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Posts posted by Wilhammer

  1. "The new engine is being developed separately from CMAK. The working title for this second generation engine is CMX2 but the devolvement time on this engine will take at least another year if not more to complete. In the coming months more information about CMX2 will be released."

    Devolvement? Really? A step backwards? smile.gif

    OK, THE question -

    Will these improvements be available for CM:BB?

    C'mon, T-35, you KNOW we want it!

  2. This is a shameful thread.

    The best damned computer wargame product ever produced, and we got guys coming into their forum and trashing them for shoddy work.

    If you don't like the product, don't use the product.

    If you need to offer a good suggestion (and I agree that the PBEM thing could be better), then offer it without trash talk.

    Customer service is a bitch when the customer thinks the service provider is an idiot. Its a whole lot worse when they proceed to bad mouth it for no valid reason.

    [ February 05, 2003, 07:16 PM: Message edited by: Wilhammer ]

  3. I experienced this horror:

    A KV-2, moving along a slope, up slope, turns its turret to point up slope (in other words, it is pitched up slope about 15 degrees, and is yawed to one side about the same, and rotates the turret to point up the slope it is yawed on), targets a HT on a crestline, fires one shot, gets direct hit, blows up the HT, the 37mm gun it was towing, a kubelwagen behind the ridge, and a squad gets decimated.

    The KV-2 takes note that it killed the target, rotated its turret back inline with the hull, and proceeded on its course.

    I am of the opinion that the KV-2 should be an SP gun with a limited traverse. Turretted in real life, yes, but so massive, that the slope it was on would bind the turret, at least that is what I have read.

    Other gamers have reported it to me. It seems that a Ruskie gamey thing to do in 1941 Quick-Battles in the 1200 point range is to buy one KV-2 and one T-34. The German player can't handle it.

    Really, if the KV-2 could do what it does in CMBB, the Ruskies should of kept it in production. Its a ISU-152 with a turret!

    [ January 21, 2003, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: Wilhammer ]

  4. '5th SS Wiking'

    Played it over the holidays, and managed a decisive victory against the AI.



    Recently in a PBEM against Greg Vietz, I got a platoon of Soviet Paras slaughtered due to surprise flanking attack from a German platoon.

    Lesson learned.

    So, I tried it against the AI to test the 'new' trick Vietz handed to me.

    In the scenario, on the German far North Flank, lies a well led and high quality platoon in the woods. I withdrew them a bit into a mini-cordon of defense and placed them in hidden mode. I watched a bunch of Ruskies just walk on by, oblivious to my troops hiding in the woods.

    Waiting, waiting, then bang, I opened up on them, attacking the column of troops knowing the AI order of column (HQs, Squads, HVY teams), and poured fire into the first units in that column at their backsides and flanks. They panicked, some back into the open near the edge, where the were gunned down by a squad still able to see that area. I was relentless, and did not stop until ANOTHER column appeared behind me, and took parting shots at my platoon. I withdrew from that column, rushed way in front of the column I just crushed, swung my force to the left, and ran right into the side of that other German column.

    As Rex said to me, "it's who gets the first drop that wins", and I got that drop again.

    After that one was crushed, the survivors of the other battle arrived, and got wupped again.

    By mid scenario, that one platoon had suffered about 12 casualties spread out in the platoon, and wiped out nearly TWO Soviet companies.

    This was due to stealth and a lot of patience on my part, and more importantly, formation responsibility, which the AI does not practice.

    Later, my platoon would get near the center road and run down an IS-2 and kill that too.

    One squad had 57 kills, one mortar detroyed, and one IS-2 to its credit.

    The Platoon HQ got 14 kills on its own for one loss!.

    The AI is too weak in its tactics to be considered a worthy opponent. I play AI mostly to test things and figure out timing, best weapons, etc. They are "live fire" exercises so to speak for practice in the real thing, PBEM.

    [ January 02, 2003, 06:22 PM: Message edited by: Wilhammer ]

  5. I think I just experienced this, but on a different scale where it kind of makes sense.
















    The scenario: Directive Number 3.

    Playing the Soviet side, I get 3 X 4 vehicle platoons of BT-7s. Quick, nimble, and paper thin. The tanks are manned by consripts, green and one or two regulars.

    For those familiar with the scenario, on the Soviet Left in front ot the town, near the factory, is this hill mass with many hulldown spots in it. I immediatelly massed 2 platoons of BT-7s in hulldown position to cover the roads into town.

    On turn 10, after about 3 turns of hiding in the folds, in very well done Hulldown positions, a gaggle of German panzers arrive in full view on the road. I targeted them with my BTs. Respective to all German AFVs all BT-7s were hulldown. The German force proved to be a mix of PZ IVes, PZ IIIs and Pz IIs.

    As the turn movie played, nearly all of the BT7s decided to retreat from their hulldown positions, and go backwards, uphill, and get blown to bits. It was funny to watch, it reminded me of popcorn popping it happened so fast. Though my BTs manage to score many hits, I think I might of got two kills. The BTs were destroyed; all except one. That one is at about 1000 meters away from a PZ II that put about 3 holes in it that did not damage. Since the other German tanks are now unoccupied (except for a Soviet Armored car plinking away at them), it will surely die soon.

    It was very frustrating to watch those tanks do that. For the conscripts, this made sense. They lost their nerve and tried to run.

    The regulars stayed their ground, but got killed very quickly.

    No matter what choice the BTs were to make, any hit had a pretty good chance of killing them. Unfortuantely, they made the wrong choice. The resulting self-inflicted rout caused them to die very quickly (to watch 7 tanks buy it in under 30 seconds, ughhh!) with very little effect on the Germans. They basically retreated and then shot wildly. Of course, the 45L is a piece of junk, and the few hits they got were terribly ineffective, though one Pz II is toast.

    I do NOT consuider this to be buggy.

    1. The BTs, the one's that stayed and fought, died, all of them.

    2. Of the runners, one is still alive.

    3. The one's that stayed got the best hits, but died doing it.

    So, they picked survival over killing.

    The unidisciplined ones, the conscripts, chose to evade death over fighting; sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

    [ December 02, 2002, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: Wilhammer ]

  6. I saw it just yesterday. Was confused at first, but realized my 'lil BT-7, in a great hulldown position, was a little TOO hulldown, and was plowing the field about 3 meters away consistently.

    I am also certain that particualr tank was in the hulldown position by the seek hulldown order.

    [ November 30, 2002, 01:26 PM: Message edited by: Wilhammer ]

  7. The first German tank I 'liked' and could identify, was this thing called the PZKW II.

    My first sight of one was a "Ghost Tank" comic book, circa 1972.

    A couple of years after that, I found the Bandai 1/48 scale tank series, and the first one I bought was the Pzkw II. It was the catalog in that model that got me into the other tanks, and strangely, the models of everything Bandai had in 1/48 were in a local drug store (in those days, the local drug store was a great hobby supply house), and they had them dirt cheap. I still have a Wespe unbuilt and a Hummel that is partly built. The rest vanished with my childhood :(

    Fine models; shame Bandai does not make them anymore. The last thing I sam a Bandai label on was Power Ranger toys.

  8. Good review, the latter one, but something got by the ditor(s):

    "Airplanes have been re-worked, there is now a ammo setting in Quick Battles, wind and wind direction can now be set, rivers will freeze over even if no snow is present but its cold enough, buildings show graphical damage now at 40% health, there are new terrain types, vehicles now have an off road ability, and just a ton more features."

    40% HEALTH?

    NOW have an of road ability, umm, has that not always been the case? Maybe better modeld off road capability is better.

    I like this line:

    "...damn this game could really use a "fire on this target only and nothing else you dumb bastard" command."

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