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Posts posted by Wilhammer

  1. They reran them last night.

    Saw some nice color film of SBD Zeroes...

    The TBF Hellcats looked nice...

    The Colorized Japanese Film, I guess, honored the Color footage, filmed originally in color - the disclaimer DID SAY it 'contains' this found original color footage.

    There was also this nice bit on US Naval Builds, showing off our shiny new Navy, including a British Cruiser...

    That was all in one Episode!


  2. Dexter, to be enjoyed, must be watched starting with Season 1.

    A serial killer that not only hunts other serial killers, but also hunts people who 'got away with murder' and, lately, has been hunting folks who impact his family.

    His akwardness in Season 1 and 2 is a fascinating watch - he goes from the profile we have seen of Serial Killers to a man with friends and family - and he has to learn to be normal.


    BTW, in the FlashForward novel, the FFs are 20 years in the future, and the cause was the Hadron Super Collider.

    Not sure what it is in this adaptation - it is those towers - but what do they do?

    The last episode they refer to a science experiment that killed 20 million people (the blackout) - so I wonder what they are trying to manipulate.

    Another angle to consider is some corporate environment - somebody had to build those things. Who funded them? Did the USA?

    ----The suicide changes the impending doom equation ---- the alcoholism relapse and the split may not happen.

    Back to the German.

    In his FlashForward with that customs agent, who was saved by Demetri, and thus may know about the Demetri Murder; and the German mentions a murder getting him to the USA - notice the look on the Custom Agents face?

    I suspect on that day, he kills the German.

    In the scene where Demetri meets the agent at his house, just before the bong incident, he does ask if he will get a gun.

    Perhaps he will, and he will be given the mission to kill the German.


    One wonders what happens to this series after April 2010.

  3. Not to mention they crammed a 4 hour miniseries into a 1 hour Pilot.

    Did they?

    We have 3 more episodes airing this month, then the break until after the Winter Olympics for 9 more.

    BTW, overall, it was a 3.5 of 5 for me - FlashForward is still the best new series this year.

  4. Watched V last night.

    Warning! Spoilage Ahead!



    1. It sure moved fast - we saw Reptoid skin 10-15 minutes before it ended.

    2. The meeting in the wharehouse - my God, the fellow in the middle ranting about Reptoids infiltrating all levels of government for decades setting up the invasion - was that you John?

    3. The skeptical FBI agent who was practically rolling her eyes at this rant, oh my, was that so much like the AK crowd here.

    4. The mole FBI agent was rather predictable, if the the guy who played that role was not - the Captain of Serenity dies again!

    5. The Reptoids are divided; the Humans are divided, the war is on!

    Folks, if you have ever participated in a Kettler Reptoid conspiracy discussion on this Forum, you will find the first episode rather boring - it is all too familiar!

    Oh, and get this, they are trying to win over humanity with - wait, wait for it - Universal Health Care!

    Yes, Obama leads the Visitors!

  5. Grits - love them.

    My wife makes a killer 'Shrimp and Grits' dish - very nice.

    Steam some shrimp, spiced the way you like.

    Make some grits - add some butter.

    Mix the Shrimp with the Grits.

    Add Black Beans is you so desire.


    so, what did I eat for breakfast?

    Could not have been good - Cinnamon Chex with a Banana and 2% milk - Coffee with 1/2 & 1/2 and 'pink stuff'.

    My favorite breakfast is 2 Eggs, over easy, Grits and toast.

  6. In the Firefly Universe, the System they are in is bigger than ours, with several habitable worlds, many terraformed.

    In our own system, Venus and Mars are on the edge, and Jupiter is close to being a star with its own mini 'solar system' some of which are likely life harboring now (at least I am convinced they are by the evidence).

    Saturn is not too far off from that itself.


    The humans got there via multi generational ships as a mass migration / expansion thing.

    IIRC, this is all explained mostly in the movie, but some detail is missing.


    The characters and scripting were exceptional - some of the best ever made.

    In my opinion, it is far better than Star Trek or Galactica.

    If you watch 'Castle', you see our Captain.

    In Sarah Connor, our favorite female cyborg is River Tam in Firefly. Summer Glau's character is especially compelling.

    Our favorite mercenary is the hard nosed CIA agent in Chuck.

    Of course, the consort is in V.

  7. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/05/business/05smart.html


    Eileen T. Kennedy, president of the Smart Choices board and the dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, said the program’s criteria were based on government dietary guidelines and widely accepted nutritional standards.

    She said the program was also influenced by research into consumer behavior. That research showed that, while shoppers wanted more information, they did not want to hear negative messages or feel their choices were being dictated to them.

    “The checkmark means the food item is a ‘better for you’ product, as opposed to having an x on it saying ‘Don’t eat this,’ ” Dr. Kennedy said. “Consumers are smart enough to deduce that if it doesn’t have the checkmark, by implication it’s not a ‘better for you’ product. They want to have a choice. They don’t want to be told ‘You must do this.’ ”"

  8. The best bricks have a binder in them - straw - the best materials in construction always have a matrix in them, just as cloth mixed with cement.

    Bricks will fail if they are just mud - unless the mud is a conglomerate.

    You might want to reinvestigate Mud Technology....

    As to welcome back -

    Hell, I am not even sure you exist - Alien Phaser Laser Holographic Mind control channeled through some poor sap on the Intertubes is most likely :)

  9. Why must everything new to JK be 'mind blowing'?





    If you ever visit a construction site or read materials literature you might be 'blown away' by a great many things.

    Really, this 'Revolutionary Product' stuff is just 'shocking' copy for advertisement.

    What is 'new' is the application, and by new, so 4-5 years ago.

    One might ask why it was not a necessary invention before that - cost - steel buildings, etc, where much cheaper at one time.

    One can argue that cement impregnation is as old as man's construction activities - ever hear of bricks?

  10. "Even if the US crippled the USSR with a surprise attack, the Soviets could still hit back. It wouldn't matter if the US blew up the Kremlin, took out the defense ministry, severed the communications network, and killed everyone with stars on their shoulders. Ground-based sensors would detect that a devastating blow had been struck and a counterattack would be launched."


  11. As he could not get online because of all the crep popping up I took him AntiMalware today - took 15 minutes to put him right. Than Goo he did not do anything stupid like going to the Anti_virus site

    I had a programmer stop me in the hallway to ask me if I could look at her personal laptop - her kids followed the path, and I am sure it is severely jacked up now.

    Hopefully my customized Windows PE CD can take it out.

    Often enough though, something is really broken, and what you have is data recovery using a boot CD and a USB drive followed by a complete reload.

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