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Posts posted by Wittmann

  1. I opened with the rockets at the far end of the map, and didn't advance until they'd fallen. The tanks moved , one down the middle, and one to the right flank. This one nailed both T34's. The left Pz IV provided support to the assault going in, and allowed the Russians to rout, driven further once the left flank recon group arrived. When the first re-enforcements, I brought up flamethrowers, well supported by infantry, and torched the buildings between the factory units....all that was left was the mopping up.

    Was it fun.....Hell, yeah!

  2. The Physics majors can help out here, but momentum before and after collision are the same.

    Assuming all energy is converted in the impact, it seems unlikley that a 30 pound shell at 2000 feet per second could bodily move a 15 to 20 ton turret. The explosive effect of a brew up seems much more likely.

    I'm not sure of the firewall layout of a T34 but I suspect it would be similar to a sherman, and we all know what fun Jerry had with those!

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