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Posts posted by Kingfish

  1. "Going to the Oasis" is the CMAK conversion of the original Alpha scenario, with modifications made to depict a desert-style battle.

    "Resolve at Ranville" is a conversion of Wild Bill's CMBO original under the same name.

    "Taurus over the Odon" is an old Franko classic converted to CMAK.

    All the ones that start with the 'TBC' prefix (The Brittany Campaign) are remakes of my CMBO originals.

    "Worthington Force" is a remake of the scenario under the same name. The author's name escapes me at the moment.

    All the above are found at the scenario depot.

    In addition, I have on my HD the following:

    49th Recce

    A Canadian Confrontation

    A Rock in the Flood


    August Bank Holiday

    Fire in the Pass*

    Le Plessis Grimoult


    Ramelle_Saving Private Ryan

    *-used map from 'Fire in the mountains' but added different forces

    BTW, "To the last man" is a conversion of Wild Bill's scenario, and is not "Last Defense".

  2. Does this happen with all of you?

    Yes, but there are tricks that help minimize this behavior. For instance, always screening your tanks with plenty of infantry (common sense) to deal with the pesky minor units that may distract your tank, leaving it to concentrate on the real threats.

    Are the designers aware of these issues?

    There is nothing the designer can do, as this is a game code issue.

    Can these be fixed?

    Not without a major overhaul of the codes, which at this point will never happen.

  3. Panzer_M 2.0,


    That's right in Kingfish's recent op design territory. You might ping him to see whether he's aware of this. I certainly wasn't. Compare the grisly British description with the paraphrased German translation at the original link regarding the fate of men who pop up close to the 251/16.

    That occured during the II SS Pz Corp's counterattack on the 29th. The scenario I am (still) working on covers the 10th HLI's attack two days earlier.

  4. Japanese medium tanks are comparable with U. S. light tanks. These were later identified as Model 2598 Ishikawajima Tankettes and Model 98 medium cruisers. 1st Mar Div Rpt, V, Int Annex N, 9.

    The above is a footnote from Guadacanal: The First Offensive by John Miller, Jr.

    I am having trouble finding info on the bolded tankette he refers to.

    Can anyone point me to an online reference that would detail the basic specs such as gun, armor, etc?

    Many thanks.

  5. Hi All,

    I am reading "Over the Battlefield: Operation Epsom", by Ian Daglish.

    I am enjoying this account of Epsom. It has lots of air recon photos (looking straight down at high noon), matched with "on the ground view" photos, with some matching maps.

    It looks like it could help out a scenario designer with units as well.

    It seems almost all the German counterattacks were hastily thrown together with whatever fresh units were arriving that day.

    I'm up to page 109, where it gives a description of the June 28 counter attack from the East (from Mouen towards Colleville).

    Two arriving infantry battalions from LiebStandarte were subordinated to 12-SS (with a lack of artillery liaison). A heavy weapons company provided support.

    There was a understrenth company of Pz-IV involved.

    For what it's worth,



    Any chance your book mentions the weather conditions during the morning of the 27th? I know rain was a problem throughout the Operation, but just want to be sure it was a factor for the morning attack by 10th HLI.

  6. Nope, that wasn’t it.

    I hate to give any spoilers but…..

    It as a smallish map divided down the middle by a river with a single bridge. I believe there was a house next to the bridge on both sides.

    It was at night.

    Forces started on both sides of the river and contact was made immediately.

    I believe it was Allied AB and Axis Heer.

    From then on in it was chaos.

    Every other turn each side would be reinforced at different locations on the map and not at all on the edge.

    You never knew which way to turn. All of a sudden there were enemy troops right in the middle chewing everything up until you routed and the next turn you would receive reinforcements yards away(but out of LOS in the dark) and re-overrun the position you were kicked out of.

    At one point the Axis received an armored car which seemed difficult to knock out until the Allies received armed jeeps where at night you could just run up right behind the armored car, ram it from behind and knock it out with the .50 cal.

    In one set of reinforcements the Allies received an AT gun only to find out several turns later the Axis received a MkIV.

    It was constant run, overrun and over overrun.

    It wasn’t terribly realistic but it was great stuff. :D

    I think I had eggs with Canadian bacon, toast and coffee for breakfast ;)

    Definetly Primasole bridge, or whatever the name given to the scenario that depicted that battle. I should know, I was a sub for the tournament and took over for a player that bailed out midway thru. I want to say it was the Invitational, but then again it could have been the not-so-superbowl. Definetly not ROW. I also remember a scenario that tried to depict the battle of Kasserine pass, at night no less, and one involving a town snowed in with Brit and German recon elements.

    Your mention of the Mark IV convinced me. In my game I was the Axis and the guy I took over left the tactical situation a complete F-up. Routed squads everywhere. Anyway, I kept in the fight, and mentioned to my opponent how surprised I was auto surrender didn't kick in, such was my situation. As it turns out the late arriving Mk IV was the reason, and why I went on to eek out a draw.

  7. OK, map is converted, forces chosen and deployed, scenario parameters set. All that is left is to do a "make-over" of the battlefield to more accurately depict the previous fighting, and of course the briefing, always my favorite part of scenario design >:(

    Be forewarned, just like the Op from which this map is derived, this is going to be one honkin' big scenario.

  8. I need someone to convert the CMAK map of "BCM-Operation Epsom" from an operation to a scenario. I already been granted permission from the author.

    You will need Pyewacket's map converter program v 1.29 and either CMBO or CMBB in addition to CMAK. Apparently you can not directly convert a CMAK Op to a CMAK scenario, you must first transfer it to one of the earlier games, then back to CMAK.

    Please e-mail the conversion to the address listed in my profile.


  9. 27 June, 1944

    British plan for 10 HLI and Churchill squadron from 7 RTR to seize bridges at Gavrus, but 0500 attack failed utterly, thanks to 4 x Mark IV from Captain Siegel's 8th SS Panzer Company, aided by Siebken's 2nd SS Panzer-Grenadiers and some 12th SS Pioneers positioned between Grainville and le Haut du Bosq and fire support from 1st and 2nd SS Panzer Artillery Battalions. British tank losses unknown, but two were left behind when the retreat came after 10 HLI sustained 112 casualties.

    Source: Reynolds, pp.160-161

    The battle for Gavrus is on hold while I design a large scenario depicting the above action. Thanks to John for the inspiration and the Devil's Adjutant for permission to use a portion of his excellent "BCM-Operation Epsom" map.

  10. Yes, that design bug has bitten again, only this time its the Normandy variety. So I'm thinking of converting my old CMBO "2 bridges too far" now that I have the excellent Geoportial website to help with the maps. What I need now is OOB info for the forces involved in the fighting around Gavrus during Op Epsom.

    I know the 2nd Bn, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders held the town and bridges, but what about the Germans? I am assuming II SS Pz Corp, but a breakdown would be appreciated.

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