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Col. Klotz

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Posts posted by Col. Klotz

  1. Yes, it's nice checking LOS by taking a look at ground level yourself rather than using a thread or a ruler.

    To your question: According to the ASL rules all multihex buildings are considered 1 1/2 levels in height, and are assumed to have have a stairwell in every hex. However if I remember right this was not the case in Squad Leader. I recall just the buildings with stairwell symbols were of the two story type. In that case it depends if you play SL or ASL.

    Also I decided to put the other 2 story building (not the block building) on this map as the blockbuilding looks too city-like on this rural map. The N1-building's size made me go for the blockbuilding anyway. But I don't think there are any game differences, apart from their area size.

    Col. Klotz

  2. New Update, New Map!

    Thanks for the positive rally modifier smile.gif

    I have just finished one of the more difficult maps i hope smile.gif #6 from COD "The Chateu". It is in two versions one true to the original and one modified to line up better with the squares.

    Unfortunately I don't have any of the historical maps so I can't work on them, but if anyone give them a try and wish to make it public then send it my way and I'll put it on the site.

    Also, take a look in the scenery section at one strange new US unit I found in one scenario. It seems to be using indirect fire.



  3. They are a challange to make, and it's nice seeing all these good maps coming to life again. I've had some pretty intense fighting especially on board 3, with both close quarters and long range tank duels.

    I've just finished SL#5 from COI with woods, lots of woods, and some gullies.

    I remember one humiliating A/SL scenario, and certainly not the only one smile.gif on this map. Almost all my tanks got bogged on the first turns and then they got utterly crushed by the enemy. After that I realized that tanks are not very well suited in woods.

    Col. Klotz

  4. OK, I've found a new webhost that works great from here. Hope it's good on the receiving end as well:


    Also I have added a new map: SL#3 - "Village amidst Level 2 Hills".

    Schrullenhaft - I hope too for the map format to be importable into scens/ops or even better to become separate files. Also, if the file format would be made public I guess we would see some rather nifty editors out here with map combining & rotation, copy&paste, automation in making rolling hills and so on.

    Col Klotz

  5. Thanks guys, I'm blushing smile.gif I have some more that I hopefully finish by this weekend, so check it out later.

    The pool table effect is a problem on these maps. But I'm also trying to make the LOS as close to the original as possible and that precludes me from doing too much trimming.

    About Homestead: Their download servers are apparently very busy, but the files are there, promise! Just try again in few seconds. Also I've noticed that Getright reports the file as not existing when this busy page shows up. Try without a download manager, the files are really small.


  6. I have made some map conversions from SL to CM for anyone to use in scenarios:

    The new URL...


    I have alot of them and are eager to start converting smile.gif Any suggestions or comments are welcome.

    I also have some thoughts about the levels in ASL. I have assumed 2 levels (5m) in CM to 1 in ASL. Anyone have any ideas if this is correct?


    [This message has been edited by Col. Klotz (edited 07-12-2000).]

  7. I'd say that a 3D card is REQUIRED if below about 400 Mhz. I tested on a 166 without one and got at most 1 fps on the smallest scenarios!!!

    I'm using a 200 with a 3D card (voodo 2) and it works for the smaller scenarios, about a company/side and below 1 sqkm map. More units is worse than larger maps. It's the 3D objects that kill the framerate, as smoke and trees are 2D they are a less problem.

    IMHO CM is more enjoyable with a 500+ but is definitely not unusable with lower specs but you must have a 3D acceleration.

    Have you tried the demo? It's about the same speed as the real one.

  8. I was just thinking about how many people here are running CM with lowend machines? I have a 200 with vodoo 2 and still having a great time with the game. OK the bigger scenarios can really bog down, but it seems like it's not so much the size of the maps that matters. Too much units is the real frame-killer in my experience. So, scenarios with about a company/side worx great for me smile.gif

    Col Klotz

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