But thats just me, others may disagree and thats fine.

    I guess the next time BTS lets me design scenarios for them, I make sure to make them easy to win for everybody against the AI, that way I won't get any complaints.
    Well, I think you should keep designing them the way you like to and not worry about complaints because in the end it's all just a matter of peoples tastes. You can't please all of the people all of the time right?
  5. Originally posted by FreeKitten:

    I really liked the Fionn Kelly games that were on CM HQ. Is there any chance we'll see more of these in the future? Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place...

    Doubt you'll see anymore from Fionn, the last time he put one up, he caught a lot of **** from people for no real reason and then decided not to make anymore public because of that.

    A shame really, good aars ruined by a few assholes.

  6. Originally posted by Chad Harrison:

    Has anyone else noticed that there were quite a few scenarios on the CD were you are playing against all odds and it was not even fun against the AI? Imagine playing Cemetary Hill against a human opponent?!?!?


    Yes, I found quite a few of them to be frustrating and not alot of fun. I had played maybe 15 or so before I came across one I really enjoyed, Eberswalde last stand I think it was called. Before that one I was starting to get a bit disillusioned with them.

    Cemetary hill was the first one I tried as well.I got my butt kicked then replayed it 5 or 6 times trying different types of tactics, got frustrated and moved on. I think if I had played it double blind tcp/ip as the germans I would feel a bit set-up.

    Just my thoughts, no disrespect to the scenario designers intended.

  7. Hey, I just checked out the movies and enjoyed them.

    That looks like a good scenario to play and....











    ... damn! do t34-85s kick butt close-up or what? the panthers just get out manuevered. The best part was a pzrgrenadier squad firing four panzerfausts in 3 seconds at two t34s with all fausts hitting and knocking them out.Good stuff.

    [ October 19, 2002, 05:24 AM: Message edited by: Jazza ]

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