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Posts posted by Wilhammer

  1. Move them Tanks!

    If they try to act like wheeled pillboxes, they will die!

    I like to move them in with a hunt command (even if I have a target) and immediatelly plot a reverse order behind a terrain obstacle.

    Repeat, shift to a different "front", or back out completely and show up somewhere else with the AFV. You can fake numbers and keep your opponent twitching in anticipation anxiety.

    I call it the Ali method, "dance like a butterfly, sting like a bee."

    A live tank is worth 2 or 3 enemy tanks, especially if he is an armour oriented opponent (i.e., fixated on destroying AFVs above all else.)

  2. Kitty,

    I did bother to look, and true, the TD unit is a Kitty, but the rest are not, like the 2nd Armored Hamster Division "Hell on Paws" unit.

    As for my getting the location wrong, that does not dispute the fact that the picture is that of Kitty GIs with slaughtered hamstertruppen in front of the position.

    So, the question still stands, are the GI's Kittys or are they Hamsters, or both. And, if so, will German units also have Kitty's and Hamsters?

    I surmise that you are both prone to like the company of Kittys and Hamsters, and will provide equal opputrunity for them to potray either side.

    Perhaps someone can now do a Tiger Mod with Wiskers and Ears, while someone can do a Sherman mod in "hamster-flauge".

    Would it be possible to replace the large building BMP with hamster cages, and small ones with wheels? The pines can be scratching posts, the shrubs play toys, and the deciduos trees a mix of hamster appetite pleasing greens and cat enticing catnip.

    Sort of gives a whole new meaning to the concept of the sand table when you add all the cats prancing on it. What is that "rough" terrain anyway?

  3. Hamsters Confused?

    I notice that you had designated many US Hamster Units, but on my desktop is the picture from the Bulge of 2 American "Kitty" Soldiers manning an MG with dead hampstertruppen piled in front.

    Is this going to be a hamster vs hamster fight, or a cat versus hamster fight?

    Does anybody really care?

    BMP Request.

    Can the image of projectiles in flight be converted from ugly black shapes to hamster images?

  4. JaJA is on to something.

    Bocage typically had 1-3 meter earthen mounds supporting root systems of thick brush and trees that can be 15 meteres or more high and often making vegetative tunnels over lanes.

    Countless reports on both sides contain reports of guying of opposing sides being just seperated by the bocage and unknown to each other until contact during movement.

  5. A vendor has just given me a Steadtler 4000 ink pen. Most unusual looking thing.

    What really struck me was the clear plastic "prism" box it came in, and the labeling in 4 languages that says;

    "Place into pocket only when tip is fully retracted."

    An American pen company would never put this label on its box as it would imply that somehow they would be liable for any ruined shirts as lawyers would consider it an exculpatory clause.

  6. I see one problem with this, and it is gamey/quasi-historical - cannon fodder.

    I would like to buy a company of green for dirt cheap to run out as a skirmishing screen to locate the enemy and then take my veterans to eliminate the critical positions.

    You think mad jeep rushes are a problem? Imagine a cloud of green volksgrenadiers backed up by veteran SS in every QB.

    Worse, imagine clouds of green Hotchkiss tanks backed up by veteran Tigers.

    It would make CM look like a simulation of Napoleonic warfare.

    Now, of cource, if you consider the Commisar concept, this is a valid tactic with the Russians.

    [This message has been edited by Wilhammer (edited 10-18-2000).]

  7. Due to liability issues, Hotmail, a MS product, will almost always report attached files as virus infected.

    Just like the warning you get in Office products when a macro is noticed. I write excel programs for work, and users have to be convinced with a personal visit it is okay to use open files with Macros that "may have viruses".

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